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Messages - zse (568)

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Buff This Card! / Re: Remake Dirk! (not Dagger) - poll added
« on: January 19, 2011, 12:04:08 pm »
Poll modified a bit - Nerf ? option added. ::)
Subject name also changed to more catching one.

Forum Archive / Re: Stop making farms.
« on: January 19, 2011, 06:26:17 am »
Lol.....zse, I hate your bites  ^-^
Oh, thank you lukce. Lucky for you I haven't had time to build any good T50 Harms on past couple of weeks, so I've kept my newest FG grinder online instead. Hope you like that as well.

Competitions / Re: False God Competition: Forbidden Romance
« on: January 18, 2011, 10:40:28 pm »
Code: [Select]
74a 74a 74a 74a 74a 74b 74b 74b 74c 74c 7dl 7dl 7do 7do 7do 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7mu 7mu 7mu 7mu 7mu 7n4 7n4 7n4 7n4 7n4 7n4Gravity and Air. One of the most unlikely pairs, almost as if they only had opposite attributes. Yet there's some unexpected sparkle between them and it pulls them together, towards a common goal. Can you see it too?,20057

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: MUST HAVE thing
« on: January 18, 2011, 07:49:22 pm »
Good idea. I so want to stop losing games after changing deck code. :-[

Archived Decks / Re: DoSA - Fractal Retrovirus (FG grinder 1.26)
« on: January 18, 2011, 06:05:40 pm »
ppl do have similar ideas and similar solutions for decks alot.
no reason to get personal.
Well said hrmmm. There's just no reason to use proverbs that can be understood as a belittling comment. Instead try this next time ;)
Thats the exact same as my version lover except you took out a condor.... great minds think alike!
Then about that version Lovers posted. Yes, I believe that will work really really well. After testing some 10 games with Ff's deck (your version -1 tower +1 condor +1 catcher), I believe having 6 Catchers and Condor might be good for the deck. 3 finishing cards with little variation is nice, and 6 catchers help drawing 2-3 of 'em faster. But all in all, those are just minor final tweaks, and everyone has to find the optimal build to ones own playing style. The thing that you 2 ended to almost identical builds says that those might be pretty close to optimal one. If that is the case, congrats guys and thank you for showing interest on my deck idea!

Link to Retro deck by Flash fire (,19550). You can see my short analysis on the differences of these 2 versions there.

Deck Help / Re: Please help with simple deck for autistic cousin.
« on: January 16, 2011, 02:01:37 pm »
One of the Greatest topics I've seen here! Nice to hear how you're helping your cousin.

Like Zblader said^, you could change Skull Buckler. But instead of Jade Shield, I recommend using Spine Carapace (upped version of Thorn Carapace). That shield infects enemy creatures and thus adds creature control for the deck, but at the same time doesn't need targeting.

Deck Help / Re: Flying Ball Lightning
« on: January 16, 2011, 01:36:33 pm »
This is completely untested strategy and may prove to be completely useless. But since you're asking help, maybe you want to hear it anyway.

So, what about using that new overbalanced, ahem improved, :light generator - Solar Bucler. Something like 2 of those to replace Towers. That shield can give you massive amount of :light when you're fighting creature spamming rushes, and on top of that it blocks some damage. It can possibly give you more quanta than Tower would, enabling faster Hope and Blessing to your Balls.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Lone Stalker [1.26 FG grinder]
« on: January 16, 2011, 11:51:22 am »
I'm having so much fun with this deck! It's nowhere near as efficient as CCYB, or even Rol+Hope. But...
Says someone who doesn't know how to play with this deck right way yet...
*Points Mindgate on Rainbows side.*

I'll add more detailed strategy guide to first post when I get time to write it, but here's one of the main strategical things for using this deck:
Never-ever play Mindgate when FG could possibly destroy/steal it.
Doing so against Rainbow can be tricky, but then the tactic is to use SoGs/weapons/shields as baits to lure FG using it's PC for those. If it doesn't use them while it does have the quanta for it, you can be fairly sure that it doesn't have those cards in hand. And if you can then Eternity-lock FG with Malignant Cells (or whatnot), you can then start cherry picking best cards from FG's deck with Mindgate.

I hope that short strategy pointer will help you on getting better results with this deck. If it wasn't written understandable enough, feel free to ask for more details. ;)

Duo-Decks / Re: Retro deck
« on: January 16, 2011, 09:58:00 am »
Wait, what did you say!?! You can sometimes beat even Hermes with this? If that's the case, then this Rush style must be better than the Control style I used on my version.

There are couple FGs that I believe are easier to beat with Control version: Osiris, Scorpio and Gemini.
But the number of FGs that are easier with this Rush version is much greater: Incarnate, Morte, Obliterator, Decay and Hermes.
(Analysis based on my educated guess and post by Flash fire.)
So the bottom line is, not only does this version win more FGs, it also seems to have better win% and it's much faster too. Who would have known that taking out SoGs would actually enhance the performance of anti-FG deck?

* adds karma for tweaking good deck to Great deck *

Duo-Decks / Re: Retro deck
« on: January 15, 2011, 11:16:40 pm »
Little test spin:
1 Paradox - easy win
2 Osiris - loss, rushed with scrabs and some poison from catapults
3 Incarnate - win :o
4 Octane - loss, no surprise
5 Morte - win  ???
6 Miracle - win
7 Divine Glory - loss after missplay, maybe I'd have lost anyway
8 Obliterator - win

 :o By winning Incarnate I mean I really crushed it in just 9 round! Just wow! Never did I ever even think it was possible to go that fast with this deck. Maybe I just got really lucky start, or maybe this version is just that much better than my control version. Have to test some more, so far this build looks really promising to me.

 ??? Morte lasted 12 turns even though it played 3 Bone Walls and had once >20 shields in it... First time I've ever win that one with Soul Catcher deck btw. and I did even have it listed as impossible FG for my version.

Have you kept any stats on win%? This looked really good on my little test - actually the results are lot better than what I've got from my DoSA version I'd have to add. ;)

Duo-Decks / Re: Entropy/Air Duo ( PvP1 fun! )
« on: January 15, 2011, 09:52:53 pm »
Have you tried Maxwell with Owl Eye? That combo can take out even :light dragons with ease. Maxwell is also pretty good against :fire creatures by itself, so it could help you playing against no-lander.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Lone Stalker [1.26 FG grinder]
« on: January 14, 2011, 08:47:42 pm »
Dude, seriously! I'm indebted to you for suggesting Aflatoxin as an addition to the deck I posted in the Deck Help forum (,18989.msg259966#msg259966)... it seems to have helped my deck out a lot. However, considering how many of the other core ideas you used from my deck, I think I'm at least due a mention for deck design in the initial post, aren't I? This deck looks a lot more like mine than it looks like The Charge of the Light Brigade (,18285), doesn't it?

You can put 'shteev threw a hissy fit and demanded he get a deck design credit' if you like, I'm not proud. :)

Do you get a lot of your best ideas from the deck help forum?
Oh, and I'm not surprised you didn't have much time for a test run... You only had 5 days between me posting my deck, and you posting 'yours'...
Dude chill out. I'm already thanking you in the opening post - for giving me the brilliant idea of using Purify. That's the only thing I copied from your deck.

If you read the Light Brigade topic, you'll see me posting my first modified version of Light Bricade on 27.12. It was this
Code: [Select]
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 71c 77f 7aj 7ak 7gp 7gp 7k5 7k5 7k5 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q8 7q8 80h 80h 80h 80jlet's look at the final version:
Code: [Select]
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 71c 77f 7aj 7gp 7gq 7k0 7k5 7q8 7q8 80h 80jand then what you posted on 7.1.
Code: [Select]
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6u7 6u7 6u7 77i 7aj 7dl 7dl 7do 7gq 7q8 7q8 7t9 80j 80jand now you dare to claim my new deck looks a lot more like yours... Sure dude, what ever makes you feel better.

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