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Messages - zse (568)

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Other / Re: Shield | Tower Shield
« on: January 31, 2011, 09:14:02 pm »

This is the sort of card that makes elements less unique. Not having a shield that blocks damage is supposed to be a quality of Fire, for example. I don't see the point of this shield really except to make everything more average.
You Sir have a very good point there. Unfortunately this practically comes down to the same thematic fact that :fire shouldn't have life-gain either, but yet it can use SoD and SoG.

Death / Re: Skeleton | Elite Skeleton
« on: January 31, 2011, 08:46:31 pm »
Great new ability for Skeleton | Elite Skeleton, but why doesn't the title also state that creatures (Skellies) from Boneyard | Graveyard get the same buff?

Personally I don't like that the Boneyard | Graveyard gets the buff. My idea is to change Bone-|Graveyard so, that they don't make these novel buffed Skeletons, but remain making those near useless critters they have made before. To make the difference easier to comprehend, Bone-|Graveyard made creatures could be named Zombie | Elite Zombie.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Lone Stalker [1.26 FG grinder]
« on: January 31, 2011, 08:03:21 pm »
You're already Time-starved. I wouldn't want Hourglasses in there.
Exactly how I thought it.

Using Eternity aggressively starves :time really fast, and the net result is almost the same as while you're using Hourglass:
I use Hourglass, FG draws 2 new cards - I draw 2 new cards (per turn).
I use Eternity, FG draws 1 new card - I draw 1 new card (per turn).

But the true beauty of this strategy comes when you'll get FG Eternity-locked:
I use Eternity, FG draws 0 new cards - I draw 1 new card! => I win.

Forum Archive / Re: RARE CARD FARMS - updated daily by the community!
« on: January 31, 2011, 02:12:33 pm »
ps. How come I come up with alot of different people then the previous poster, isn't the TOP50 pretty stable?
The TOP50 list is reseted every Sunday. johannhowitzer listed TOP50 relatively shortly after the reset had been done, now 1 day later more people have submitted their score and some people have felled off the list.

Other / Re: Dagger | Dirk
« on: January 31, 2011, 11:28:18 am »
I'm pretty disappointed if this is going to be the result for my campaign. Even though I originally presented that idea, I can't be happy for seeing it going through. Oh dear Elements Community, please accept my humble apologies, and don't punish me too hard for giving Zanz this bad bad idea. :'(

Even if this change makes New Dagger | New Dirk little bit better than what Old Dagger | Old Dirk were, these are still so weak compared to Short Sword | Long Sword, that none is going to use em, at all, ever, anywhere. Not happy, not at all...  :(

Crucible Archive / Re: Shield | Buckler
« on: January 31, 2011, 08:58:39 am »
Shield | Tower Shield (,20547.0.html) now added In Development list and in trainer, possibly coming to game on version 1.27.

Death / Re: Skull Shield | Skull Buckler
« on: January 30, 2011, 08:52:59 pm »
Interesting. Didn't expect this BIG buff, but buff sure was needed for that card. First impression for me is that maybe the cost 2|1 :death is too low (can't help comparing it to 7|7 :life Carapaces), but I'll need to test it first.
Cost now 3|2 :death in trainer, still bit low compared to Carapaces, but that's the first small step into right direction.

Buff This Card! / Re: Remake Dirk! (not Dagger) - poll closed
« on: January 30, 2011, 08:14:17 pm »
1) Shadow Dagger: Deal 1 (or 2) more damage if you have :death or :darkness mark.

Maybe that wasn't the most original idea, nor was it the most popular on the polls, but it apparently gave zanz one of those "Why Bother poll results?" moment, and he picked that idea.

Discussion continues in card changes. (,20524.0.html)

General Discussion / Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have?
« on: January 29, 2011, 12:04:58 pm »
7th  :entropy :earth :life :life :darkness :darkness + :life
8th today
 :entropy :earth :life :life :life :darkness :darkness + :aether
9th today, over one week since I got previous one :P
 :entropy :earth :life :life :life :darkness :darkness :aether + :entropy

Cygnia / Re: Upgrade | Downgrade
« on: January 28, 2011, 10:14:01 pm »
The idea of this fitting in :time is interesting too. But you're right about the accessibility thing. It should remain colorless.
Way to solve this dilemma:
It has clearly been transformed for being :time card now, right ???

Rainbow Decks / Re: Lone Stalker [1.26 FG grinder]
« on: January 28, 2011, 09:19:10 am »
after reading the records, I noticed the fact that this deck won basically not even once against gods with PC, but won every time against gods without PC...
Your statement is a bit exaggerated, the deck still does quite well with FGs with some PC (about 8 ),
badly versus FG with heavy PC (about 4) , but extremely well vs FG with no PC (about 12 ).

Results are comparable if not slightly better than CCYB.
Pretty much that, but there are some exceptions though:
  • Ferox, 0 PC but 8 Dragons/Frogs/Cockatrices, can rush through before defense is up. 40% wins at the moment.
  • Scorpio, 0 PC but Poison+Puffer+Physalia can poison-rush before Aflatoxin or Eternity lock is working properly. 43% wins.
  • Dark Matter, 0 PC but lots of Quanta Control. 0% wins, although I might have won 1 game if I hadn't made one critical playing error.
  • Octane, 4 Explosions. 100% wins.
  • Chaos Lord, 2 Explosions 2 Steals. 50% wins.
  • Decay, 4 Steal. 60% wins.
*edit* Chaos Lord PC cards corrected.

FG Proposals / Re: Theme: Adaptation - Gumbo
« on: January 27, 2011, 06:11:24 pm »
The basic idea is to react, Adapt, to any possible threat or situation:
    PC: Explosion, Steal, Pulvy CC: Maxwell + something that lowers defense Shockwave/Thunderbolt/Eagle's Eye/Infection (Plague/Bloodsucker) Stalling: Antimatter, Eternity, Black Hole, Gravity ShieldLife gain: Antimatter, Heal, Miracle, Purify
Damage & win is done via Spectre, Fractal, and Animated Weapons; or by decking out.

The deck may seem totally random, because in a way it is, but it is quite effective regardless. I tried it against T50/HB and managed to win many games. And then I tried to play against it on FG-trainer (, and lost about half the games with anti-FG :rainbow. So I believe that it's quite ok the way it is, not too easy nor too hard. Maybe I'll add couple of Towers, but I'm not gonna change it more than that. ...unless someone gives me good reasons for making such changes.

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