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Messages - zse (568)

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Archived Decks / Re: DoSA - Fractal Retrovirus (FG grinder 1.26)
« on: December 28, 2010, 08:15:23 am »
I'm having terrible, terrible results with this deck. It's incredibly fun when it works, however. I feel as if I'd doing something wrong.
Using DoSA v.1.1 (fully upped), my first 20 games:

Game 1 - Morte (lost) - Could not overcome his bone wall.
Game 2 - Morte (skipped)
Game 3 - Dark Matter (skipped)
Game 4 - Gemini (lost) - He played lobo first round.
Game 5 - Ferox (lost) - Successfully rushed me before I drew a bone wall.
Game 6 - Seism (lost) - Only drew one retrovirus. He rushed easily through the one bone wall that I drew.
Game 7 - Graviton (lost) - Exploded my lobo/shards. Killed without drawing a single bone wall.
Game 8 - Graviton (lost ) - Variation on the above.
Game 9 - Elidnis - (EM win)
Game 10 - Ocatine (lost) Firewall kills retrovirii instantly. Unstable gas ignores bone shield. Yay?
Game 11 - Incarnate (win) - He got me to 1 hp by turn 3 but he never played bone wall so I had a come-back win.
Game 12 - Dreacm Catcher (lost) - Black hole + destroy + discord = fun fun fun! 1 death quanta per round is not enough to get anything out (and his CC kills any retrovirii anyway).
Game 13 - Gemini (lost) - He played lobo 2nd round and killed me before I could fractal a virus.
Game 14 - Miracle (lost) - Goofed up and made a retarded mis-click which cost me the game. I would have won this one.
Game 15 - Seism (lost) - Killed before I drew a single bone wall.
Game 16 - Miracle (lost) - Rushed with blessed dragon and killed before I could play bone wall.
Game 17 - Graviton (lost) Repeat of previous matches.
Game 18 - Rainbow (lost) - He killed me before I drew a single soul catcher. Yes, you read that correctly.
Game 19 - Eternal Pheonix (lost) - He killed me before I drew a bone wall.
Game 20 - Scorpio (lost) - Multiple early ulitharid's meant that I only ever successfully used one virus. I DID have four fractals in my hand after six turns. Yay!
I wouldn't call this an FG "grinder" quite yet. Thanks for posting, though. Very, very fun on the few occasions that it worked. I found I was either starved for death quanta or simple unable to get a bone wall into my hand. I'm hoping that this can be turned into a more consistent winner.
Seems to me that your bad results is due to facing a lot really-hard & impossible FGs, bad luck, and playing errors. I actually still find myself doing those loss causing playing errors even after playing at least 100 games with this deck. Like BatCountry said, this is pretty tricky to play. ???

I haven't collected stats for this deck yet, but I roughly categorize FGs as follows:
Easy (if they don't rush you first): Chaos Lord, Destiny, Elidnis,  Eternal Phoenix, Ferox, Fire Queen, Miracle, Neptune, Paradox (9)
Medium Hard: Divine Glory, Dream Catcher,  Graviton, Osiris, Scorpio, Seism (6)
Possible (if you have enough luck): Dark Matter, Gemini, Hermes, Incarnate, Obliterator, Rainbow (6)
Impossible: Decay, Morte, Octane (3)
I believe I have won some 40% of games with this (gut feeling no stats collected), so it's not the best deck ever made but not the worst either.

Rainbow Decks / Re: The Charge of the Light Brigade(1.26 FG Killer)
« on: December 27, 2010, 05:42:33 pm »
Great deck, but I still found some things to tweak for my style:
-VDagger +SoG
-RoL +Mindgate
-Silence +2nd Eternity
-AW +Aflatoxin+Spine Carapace
Code: [Select]
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 71c 77f 7aj 7ak 7gp 7gp 7k5 7k5 7k5 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q8 7q8 80h 80h 80h 80j

Duo-Decks / Re: RoL/Hope - wait, where's the Fractal?
« on: December 27, 2010, 11:37:55 am »
Interesting concept. Maybe not as efficient than the original, but like you said, wins more often against some FGs and loses more to some others... Next time Oracle says Ferox, I'll might try this.
6 Wind Pillars to give you enough :air ... thinking of adding moar.
Think Damselflies also. You can now have max 17 creatures, leaving 6 slots empty.

Buff This Card! / Re: Skull Shield | Skull Buckler
« on: December 26, 2010, 08:39:25 pm »
It could generate a Malignant Cell/Skeleton for each 1 damage absorbed by it.
It would be better if you could choose whether to have it or not.

Maybe additional triggered active ability
:death: Generate Skeleton.
 :death :death: The target :death creature gains +3/+3.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Cerberus: Dune Scorpion Raibow FG Killer
« on: December 26, 2010, 08:09:22 pm »
I didn't test this, but it seems like you're using much more :gravity & :time than any other element. Solution: take out some Quantum Towers, 2-4 should be enough but you need to test what you like most, and then throw in same amount of :gravity Pendulums. That way you can activate Oty, Pulvy, Hourglass, and Eternity more often. Another way to make element usage more even is to replace Pulvy with Butterfly Effect.

False Gods / Re: Here are the decks of the actual False Gods:
« on: December 25, 2010, 11:23:03 pm »
100 % positive that Osiris has at least 2 Catapult | Trebuchet. Didnt see which one exactly but I assume Trebuchet as its the upped version. This was as of 0700 EST today.
Osiris starts with 64 cards (it had 60 before) and I've seen it having 3 Trebuchet out.

Archived Decks / Re: DoSA - Fractal Retrovirus (FG grinder 1.26)
« on: December 25, 2010, 09:04:17 pm »
call me crazy  :P but what if - a bone wall for a phase shield, and added 6 upped sundials.
-1 Bone Wall or all of them?

If you took all out, return at least some. Why? Bone Wall has highest priority for permanent control on FGs, so they'll use pc multiple times against walls before all of 'em are destroyed. Playing 1 Bone Wall is usually enough for the rest of the game, while having Phase Shield with Sundials give you protection for 9 turns if none are destroyed. Thats not enough for a deck that usually wins on turns 20-25 (at least that's how my 35 card version wins in my hands).

Not having Bone Walls makes many FGs harder or impossible: Destiny (Eternity stall), Divine Glory (Explosion), Dream Cather (Discord not stopped with sundial), Eternal Phoenix (gets totally destroyed with Rvs & Wall), Obliterator (Pulvy).

General Discussion / Re: Anyone still challenging the FGs?
« on: December 23, 2010, 09:20:58 pm »
also asking why none of the new cards are good enough to use in these *FG grinding* decks (are they poorly designed, or do we not realize how useful they are)
At least Soul Catcher, Crusader, Silence, Sky Blitz, and Catapult (=5/7) are strong enough for being staple cards in FG or HB grinding decks. Problem is not on those cards if you can't see what potential they have.

Aether / Re: Silence
« on: December 23, 2010, 01:54:11 pm »
I think that this card is way over powered. 6xphasesheild, 6xsilence, 6x spiders, 12xpillars, is pretty much an instant win, stopping attacks for 24 turns..
If you replace 6xsilence, with 6xsundial, then you'd be correct. Getting 6 turns of attacks stopped with this would mean you'd have to draw all those within first 5 turns.

The biggest problem I could see with this card is using it in control deck, for example:
1 Malignant Cell * 5 Silence = 1 M.C *2*2*2*2*2 = 32 Malignant Cells > 23 creature slots  :-X

Archived Decks / Re: DoSA - Fractal Retrovirus (FG grinder 1.26)
« on: December 23, 2010, 01:04:17 pm »
good deck and all but it's really gonna be alot more successful with ball lightnings so you can get a fast dragon rush, i know this defeats the point of it having cc but it would be alot faster.
even with a handful of dragons somehow getting played early, they would still have to be on the field for a few turns. the FG will cc them before they do their job. The retro's work out well to absorb some of that, while slowly building your wall and quantum ftw. Ball lightning in this sort of deck would be great for pvp.
Exactly what lokiburn4 said. I believe it would be impossible to rush for 200 damage before FG deals 100. If you don't use Retros for cc, your Bone Walls won't protect you long enough. Getting added Walls and quanta also from dying creatures FG had is one crucial part of strategy in this deck.

Solar Shield for alternative :light generation & protection. Or is the cost 3 :light too much?

I had an idea of making HB grinding deck based on Crusader + Eternity. Basically that deck would look much like this, with :darkness changed to :time. At least before 1.26 using Eternity to prevent HB for drawing new cards was pretty strong strategy. I don't think bigger number of upped cards on HBs has much effect on that. Problem is that now I just don't have the time to test that deck concept.

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