The ones who started it all
Who will take home the final reward of being the best?
Let's just get this over with?Rules:- Each guild will submit 5 decks. These decks will face off in a last deck standing style finale.
- The 5 decks built by a Guild must COMBINED contain no more than 6 of any card. Unupped and Upped versions count as the same card.
- The five decks of a guild may not USE any element more than once, including Other.
- Elements' usage is defined as follows: An element is PRESENT if any non-pillar/pend/mark card of that element exists in a deck. An element is USED if 2 different non pillar/pend/mark cards appear in a deck. (For example, if the only earth cards in a deck are 6 antlions, Earth is present, but not used. If one antlion and one stone dragon appear in a deck, Earth is used in that deck.) The element Other is USED whenever three or more elements are present but not used, or whenever five or more elements are present or used.
- Each deck may contain up to 10 upgraded cards.
- Shards are allowed.
- Once all decks are submitted, the guilds will vs each other for round 1. 5 matches will be played, and each deck may only be used once.
- Battles will be a best-of-5.
- Decks may not be changed between games. Each match is played with a specific deck.
- Any member of the guild may play the deck assigned for a match
- At the end of a round, all losing decks are eliminated.
- A guild may select upto 6 cards from opponent's losing decks. Using these salvaged cards and the cards present in their winning decks, they may modify their decks as long as it all fits the above rules. Then guilds face off again using the modified winning decks.
- The championship is won when a guild has no decks left.
Game Rules:Desynch Error Symbol: Replay match with same deck and mark unless there was a clear winner at that point.
Disconnect: Provide winning screenshot, if you can't and your opponent can, you lose. You also have the option of claiming, with screenshots as evidence, that you would have won if the AI had not taken over. First talk to your opponent, then if necessary, the Event Organisers.
Lose Connection (power cut etc): The opponent should have the CPU take over, and they should play vs the CPU. If the opponent wins, the game is a loss for the person who lost connection. If the CPU wins, the game should be replayed with same deck and mark, unless the player who lost connection can prove that they'd win despite any series of draws from the opponent.
Didn't get into the game: Research with same deck and mark.
If it is obvious that a game will never end (e.g. if both players have zero net damage output -- where they can both heal off the damage done each turn easily -- and will never deck out, and both players have no means of breaking the stalemate), the result of that game is null and voided -- there is no winner and no loser for that game. If this happens again in the same match, then the rest of the match is voided.
If there is a disagreement on who actually won the challenge, players should state their case to one of the Guildmasters. Having a screenshot or other proof helps. It is recommended to take multiple screenshots, one for every turn, if playing vs the AI in case it is possible to showcase a clear win.
If two players agree on any ruling (replaying a disputed match, granting a win due to sportsmanship), that ruling will take priority over the above rules. Both players should use the blab chat in order to express their agreement in clear terms. If there is confusion regarding this agreement, please send screenshots to both Guildmasters for a final ruling.
Rewards and Advancement to Heat 3:Winner takes the title of Guild Champion for this season!
Time remaining for sending in Round 1 decks: No time left