We are proud to announce the start of GvG, Guild vs Guild pvp!
So far, guilds have been taking it pretty slow. But not anymore! Guildmasters are currently working on a system which will allow guilds to challenge each other for guild point. Meanwhile, we will kick off GvG with a tournament following one of the multiplayer systems designed for GvG!
Rules:1. This tournament will follow the 2v2 format. Rules for the format may be found here.
2. Each guild may form up to two teams of two players each. The roster of the teams of each guild should be posted here within seven days of of this post.
3. The teams will be seeded into a single elimination tournament. The two teams of a guild will be seeded into opposite sides of the bracket.
4. Each deck may use up to 6 upgrades. Aside from this, there are no restrictions on deckbuilding.
5. The two teams of a guild may cooperate with each other and other guild members regarding strategy and deckbuilding freely.
6. In case of a tie in the no. of games won, either player from each team will play one final match using either deck. The winner of this Bo1 wins that round.
Teams:AbomiNation 1: iancudorinmarian, Discord
AbomiNation 2: qwerter, Skylasa
Graveyards 1: dracomageat, rob77dp
Rainbros 1: mrpaper, Puff
Rainbros 2: RootRanger, trashduke
Thunderbolt 1: Ginyu, willng3
Thunderbolt 2: SpikeSpiegel, hainkarga
Bunchie Peace Embassy 1: Jenkar | MeowMeowCat
Bunchie Peace Embassy 2: kirbylover314 | AD Storm Bolt
OtyUnity 1: jonathancrazyj | Physsion
OtyUnity 2: worldwideweb3 | dragtom
Bracket:http://challonge.com/vs4ygh81Time left for matches:
None at all!