Ok now ive tested this deck for a bit (forgot to post the other post that way it might look wierd me trying to test this deck out in just a couple of seconds

anyways here it is
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vd 4vd 4ve 4ve 4ve 4ve 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vg 4vn 4vn 4vn 4vn 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 8pj
when i first started to play this game i rly started to fancy entropy cuz of its way to morph creatures and stuff. but then i was stuck on ai3 farming so switched out some cards and it turned out to be pretty effective.
it has about 50-60% winchance and very good sustain and even possible EMs
- Always save your Maxwells on ur hand until its rly needed unless u play against another Entropy or Death deck it will most likely be killed by their maxwells so make sure to put it out b4 they do, or it will be plagued and die from the death deck.. almost forgot about otyughs aswell.. bleh..
- Disipation shield is a rly nice lifesaving tool dont waste it and make sure u got a nice amount of stacked quanta b4 playing it so it wount interrupt u from casting other creatures/antimatter the next turn. best tool to reach an EM victory 1 is enough in my opinion since u wount use it frequently
- Antimatter needs to be well placed so dont place em on creatures with lower than 4 damage to make it effective, optimal placeing would be on a 10/x creature like dragons or other high creatures.
- Pretty good sustain with anti-matter so ur able to last more than 10 turns without dying (if the game takes that long)
- Antimatter makes the AI target his own creatures with CC instead of yours, if he does target ur creatures with rewind etc.. well thanks for the life

- easy to handle quantadenial decks thats why i have abominations in the deck instead of more dragons
- heavy hitting and decent speed.
- Possible to EM
- Procasination shield/turtleshield is pretty annoying it slows down the deck since this deck relys on attacks only without momentum
- When AI uses rewind/rod of divinity on his own creatures if antimattered its pretty much a waste of a good antimatter, always predict the targets of antimatter (Attackdmg and quantacost)
- skullshield is also one of my nemesis, its passable though it can be rly annoying just make sure to antimatter them bonedragons and it will be fine (hopefully)
This is what i reached the best in the game simulator for 20 games but thats mostly wishthinking

Wins: 18
Winrate: 90 %
Average TTW: 12.166666666666666
EMs: 3
EM rate: 16.666666666666668 %
Wins: 2
Winrate: 10 %
Average TTW: 16
EMs: 0
EM rate: 0 %