I have been playing Elements for a long while now, and have an account that's grinding FGs and silver/gold arena, introduced my friend into the game who had no clue about it (me and him are avid Magic The Gathering players), he learned it quickly because of his MTG experience, and started a new account to play along with him.
He picked Life (His jam in Magic is green, which is why he picked Life), and I picked Air because Mono Air was what I grinded my heart out with in Bronze.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
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I grinded Ai3 with this deck, took it from a tutorial thread that showed what to grind Ai3 with for each element, I did the same for my friend with mono Life.
The wall I ran into was.. what can I make, cheap and effective, to beat Half-Bloods with? I can't upgrade any cards, I have 1 Owl's Eye and 1 Miracle as my only rares, and I have NOT gotten my weapon reward as of yet. Any tips for this now newbie for Ai4?