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Messages - zse (568)

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Deck Help / Re: Any suggestions for my Mono-Life Rush Deck?
« on: September 24, 2010, 10:36:02 am »
What level are you using this?
In AI3 I used this:
10 Life Tower/Pendulum.
6+6 Frogs/Roosters.
2 Long Swords, 1 Scorpion, 1 Nymph, 4 Heal.

Now I have 2 Nymphs, so I took out Scorpion.

Crucible Archive / Re: Dragon Egg | Ancient Dragon Egg
« on: September 23, 2010, 10:20:22 am »
umm way too complicated much? how about an egg that has a 25% chance each turn of hatching into a dragon of your mark? or has a cost to hatch into a dragon of your mark?
Good ideas, but they aren't exactly in a same page with the original idea I'm trying to accomplish here: I want to introduce a mechanism that makes some situational cards more usable, when they traditionally have had the potentiality of becoming "dead cards in hand". For example Rage Potion is a great boost/creature control. But if you use mono- :fire deck without Lava G.s, that card becomes only creature control. This new "Dragon Egg mechanism" would now give new alternative use for that card.

or hatches into a dragon of your mark whenever targeted with a spell? or even when targeted with an effect of any kind turns into a dragon of that element?
That is pretty close what I've tried to do here. The only difference is that I came to a conclusion that if damage cards (Lightning, Rain of Fire, etc) would also give you "free Dragon" it would be OP; and like discussed earlier that would make Pandemonium combo way too powerful.

the version you have here would never be implemented
Yes, you're probably right. I've also seen the cards that have made to the game - Phoenix & Voodoo Doll. The original ideas for those cards weren't actually that close to the final cards, so I'm sure that this idea would also be adjusted and tweaked a lot if it ever goes that far. For now I'm just happy that this idea of mine has been noticed by some forum members, and hopefully I'm able to get this to Crucible soon. After that we'll see what happens.
I got yet another idea for solving the problems SnoWeb and Hyroen pointed out (inhomogeneous costs with different spells, and "too easy way" to get Dragon on turn 1):
I had originally idea that the ability was passive (like in Mummy), but what if the passive ability would give this Dragon Egg active Hatch ability (like in Fate Egg) when it gets targeted. The active ability wouldn't be usable on the turn when Dragon Egg was played, so you would be able to attack earliest on the next turn (problem Hyroen pointed). The activation cost that would be needed to actually get the Dragon hatched from the Egg could be adjusted according to the cost of the targeted spell/ability used (problem pointed by SnoWeb). I hope you get the idea, even if I couldn't write it down more understandable.

*edit *
I just posted this to Crucible Candidates list. *keeps fingers crossed*

Crucible Archive / Re: Dragon Egg | Ancient Dragon Egg
« on: September 22, 2010, 11:03:54 pm »
this can be sum serious OP i think.............
this + fractal + pandemonium............
idk what effects pandemonium has but yea...
pretty sure it has reverse time at least........... you can summon hoards of different dragons easily....
Pandemonium inflicts one of the following effects:
Fire bolt, Ice bolt, Shockwave, Drain Life, Lightning, Infection, Freeze, Gravity Pull, Reverse Time, Sniper, Lobotomize, Parallel Universe (where Dead Egg, Dragon, undecided)
Also note that currently Gravity Pull generates Chimera, and that would eat all other creatures, including the Eggs that haven't been affected by Pandemonium yet.

I did actually think about this potential combo earlier, and then I came to the conclusion that the relatively high costs (6 & 7) should make other fractal targets more appealing for deck-builders.
I love this idea.  I thought about the effects you still haven't been able to factor in yet, and I might have some suggestions.

Web:  Turns into a mummy (strange, but it was really the only thing that fit).
Angel:  This is pretty similar to Holy Light so I'd say Light Dragon
Lobo/mindflayer:  Maybe a fate egg for humor?
Hmmm... don't know about those. I personally like the option "that does nothing to the egg" better. But I'm ready to change my mind if you or someone else gives good reasoning for changes.
Well if the opponent kills it, doesn't it still make a dragon?
No, dead Eggs are just dead. No free dragons from those.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Can Haz Moar Drawz? (FG Rainbow Reloaded - 1.24-1.25)
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:59:53 pm »
okay this deck pretty good. Not as good as CCYB since divine glory and seism are absolutely impossible. I did some change +1 blue nymph, +1 quint +1mingate +1QT +1permafrost.
I've beaten Seism with this. You need some luck to get Protect on Towers, but if you do get that, you should be just fine.

Back in the 1.24's I played total of 400 games with Hope-RoL getting ~50% wins.
Now repeat those 400 games with my version and say it again. You probably didn't notice but this version has NO SoG in the deck, so the chance to win against Morte, scorpio, and many others is significantly lower. This version probably gets around 40% at most if you play every god including the ones that should be skipped.

I know that Rol/Hope can beat every god except octane with a different deck build, but that's not the point of farming false gods. If you want the best possible electrum/hour, you MUST skip the gods listed. There is no reason to play against gods that give you a less than 50% win rate if you are going for the electrum, and this is especially true if that'd mean adding more cards to the deck that further slows it down (Shard of Gratitude) to actually get that near 50% win rate.

My point was that even if adding 4x SoG to Hope/RoL deck makes it a bit slower - average game takes 4,5 min instead of 4 min - the boost for win% makes it really worth it, for me at least. I think that with the little slower version you'd actually win more electrum/hour due to 2 facts: 1) more HP when you win means more electrum; 2) better win% means more wins and less electrum lost on skipping. But these things are just our opinions and preferences on different styles, I think neither one of us has it 100% correct here. Only one thing is certain - this topic is great and I thank you Seravy for starting it.

Crucible Archive / Re: Dragon Egg | Ancient Dragon Egg
« on: September 22, 2010, 07:30:50 pm »
With this card and nova, summoning a dragon in the first turn has never been easier.  :))
Totally true, but Nova+This Card+Something to target This Card = 3 card combo. Not that it would be hard combo to do, but it still takes 3 cards to get 1 creature. Do you think it would be OP? Do you have suggestions how to make it less powerful?

I've been toying with an idea of having 1 turn delay before the egg hatches. The Egg would remain 0/1, but opponent would then know that if it's not killed this turn, it'll be attacking as a dragon next turn. What do you think of that idea?

Crucible Archive / Re: Dragon Egg | Ancient Dragon Egg
« on: September 22, 2010, 07:06:42 pm »
I like the Idea but I have some remarks/questions/suggestions:

- The cost are really inhomogeneous from one dragon to the other (antimatter cost 6 :entropy and momentum 1 :gravity)
Life just isn't always fair, deal with it. :P I don't think that's really a problem since if you have those "better" high-cost cards you can use em the way they are meant to be used. But if we want to make this fair for everyone, some quanta-drain could be added to the effect - ability drains 5-[the cost of spell] quanta etc. Keep suggestions coming, if you have any other idea for it.
- Owl eyes ability is not a spell but an arrow for me it does not fit IMO.
The ability is called "sniper" (who are pretty accurate where they aim), so that made me think it could work. Rethinking it made me ask for better suggestions for getting :air Dragon.  ::)
- What about :air shock wave,  :air thunderstorm, :water nymph tears,  :aether twin universe,  :aether fractal, :light luciferin, :fire fire bolt, :water ice bolt,  :darkness drainlife, :entropy chaos power,  :entropy pandemonium,  :gravity chimera, :fire rain of fire and :aether lightning?
Most of them added. Pandemonium generates copies of different abilities that are already mentioned. Nymph tears can't target creatures.
- what about giving the egg an ability: for 3 quanta turns a pillar into the corresponding dragon?
- what about creating a specific evolve spell from each element?
Interesting ideas. Why don't you take the credit for them and post those in new topic(s).
good luck

Crucible Archive / Dragon Egg | Ancient Dragon Egg
« on: September 22, 2010, 12:34:48 pm »
Dragon Egg
That Dragon Egg looks like it's about to hatch.
Ancient Dragon Egg
That Ancient Dragon Egg looks like it's about to hatch.
This card does practically nothing alone, but when it gets targeted by a spell or abilities it can turn to some dragon creature. Basically the idea is the same as in Mummy. Dragon Egg turns to unupped versions, and Ancient Dragon Egg turns to upped versions.
Targeted with Active Ability
on Creature or Permanent
Name of Ability, or SpellEgg Turns to
:aether Nymph / AnubisQuintessence:aether Dragon
Owl's EyeSniper:air Dragon
ToadfishInflate:air Dragon
:darkness NymphLiquid Shadow:darkness Dragon
Parasite/VirusInfection/Infect:death Dragon
:death NymphAflatoxin:death Dragon
:earth NymphBasilisk Blood:earth Dragon
Plate Armor:earth Dragon
Chaos Power:entropy Dragon
:entropy NymphAntimatter:entropy Dragon
:fire NymphRage Potion:fire Dragon
Momentum:gravity Dragon
:life NymphAdrenaline:life Dragon
Holy Light:light Dragon
Blessing:light Dragon
EternityReverse Time:time Dragon
Arctic SquidFreeze:water Dragon
SpecialsName of Ability, or SpellSpecial Effect, if any
Butterfly EffectEgg turns to Dragonfly with Butterfly ability
Gravity PullEgg turns to Chimera
Fallen ElfMutationRandom Dragon, Dragonfly, Chimera, or Dragon Egg
:light NymphLuciferinNothing special, 0/1 Egg has now bioluminescence
and it's original ability.
Chaos Seed/PandemoniumRandom effect:
Freeze, Reverse Time, Sniper,
Gravity Pull, Lobotomize, Parallel Universe,
Fire bolt, Ice bolt, Shockwave, Drain Life,
Lightning, Infection.
Flesh Spider/Phase Spider/
Guardian Angel
Lobotomizer/Mind FlayerLobotomizeNothing special, removes any active abilities.
Parallel Universe
Nothing special, just more eggs.
Killed bySpecial Effect, if any
Otyugh / Scrab+1/+3 to Otyugh / Scrab for nutritional meal. Egg dies.
ImmolationNothing special, you'll get just the normal quanta. Egg dies.
Plague / Retrovirus / Fire Bolt / Ice Bolt / Rain of Fire / Thunderstorm / Unstable Gas / Shockwave / Drain Life / Lightning / Chimera / CatapultNothing special. Egg dies.
SERIES: [/color][/b]
***Insert series name and link to series page (if any)***
* edit *
More abilities / creature affecting spells added. The list should be now complete. Note that when the un-upped & upped cards have same effect, the un-upped version is only listed.

* edit2 *
Poll added:
1. Mymmy style
Targeting Dragon Egg should turn to Dragon right away, like Mummy. Who cares if turn 1 Dragon is powerful.

2. Modified Graboid / Mummy style
Targeting Dragon Egg should turn to Dragon right away, like Mummy, but Dragon Egg comes into game Burrowed, like Graboid, and then Unburrows automatically at the end of turn. The opponent can target the Egg 1 turn before you get the opportunity to turn it to Dragon.

3 Fate Egg style
Targeting Dragon Egg should give it active ability Hatch, like Fate Egg. You have to wait at least 1 turn before you can activate it and get the Dragon.

* edit3 *
Poll closed
1. Mymmy style it is.

General Discussion / Re: Careless mistake
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:27:11 am »
I've done that many times after changing my deck. Especially after Oracle has told next FG, and I've changed to some "special deck". For example Hope/RoL with :entropy Mark isn't the best way to go into battle with Seism. :D

Trio & Quartet / Re: Da Most Random Semi-Speed Semi-EM Deck Eva!
« on: September 21, 2010, 07:37:37 pm »
Have you tried using SoR? With those you'd be able to use good abilities more than by using the small amount of quanta you get from novas.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: False God Change
« on: September 21, 2010, 10:58:15 am »
Isn't Incarnate's :poison only powered by his mark? o.o
Incarnate - Mark 3x :death

So Incarnate actually has more cards from :darkness than :death. Didn't realize that before. :-[ But anyway, for me the :death cards and the ability of Bloodsucker (needs :death) are "more defining" for Incarnate than the ones from :darkness.

Buff This Card! / Re: Thunderstorm | Lightning Storm
« on: September 21, 2010, 08:12:58 am »
Change it. It should deal 2 damage to every Airborne creature and 1 damage to all else.
I voted that. I also like the idea of "fry the wings of airborne creatures" by harry 959, but I'd change that just a little bit. I think it shouldn't automatically take airborne ability away, but instead there could be a certain chance for that to happen on each creature - maybe 50%, or some another number.

PS. Doesn't the wordings every Airborne creature and all else change it so that creatures from both sides are affected, and not just the enemy creatures like it used to be. I'd still vote for that, but I just wanted to make sure whether you did actually mean that it would be changed to unupped-Pandemonium-style effect.

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