Archived Decks / Re: DoSA - Fractal Retrovirus (FG grinder 1.26)
« on: December 28, 2010, 08:15:23 am »I'm having terrible, terrible results with this deck. It's incredibly fun when it works, however. I feel as if I'd doing something wrong.Seems to me that your bad results is due to facing a lot really-hard & impossible FGs, bad luck, and playing errors. I actually still find myself doing those loss causing playing errors even after playing at least 100 games with this deck. Like BatCountry said, this is pretty tricky to play. ???
Using DoSA v.1.1 (fully upped), my first 20 games:
Game 1 - Morte (lost) - Could not overcome his bone wall.
Game 2 - Morte (skipped)
Game 3 - Dark Matter (skipped)
Game 4 - Gemini (lost) - He played lobo first round.
Game 5 - Ferox (lost) - Successfully rushed me before I drew a bone wall.
Game 6 - Seism (lost) - Only drew one retrovirus. He rushed easily through the one bone wall that I drew.
Game 7 - Graviton (lost) - Exploded my lobo/shards. Killed without drawing a single bone wall.
Game 8 - Graviton (lost ) - Variation on the above.
Game 9 - Elidnis - (EM win)
Game 10 - Ocatine (lost) Firewall kills retrovirii instantly. Unstable gas ignores bone shield. Yay?
Game 11 - Incarnate (win) - He got me to 1 hp by turn 3 but he never played bone wall so I had a come-back win.
Game 12 - Dreacm Catcher (lost) - Black hole + destroy + discord = fun fun fun! 1 death quanta per round is not enough to get anything out (and his CC kills any retrovirii anyway).
Game 13 - Gemini (lost) - He played lobo 2nd round and killed me before I could fractal a virus.
Game 14 - Miracle (lost) - Goofed up and made a retarded mis-click which cost me the game. I would have won this one.
Game 15 - Seism (lost) - Killed before I drew a single bone wall.
Game 16 - Miracle (lost) - Rushed with blessed dragon and killed before I could play bone wall.
Game 17 - Graviton (lost) Repeat of previous matches.
Game 18 - Rainbow (lost) - He killed me before I drew a single soul catcher. Yes, you read that correctly.
Game 19 - Eternal Pheonix (lost) - He killed me before I drew a bone wall.
Game 20 - Scorpio (lost) - Multiple early ulitharid's meant that I only ever successfully used one virus. I DID have four fractals in my hand after six turns. Yay!
I wouldn't call this an FG "grinder" quite yet. Thanks for posting, though. Very, very fun on the few occasions that it worked. I found I was either starved for death quanta or simple unable to get a bone wall into my hand. I'm hoping that this can be turned into a more consistent winner.
I haven't collected stats for this deck yet, but I roughly categorize FGs as follows:
Easy (if they don't rush you first): Chaos Lord, Destiny, Elidnis, Eternal Phoenix, Ferox, Fire Queen, Miracle, Neptune, Paradox (9)
Medium Hard: Divine Glory, Dream Catcher, Graviton, Osiris, Scorpio, Seism (6)
Possible (if you have enough luck): Dark Matter, Gemini, Hermes, Incarnate, Obliterator, Rainbow (6)
Impossible: Decay, Morte, Octane (3)
I believe I have won some 40% of games with this (gut feeling no stats collected), so it's not the best deck ever made but not the worst either.