The rooms turn either Clockwise or Anticlockwise.
What determines this? The rooms are not labled. Is it our choice?
"This direction is constant for each room"
This could mean all the rooms turn the same direction, and we have to chose what direction that is.
This could mean we decide on a direction for each ROOM, and that room's direction can not be changed mid-maze.
It is your choice which way the rooms turn. You must try to find the configuration that offers the fastest solution.
The latter. The room's direction doesn't change mid-maze, but they may be different from room to room.
As soon as you change room, *every* room rotates, not only the one you entered. Is this correct?
And when you say "it would be best if you included detailed steps on how to solve the maze from any initial configuration." does that mean every configuration of rotation/placement of the current rooms in the grid you have drawn out, or does this mean *any* possible maze made of any possible rooms?
Yes, every room rotates.
From any possible maze made of any possible rooms (which have a solution).
Also, you must transmit a message back to your comrades telling them how to traverse the Maze. Knowing that the maze might very well change its initial configuration, it would be best if you included detailed steps on how to solve the maze from any initial configuration.
Does this mean that ALL guildmembers must traverse the maze? If yes, then make sure that you make this number the same for every guild, even if e.g a guild only has 1 participating player.
Also specify if a gate can be entered only by one member at a time or if the members can move together, effectively becoming one member themselves.
That's simply there for flavor. You solve the maze as if one member passes from Top Left to bottom right corner, and pretend that the instructions he sends back allow people to traverse the Maze as they want.
it would be best if you included detailed steps on how to solve the maze from any initial configuration.
There are 200.000+ different possible initial configurations of this maze if we account the 4 rotated states of each room. Please limit this task only to the part where all guildmembers must pass the same maze.
That's the reason this is sudden death. Instead of brute-forcing your way through my easy maze, I'm asking you guys to find an elegant solution on how to solve mazes of this kind.
This maze could also be used to stop those thieving scum back town from breaking into your Guild! Send a message back to your guildmates on how to create such a grid. You also have to construct one yourself, making it as complex (or have as few solutions) as possible, but it must fit on a 9x9 grid like the one shown above.
Are these 2 tasks or only one? The tasks look the same to me, but you tell them like 2 different things.
Please specify whether players can customize they own maze with their own rooms, can only move and rotate existing rooms, can only move rooms without rotating them or other. If they can customize their own rooms, please prevent creating rooms like these:
These are two separate tasks. You write how a good maze can be constructed, and then construct an example maze of your own.
The difficulty of solving your created maze in the 2nd tiebreaker, so that discourages you from making it basic like that. Also, note that the Mazes must be built into a 9x9 grid (aka the immovable walls will from the 3x3 and the other walls must be lines of the 9x9 grid)
The way I see it (but I may be wrong), is that this is supposed to be a 'math problem'.
No, you do not have to give the solution for each possible variation of the maze.
Instead, you need to give how to get a solution for a similar maze.
As for the own mazes, I think you need to stick to the same format of 9 rooms, 81 slots.
However, I'd like to have it more clear what counts as 'complex'.
This is correct.
Complex refers to how difficult it is to solve.
Does entering the maze count as a step? Do the rooms rotate when you enter the first room?
Also, when we make this "general solution" which would describe how to traverse any maze, should this algorithm be focused on giving the simplest steps to follow to eventually get out, or to get out as fast as possible?
The simplest steps to follow is what you should be aiming for, but if your algorithm can find the fastest way out that'll be better than a normal solution (aka, fastest solution possible is a huge bonus, but aim for simplicity)
I hope that answers all questions! I'll extend deadline for one day due to my delay.