60 minutes of play (20-30 minutes of breaks/recording games). Once I get another SoG (I've got 6+ unupped shards of both kinds) I'll play some more games and get my strategy down pat/tweak my deck, and post again with a solid 90 minute session. I''m going to play around with the number of dragons/immortals. Let me know what you think and what changes you'd make. With just two upgrades and one rare, this deck manages to win 50% of the time with 50% of those being EMs. Enjoy!
(more info after the jump...)
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My deck is type 3 - 2 upgraded cards and 1 rare. It would work without them, but I would probably have racked up at least 3+ more losses, and wouldn't have gotten
any EMs.
Basic strategy (developed while playing this session):
-build up as many creatures as reasonably possible before playing shields to maximize probability of being able to chain them for the remainder of the game. Play shards whenever possible except against half-bloods with steals/deflags. If you're low on health and are healing a good amount each turn, do the math. if you can win without playing more creatures, don't, try to heal up to get the EM.
-if the enemy plays spine/thorn carapace,
don't play any creatures. They will die within a few turns. Instead, wait until your opponent plays another shield in place of it. If necessary, hide behind shards/shields until it's safe for your creatures to come out and play.
Win/Elemental Mastery/Loss: 13/5/7
**at least 2 if not more of the games should have been EMs, but it took me a few games to get the hang of this deck.**
cards won: upgraded lightning bolt on the very first game, and unupped deja vu later.
coins (without selling cards): 805
aethial: elemental mastery. Upped lightning bolt.
aethrius: win
masiel: loss (momentumed+blessed massive dragon+titan second turn+lots of black holes
discord: loss (early discord)
pyrow: elemental mastery
shadal: loss (only drew two shields)
moral: elemental mastery
masrius: win (barely – lob saved me from chargers, but the early titan made it a close game)
chrow: only had one immortal for the first 10 turns. Won despite procrastination shield

masofuze: elemental mastery. Unupped graviton firemaster.
Chrchord: elemental mastery
lumcard: win
mascord: lost at the last second to butterfly effect on my shields
aricord: unstable gasses+fog shield robbed me off EM by 4 health >.<
chrrius: elemental mastery. Unupped Deja vu.
Massa: he got early gravity shield+titan. I got two early shards but only one shield (terrible luck). Loss.
Aritis: win with 99 health because he got arsenic out when I had no shields and did one poison damage.
Arieric: loss. NO shields or shards.
Masofuze: win (no elemental mastery b/c of titan
lumrius: win (no elemental mastery b/c of last-turn icebolt)
aquarius: lost with enemy at TWO health. Friggin' ice shield >.< nymph spam at the end did 100+ damage in one turn.