New cards introduce new strategies, but they need artwork and the community has to take time to adapt to them. Buffing a severely underpowered card introduces a new strategy into the game without the task of making artwork, and without the community needing time to take in the new card. When something is as useless as the Guardian Angel, nothing will be lost if the old version is replaced by something new. And RR's suggestion is great.
Getting artwork and such is hardly a thing that hinders introduction of new cards. Most likely the coding and balancing new cards is much more time consuming.
For those of you that still think the Guardian Angel a balanced card, keep in mind that it's never going to be worth adding it in to a deck. Every now and then healing would be useful, but it is too situational to be worth the card slot and quantum cost. It's just like the old purify, which was buffed. Some people think that Guardian Angel can be useful with Rage Potion, LS, and Acceleration, but it's still not really worth it.
Rage Potion + Guardian Angel gives a 6|6 creature for the cost of 2 cards and 7 quanta. But for 1 card and 5 quanta, you could have a 6|4 creature (Toadfish) with a decent ability. Or for 1 card and 7 quanta you can get a 7|1 creature (Phoenix) that costs one less card, deals more damage, and has better resilience. Seriously, Rage Potion + Guardian Angel is completely outclassed by other offense strategies. Even the Abomination, which is one of the weaker creatures, is better than Guardian Angel + Rage Potion. If you give 1 Guardian Angel 2 Rage Potions, you'll have an 11|6 creature for 3 cards and 11 quanta. But for 2 cards and 7 quanta, you can get a creature with the exact same stats (Blessed Graboid). That's 1 less card and 4 less quanta for something that is pretty much just as strong.
Guardian Angel could be used with LS, but it isn't really worth it. The best creature Light has to take LS is its Dragon, with 10 hp. You can get 4 attacks in before even being in the range of standard CC options (Lightning, Rage Potion), but by then you'll be close to winning if you have support. Guardian Angel could only be useful if your only other creature is a LS'ed Dragon and if your opponent is also using CC like Lightning and Rage Potion. Very situational.
The last option is Acceleration with Guardian Angel, but Voodoo Acceleration does this better in every way possible. It's quicker, deals more damage, and Voodoo Doll is more resilient.
TL:DR Version
Guardian Angel is just never worth putting into a deck, and buffing it is a lot better than introducing a new card.
I do agree to some extent. Guardian Angel is pretty useless card, but Archangel surely isn't, since at least Rol/Hope, Rage/Angel and even some Speedbows use it. To me that shows only Guardian actually needs buff. Probably the card should see more play if its stats/cost -ratio would be better. Or alternatively if it could heal yourself too. Now Archangel is pretty much perfect counter for Fire Shield and Plague, and changing the ability to that
Bling-bling would ruin that strategy completely.
TL:DR Version
Boost Guardian Angel attack OR change ability for
Holy Light type healing (no damage) for the target.NO major change for Angel abilities.