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Messages - zorzz (11)

Pages: [1]
Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Ingame Forge (Aka merging two cards)
« on: January 09, 2011, 07:30:50 am »
Your code is bugging me due to how wrong it is so I have to fix it lol (although I dont know if zanz uses as2 or 3)
Lol, why? Zblader's code clearly was a pseudocode never intended for actual use, but rather a proof of concept. Its syntax is irrelevant. Anyway one must be insane to put such amount of if-else clauses instead of using at least hash tables <Pair of cards> -> <Card>.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Just a point to make
« on: January 08, 2011, 04:22:48 pm »
Let us all remind ourselves what the life of this game is "it's the players playing together" NOT BEATING RIDICULOUS CPU.
Is this true in the first place? Is there any data to backup such claim?
Like "Today N players played. M players played PvP".

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: 20 wins in a row = spin for a nymph
« on: January 07, 2011, 02:34:59 pm »
Remember you can spin the oracle once a day, a member here, Kael Hate, has spun the oracle more times than I can count, and he has almost 6 of every nymph.
Actually chance to win nymph through oracle in 1.26  is lower than before for the following reasons:
- Schrödinger's cat
- Soul Catcher
- Crusader
- Silence
- Sky Blitz
- Cloak
- Catapult
With each new card added to elements, chance to win a nymph only decreases.

This will favor rainbow decks a lot: in rainbow deck it's quite easy to replace creature with similar creature from another element.
Not so in mono decks.  Switching strategies for 30 cards  decks is already painful. Switching strategies for 40 mono deck will be nightmare
Actually 40/5 will completely eliminate monodecks as we know them now: playing mono will become from "what creature should I put in deck" to "what creature should I replace with spell/permanent/pillar" since 6 creatures per element * 5 same creatures max = 30 cards. Not enough to fill the deck.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: 20 wins in a row = spin for a nymph
« on: January 06, 2011, 12:23:31 pm »
umm, you only get 1 nymph from this quest, you only complete this quest 1 time. 1 nymph for beating every false god is a good reward, no matter how fast you can do it.
It's the same way the rare weapon is rewarded after reaching the 500 score goal
This mean that just to change nymph, one needs to reset/create new account
Sounds like a bad idea.

Nymphs either should become accessible or should stay "impossible to get" as they are now(chance to win at oracle is negligible, and not all people like to play pvp especially thanks to timezones)

This+filter by rares/common will help a lot in bazaar as well: after winning non-upgraded card from spin it's quite hard to find it among the upgraded/rares.

Buff This Card! / Re: Nightmare | Nightmare
« on: January 06, 2011, 11:44:58 am »
Different idea:

"Fill your opponent's hand with copies of the target creature. Then add 8-N copies of that creature to the top of your opponent's deck. N = the number of copies added to your opponents hand."
Sounds too good. Hypothetical perfect draw of hypothetical deck

2xNova(2 :entropy:darkness) + 2xSupernova(2 :entropy:darkness))  + creature + Nightmare will lock opponent from playing new cards for 7 turns. And that's even before opponent will be able to make their first turn.

Really such situation is unlikely to happen, but anyway adding N cards on top of the deck works will hurt much more than Dimension shields:
two chained dimensional shields last 6 turns.
two chained "8-N to top" Nightmares  - more than ten. Chaining 6 :darkness spells is easy. Discarding 16 cards is not. Especially for non :time decks

Buff This Card! / Re: Flooding | Inundation
« on: January 06, 2011, 09:02:25 am »
Maybe completely change it to be defensive spell?

Since swimming under water is similar to be burrowed and flying creatures may fly above water, flooding description may be
 "Halves attack power of all non-water, non-neutral, non-flying creatures. Lasts 2 turns".

So like lighter version of dimension shield but with more openings and not so annoying. And also works against momentumed creatures.

Issue Archive / Re: Inventory synchronization bug [unconfirmed]
« on: December 13, 2010, 03:34:50 pm »
It's called overwriting the save data, the game only loads data when you first log in. It's not a bug, it's how the game works.
Not a bug? I had 7 rares several hours before. Now I have 3. Result of at least 91 games(yes, I counted, and it's ~25% of my all games for the fsm sake) VANISHED without warning and it's not a bug?  Most of my rares VANISHED and it's not a bug? Such lose of data is called bug in my book.

AI3 farming 6 ttw*20 means you could complete over 100 games a minute~200  :electrum a minute
Then maybe instead of rewriting inventory just forbid to play more than 1 battle from 1 account at the same time/kick already connected players? If game doesn't perform checks(and it should as it's multiplayer game), then anyway it's easier to use memory editors to add electra/quantum during the battle.

Issue Archive / Inventory synchronization bug [unconfirmed]
« on: December 13, 2010, 02:38:18 pm »
Bug: Game does not perform checks for inventory updates that could occur from another location.

1. Open elements in one tab.
2. Open elements in second tab.
3. In second tab go to bazaar and purchase hammer
4. Close second tab.
5. Return to first tab.
6. Go to bazaar
7. OOPS. Your hammer purchashed at step 3 is gone. It is not displayed in inventory.

(Instead of bazaar and hammer at step 3 you can grind elders and t50 for rares - they will be gone)

Disregarding score, it costed me ~5 rares and 1  card upgrade that I grinded with firedeck during "work time" (I had nothing to do) to find this bug: I left Elements open at home and opened them at work. Later I came home... and rares are gone.  ;_;

General Discussion / Re: Elements Christmas Sweeptakes!
« on: December 13, 2010, 03:00:48 am »
I want clock with current time in game window: I have work to go to, and checking system clock every minute is tiresome.

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