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Re: Newbs Help, Unupgraded Half Blood Farming Decks. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=41567.msg522659#msg522659
« Reply #36 on: July 17, 2012, 02:02:59 am »
Honestly I just threw in 6 dragons and 15-16 pillars. Then filled the rest with 1 weapon, shields and the required extra pillars. I didn't expect such results o.O
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Re: Newbs Help, Unupgraded Half Blood Farming Decks. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=41567.msg522668#msg522668
« Reply #37 on: July 17, 2012, 02:40:57 am »
I strongly recommend you to test any modifications first and post statistics.
Here is some statistics over 100 games, about your modifications and your decks.  :(
You only replace my in some of my deck's, quantum pillars for novas, WRONG!,
novas are a immediate boost for quanta, it's seems YOU are the one who can use some help.
Your Ideas are fine, but the balance is totally out of it.
It will be different though with towers, if is that what you meant?

Spoiler for Hidden:
DECK 1, Against AI 4,
Wins: 16
Winrate: 16 %
Average TTW: 20.125
EMs: 5
EM rate: 31.25 %

Wins: 84
Winrate: 84 %
Average TTW: 15.44047619047619
EMs: 34
EM rate: 40.476190476190474 %

DECK 2, Against AI 4,
Wins: 29
Winrate: 29 %
Average TTW: 17.379310344827587
EMs: 9
EM rate: 31.03448275862069 %

Wins: 71
Winrate: 71 %
Average TTW: 14.647887323943662
EMs: 4
EM rate: 5.633802816901408 %

DECK 3, Against AI 4,
Wins: 28
Winrate: 28 %
Average TTW: 14.464285714285714
EMs: 8
EM rate: 28.571428571428573 %

Wins: 72
Winrate: 72 %
Average TTW: 13.722222222222221
EMs: 19
EM rate: 26.38888888888889 %

--->>> I could go on, It's seems pointless.

Wins: 67
Winrate: 67 %
Average TTW: 16.059701492537314
EMs: 3
EM rate: 4.477611940298507 %

Wins: 33
Winrate: 33 %
Average TTW: 15.515151515151516
EMs: 2
EM rate: 6.0606060606060606 %

We already decided that WIZY mono Aether was the one with highest rate.

Spoiler for Hidden:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61t 61t 61t 61u 61v 61v 61v 61v 61v 61v 8pu

The other ones are just funny.

About my 5th deck, I look at it as one of my master pieces, so don't touch it. hahaha


Novae have two purposes.  One is to provide quick and spread-out quanta for shards(Zen) or a multitude of rushing rainbow creatures (antabow).  The other is to provide exact quanta so that one is not doomed by the inefficiency of quantum pillars (nova-chrysaora poisondial, UGdials).  Your decks are neither of these.  Combining large amounts of QP and novae results in an inefficient and bloated deck in most cases. 

One of the most important questions to ask of a deck is its purpose.  What are you trying to accomplish? What is your win condition, what synergies are you exploiting, why is your deck better than a random assortment of cards and quanta?  You have put this under 'edge', and yet none of your decks are rush decks or cheap exact combo decks.  Thus, novae are worse than quantum pillars in them.  Now, taking a look at the decks themselves:

D1) Use more dims.  It's a powerful card and you can't afford to only have four in a poison/dim deck. Otherwise this is a solid deck and has been for a while.

D2) This deck is not focused at all.  Mummy/RT is a decent synergy, but it's one that you have to build a deck around.  You simply won't have enough time quanta to try to exploit that.  Your deck is trying to be too many things at once - it has conflicting shields (dimensional/titanium), rushing creatures (lycan/pegasus), stallbreaker creatures (fire/forest/steam) and control creatures (parasite/oty).  This deck needs to be focused somehow, whether as a stallbreaker or as a control deck or as a rush.

D3) This deck is much more focused than D2.  That's good.  You've got killing creatures and death synergy, great!  However it seems like you're again being wishy-washy on shields, carrying 2 dims and a titanium.  Why not ditch them all for a few Bone Walls and more  control?  Change the mark from Time to Death and you'll find it fairly easy to bring out Bone Walls and Graveyards to execute your primary strategy.  Rain of Fire is also very pricey unupped, consider taking a Shockwave or Lightning instead to make it easier and quicker to dominate your opponent. 

D4) Another focused deck, great!  I do question the point of the Owl's Eye, Titanium and Enchant Artifact though.  Why not take those out and try to add another vampire/momentum/adrenaline/quintessence combination for better draw stability?

D5) Titanium shield is nice, but if it's destroyed before you can OTK the cells will destroy you.  Why not put in an Emerald shield?  That way you're protected from spells AND you don't have to worry about cells at all.  You aren't using life quanta at all, so it shouldn't strain you.

D6) This has got way, way too much Life quanta.  Pendulums would be a GREAT help here to improve draw stability.  One more FFQ would help, and also consider putting in an expensive light card or two (Miracle, Golden Dragone, Hope) to profit from the Light generation of the Fireflies.

Overall: Focus, replace novae for QP.  Try fiddling with eaglgenes's modifications, as they're close to what I am suggesting.

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Re: Newbs Help, Unupgraded Half Blood Farming Decks. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=41567.msg523959#msg523959
« Reply #38 on: July 21, 2012, 01:08:18 pm »
I spent a lot of time building this decks, Hope you will find them useful. Sometimes is not the idea of a deck that is wrong but the balance of it.
Balance between Defense - Attack, Quanta Produce - Quanta Consume, Potential elimination and protection, of creatures, Utilities, Permanents.
I test ALL!!! decks until I got 4 wins in a row against Half Bloods (AI Lvl 4) which I believe is pretty decent for an unupgraded deck. 


Edge: Poison damage is inflicted every turn combined with immaterial units for a strong attack.
Weakness: Since you don't have any healing process 1 hit and good bye EM.
Spoiler for Hidden:

Edge: Almost all elements quanta consumption is "4".
Weakness: Crimson Dragon.
Combo: Eternity+Mummy/pharaoh+scarab.
Spoiler for Hidden:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vh 4vh 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 52t 55r 58s 5c1 5c1 5f3 5f3 5ii 5lb 5oe 5rl 5rl 5ro 5un 5un 61t 8ps

Edge: Almost all your creatures have the ability to kill.
Weakness: Steal - Deflagration - Earthquake.
Combo 1: Kill + Skeleton + mutation + Empathic Bond
Combo 2: kill  + Skeleton + Reverse time + Empathic Bond.
Spoiler for Hidden:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vd 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vm 52n 52n 55r 58s 5c6 5f8 5ie 5rl 5rl 5ro 5un 5up 61t 61t 8ps

Edge: High Regeneration power.
Weakness: It takes some time to summon, but it will definitely give you some wins.
Test it 3 times before post it in, 3W - 0L, one of my old favorites, the one that took me out of the hole.
Combo: vamp + ephine +unst + quint.
Spoiler for Hidden:

Edge:1 Hit kill!
Weakness: Many but, when it works it works, got 5/5 Win lose ration Before posting it.
Hints: Before combo hopefully you already have enemies side of the field full with cells.
Enough quanta :death to summon 5 or more vultures, 5 is enough.((+-23 cells/creatures = 23 damage on vultures)*(5 vultures=115)*(2 skyblitz))
Combo: Vulture/condor <-- Fractal(summon), fire storm(1 or 2), sky blitz, chimera, liquid shadow.
Spoiler for Hidden:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vn 52k 52s 52s 52s 560 58s 58s 5f8 5f8 5op 5rl 5rl 622 8pk

Same old same old, but 40% effectiveness in xeno game simulator,
So I decided to add it, is not as good as the other ones, but gives you lots of EM.
Spoiler for Hidden:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5c3 5c4 5c6 5c6 5c6 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oj 5oj 5oj 5oj 5oj 5ol 5op 8pn

Good luck  :D

Crimson Dragon is a weakness? That's silly. Dragons can't be a weakness. Overcounting may be a weakness,crimson not.
If you gonna waste your time quanta on mumy,fair enough then.
Epi and Unst ? This deck shoulda help newbies. Not pros,believe me,many newbies don't know what's epi and unst.
The deck below has no LS.
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Re: Newbs Help, Unupgraded Half Blood Farming Decks. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=41567.msg523960#msg523960
« Reply #39 on: July 21, 2012, 01:27:37 pm »
Mummy RT combo has long been proven practical. It runs on Nova, and can even use the excess quanta on SoR. So yeah.
Where did it say it has to help newbs? Epi and Unst (common term is UG) is a widely used terms. Newbs should check Glossary should they meet unknown terms.

And don't quote the entire OP. It stretches the page.
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Re: Newbs Help, Unupgraded Half Blood Farming Decks. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=41567.msg523971#msg523971
« Reply #40 on: July 21, 2012, 02:55:30 pm »
Mummy RT combo has long been proven practical. It runs on Nova, and can even use the excess quanta on SoR. So yeah.
Where did it say it has to help newbs? Epi and Unst (common term is UG) is a widely used terms. Newbs should check Glossary should they meet unknown terms.

And don't quote the entire OP. It stretches the page.
Sorry for that.
It says on topic's name.
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Re: Newbs Help, Unupgraded Half Blood Farming Decks. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=41567.msg524043#msg524043
« Reply #41 on: July 21, 2012, 06:43:55 pm »
epi and unst, he/she means adrenaline and momentum
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Re: Newbs Help, Unupgraded Half Blood Farming Decks. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=41567.msg524047#msg524047
« Reply #42 on: July 21, 2012, 07:00:23 pm »
epi and unst, he/she means adrenaline and momentum
I know. We all know but newbs don't. As topic says HELP FOR Newbs,he/she shoulda write adre and moment
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Re: Newbs Help, Unupgraded Half Blood Farming Decks. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=41567.msg524066#msg524066
« Reply #43 on: July 21, 2012, 08:56:10 pm »

Wow, I didn't realize there were so many replies hehehe,  :P, Those are just a bunch of decks I used to use in the past, they work pretty well for me, I test them all in Xeno simulator, and they do pretty well for non-upgraded, I know crimson dragon is not a weakness I try to be just... Not too serious, It's a game after all, I know there is weaknesses in some of the decks, I will change them of course if you post some statistics with improved results, synergy for mummy is just a plus in deck number 2, my aim was to do  <=4 quanta for each element rush, works pretty well, but I need some regen process, and more PC control, I need to think about it, there is a deck post by WIZY which has a win/rate around 70%, which is pretty decent against HB, I promise I will try to do some improvements and change the decks, but as for now I'm working on a Full upgrade FG farmer.

Cheers to all. 
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Re: Newbs Help, Unupgraded Half Blood Farming Decks. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=41567.msg524089#msg524089
« Reply #44 on: July 21, 2012, 09:41:52 pm »

I updated the first deck, poison+aether duo for a average around 75% check it out, please understand that it takes me a lot of time to make some improvements in the decks, I try to inspire some Ideas!!, and card combos, I don't want to do all the work for ya! hahaha

I will keep you updated about other changes.
Please try this one first it works pretty well on Fake Gods as well.

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Re: Newbs Help, Unupgraded Half Blood Farming Decks. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=41567.msg524166#msg524166
« Reply #45 on: July 22, 2012, 04:27:46 am »
I spend all day improving 4 decks in the main page!, please take a look, some of them are over 70% efficiency, very good Win ratio,
one of them with 6 rares and 2 upgraded but works pretty well, a smaller version of the super vampires as well.

I'm trying to aim higher than 75% win ratio with non-upgraded, but is a nightmare!!, but I think this is as far as I go, 75% is high enough,
even with full upgraded ones, sometimes you don't get that high.

So please enjoy the decks.
Wait to see your replies.

frimax here/framza lol  ;)
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Re: Newbs Help, Unupgraded Half Blood Farming Decks. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=41567.msg524181#msg524181
« Reply #46 on: July 22, 2012, 05:55:51 am »
I bring bad news.
The reason the :aether decks got such winrate in the simulator is due to a bug related to dim shield.
The winrate of decks that contain dim shield is a lie :P
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Re: Newbs Help, Unupgraded Half Blood Farming Decks. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=41567.msg524190#msg524190
« Reply #47 on: July 22, 2012, 06:20:10 am »

lol don't worry WIZY,  :D
The other decks are still good.
mono light=72% win rate.
creature rush=68%
only duo aether+poison could be affected.

hope to hear news from xeno about it, to see the real data.
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