It's kind of like the reverse of this ^Favor in court is a dear thing to Guildmates, and they need to perform many grueling tasks for it. Treasure Hunting, Tea Brewing, Assasinations - the list goes on. So it should be no surprise that the Guilds have all risen up to gain power through the courtier's favorite toy: the battle Arena.
Rules:This event will be styled similar to King of the Hill: at any point, there will be one champion Guild who has the favor and admiration of courtiers. The Guild with this favor will have 100 extra Guild Points as long as they are the champions. They will be open to challenges by other guilds.
- Challenges will be posted in this thread. The Champion Guild must accept the challenge within 3 days, or they will be stripped of Championship and receive a 10 point penalty.
- Challenges will operate on a first-come, first-serve basis. A guild may not challenge for the championship if they participated in the last challenge.
- A guild may post a challenge while that of another guild is in progress. In this case the Champions must respond within 3 days after all previous challenges have been completed.
- Once a challenge has been accepted, the two guilds have 10 days to decide on rules and play out their matches. Extensions may be granted if both guilds agree.
- There is no specific rules for challenges. They can be of any format, unrestricted, speedbuilding, even 2v2 or 3v3.
- Any rules for the match should be posted in this thread 24 hours before the duel is held.
- The challenge match format must require a minimum of 4 wins for a guild to become a victor. So a Best-of-5 is not allowed, but Best-of-7 and 3v3 Best-of-3 is.
- If there are no new challenges from any Guild for a week, one will be issued by the Guildmasters. This special challenge will increase the reward of the Champion's pot if successfully defended.
Spoiler for Challenge formats:
When deciding on the format for the Challenge, be sure to be clear about the following:
- Restrictions on Shards, Nymphs and Marks.
- Number of upgrades. Upgrades specified is always a maximum; a deck may have less upgrades than this maximum.
- Elemental restrictions. Consider banning other cards and defining rules for duo/trio usage if you place elemental restrictions.
- Bans on specific cards or groups of cards.
- Whether decks are fixed throughout the match (not recommended) or it can be changed after a game.
- Whether mark cards are treated as pillars, alchemy bans affect nymphs and any other specification.
- The number of matches to be played and the number of games per match. Be sure to define rules for substitutions.
Some example formats include:
Spoiler for Trials Final Battle:
The guilds agree on an element. The challenge is played following the rules for the final battle of that element, playing a best-of-9 duel to determine the victor:
Final Battle Ban RulesSpoiler for Ban Point Cost Table:
| 1st Even # Games | Extra Even # Games | 1st Odd # Games | Extra Odd # Games | 1st All-Game Ban | Extra All-Game Bans |
In-element cards | 4 points | 6 points | 5 points | 7 points | 9 points | 12 points |
Out-of-element cards | 2 point | 4 points | 3 points | 5 points | 5 points | 6 points |
’Other’ cards | 1 point | 1 point | 1 point | 1 points | 2 points | 4 points |
Pillars and Pendulums | Unbanable | Unbanable | Unbanable | Unbanable | Unbanable | Unbanable |
| - | - | - | - | 0 points (also 2nd) | 2 points |
- Game = a single game (1/9), Match is the best-of-nine (winner has to win 5 games)
- Each player is given 32 ban points he/she may use to ban cards.
- Both the unupped and upped version of a card will be banned. Please list your bans using the unupgraded card.
- Pillars, pendulums, and mark-cards cannot be banned. This includes quantum pillar.
- You can use the cards that you banned but not the cards your opponent banned, excluding shards.
- Banning a shard bans it for both you and the opponent.
- Per the above table, shard bans are only for ALL games (they cannot be banned just even or odd)
- The 1st and 2nd Shard Bans both cost 0 points.
- Banning a shard does not count as an elemental ban (IE, as a Trial of Aether participant you can ban Shard of Void for 0 points, then Parasite for 5 points).
- You can ban a card from being used in either an even (2,4,6,8) or odd number game(1,3,5,7,9).
- You may only "ban", "ban for odd numbered games", or "ban for even numbered games" once per card.
- For in-element cards you may either use full bans or ban for (even)/(odd) games.
- Banning an in-element card for all games invalidates any subsequent (even) or (odd) in-element bans.
- Banning an in-element card for (even) or (odd) games invalidates any subsequent (full) in-element bans
- If you choose to use (even)/(odd) bans on in-element cards, you may only have 2 such bans.
- Banning a nymph/alchemy card also bans the corresponding alchemy/nymph card for that element.
- This 'extra' ban does NOT cost ban points.
- The order you send in bans will determine what bans are illegal/legal
- This means if you use up too many ban points, they will be accepted in the order of the list (See example 3)
- This also means that if you make any two incompatible bans, the one higher in the list will be accepted and the other invalidated
- Banning cards from different off-elements does not incur the price increase. The price increase is for banning additional cards from the same off-element. (see example 4)
Shard Preference RulesEach player must PM the TrOs their preferred rule regarding Shards from the list below:
0. Shards Unrestricted (in terms of upgrades)
1. For each copy of a shard in your deck, you must use 1 less upgrade.
2. For each copy of a shard in your deck, you must use 2 less upgrade.
3. For each copy of a shard in your deck, you must use 3 less upgrade.
4. Shards banned
The shard preferences of both players will be averaged as per the number listed beside each preference (fractions will be rounded up). Examples:
Spoiler for Example#1:
Trials of

has STANDIN vs somepoorchump
STANDIN chose the shard preference: 4. Shards banned
somepoorchump chose the shard preference: 0. Shards Unrestricted
Since the average of 4 and 0 is 2, the shard rules for the Trials of

will be: 2. For each copy of a shard in your deck, you must use 2 less upgrade.
Final Battle Deckbuilding Rules- Deck may be of any size.
- You may use any mark.
- At least 50% (rounded up) of the cards in your deck have to be in-element.
- The rest of cards can be from any element, including 'Other'.
- 'Other' is considered off-element for all elements for deckbuilding (but the ban pricing is per the table)
- This means a 31-card deck must have 16 or more in-element cards. A 31-card deck with 15 in-element cards is illegal.
- Your deck cannot contain cards completely banned by your opponent (in any game).
- Your deck in even numbered games cannot contain cards that were banned for you in the even games of your match.
- Your deck in odd numbered games cannot contain cards that were banned for you in the odd games of your match.
- Banned shards cannot be used by either player in any game.
- Mark cards are cards of their respective elements.
- Maximum amount of upgraded cards is the number of points a player scored during Phases 1 through 3 + bonus points from War and Loyalty
- If reducing upgrades as per Shard rules makes you go below zero upgrades, you may NOT use another copy of a shard.
If none of these are to your liking, feel free to craft your own!
Game Rules:Desynch Error Symbol: Replay match with same deck and mark unless there was a clear winner at that point.
Disconnect: Provide winning screenshot, if you can't and your opponent can, you lose. You also have the option of claiming, with screenshots as evidence, that you would have won if the AI had not taken over. First talk to your opponent, then if necessary, the Event Organisers.
Lose Connection (power cut etc): The opponent should have the CPU take over, and they should play vs the CPU. If the opponent wins, the game is a loss for the person who lost connection. If the CPU wins, the game should be replayed with same deck and mark, unless the player who lost connection can prove that they'd win despite any series of draws from the opponent.
Didn't get into the game: Research with same deck and mark.
If it is obvious that a game will never end (e.g. if both players have zero net damage output -- where they can both heal off the damage done each turn easily -- and will never deck out, and both players have no means of breaking the stalemate), the result of that game is null and voided -- there is no winner and no loser for that game. Both players have the option of switching decks for the next game in the match.
If there is a disagreement on who actually won the challenge, players should state their case to one of the Guildmasters. Having a screenshot or other proof helps. It is recommended to take multiple screenshots, one for every turn, if playing vs the AI in case it is possible to showcase a clear win.
If two players agree on any ruling (replaying a disputed match, granting a win due to sportsmanship), that ruling will take priority over the above rules. Both players should use the blab chat in order to express their agreement in clear terms. If there is confusion regarding this agreement, please send screenshots to both Guildmasters for a final ruling.
Favors/Prizes:The guild that holds the championship at any point will have 100 extra points. These points are transferred if a challenger beats the champion.
Whenever a Champion guild successfully defends from a challenger, it will receive 10 permanent points. This will increase to 20 if they can defend 5 consecutive challenges, and 30 if they can defend 10.
If a Challenger successfully becomes champion, they will receive 10 points in addition to the championship pot.
The Current Champion:OtyUnity holds the favor of the court.