False Gods / Re: Need input/opinions on best 1.17 FG grinder
« on: January 09, 2010, 07:39:23 pm »
After a lot of trial/error, i'm currently running this for 1.17 FG farming:

Mark of TIME
Upon adding the 3 Quintessence (from my previous version in post #1 above) my winning percentage went from say, 20-25% to 40-45% (it doubled).
Stragegy is simple:
-Draw as fast as you can right down to the bottom of the deck and use the Protect Artifact on your Eternity to avoid decking out. The only way you will deck out is if Eternity is your last card in the deck (and you can't steal a god's).
-Don't play an Otyugh, FFQ, or Druid unless you can cast Quintessence on them in the same turn.
-I find that the Permafrost shield works great vs. swarm decks, and it uses water to cast - which this deck didn't use, previously. I like having it as an option to the Bone Wall, in case my Otyughs or Fire Storm aren't available to keep it charged yet.
-The Purify will double your chances versus poison-based gods, and is ridiculously cheaper than Miracle for ultimately the same result. Plus it uses water, which is barely utilized in this deck (no need to upgrade it).
-I removed the Phase Shields, because there was too much demand for aether quanta with the Quinesssence. I don't miss them frankly, as the Permafrost Shield, Sundials, and Bone Wall keep me protected long enough to get my Quintessence creatures out there - and consequently take the initiative, removing the need for more defense.
-I wanted to make use of earth quanta (not used in this deck, other than 1 for Protect Artifact), but can't see a single card worth including in this setup.
I'll keep you posted with winning percentages, but after several hours i'm already leaps and bounds better than I was with post #1 above.
Please feel free to use this deck and report back, and/or please offer suggestions to make it better!
After 4-6 hours of combined testing, i'm looking at a ballpark 40% win rate vs. all the gods (no insta-quitting).
It all comes down to the draw frankly, I lose sometimes to 'easy' gods due to a lame-ass draw sequence, and win easily versus 'hard' gods if my draws are good.
-I'm tempted to drop one of the Otyughs, since the goal in this deck is typically to Quintessence a key creature right after it's cast - will try it.
-Annubis was attractive at first, but 3 turns, 8 time quanta/2 aether quanta, and the chance to get him firebolted/gravity pulled/lobotomized/congealed/etc. is too great a cost to immortalize my first non-Annubis creature. Quinessence does the same thing for 3 aether quanta and happens instantly, with no chance for counter.
-Also thinking of trying a Poseidon, water/earth quanta are available for early/mid game and tower denial might be a good addition - will try and test this as well.

Mark of TIME
Upon adding the 3 Quintessence (from my previous version in post #1 above) my winning percentage went from say, 20-25% to 40-45% (it doubled).
Stragegy is simple:
-Draw as fast as you can right down to the bottom of the deck and use the Protect Artifact on your Eternity to avoid decking out. The only way you will deck out is if Eternity is your last card in the deck (and you can't steal a god's).
-Don't play an Otyugh, FFQ, or Druid unless you can cast Quintessence on them in the same turn.
-I find that the Permafrost shield works great vs. swarm decks, and it uses water to cast - which this deck didn't use, previously. I like having it as an option to the Bone Wall, in case my Otyughs or Fire Storm aren't available to keep it charged yet.
-The Purify will double your chances versus poison-based gods, and is ridiculously cheaper than Miracle for ultimately the same result. Plus it uses water, which is barely utilized in this deck (no need to upgrade it).
-I removed the Phase Shields, because there was too much demand for aether quanta with the Quinesssence. I don't miss them frankly, as the Permafrost Shield, Sundials, and Bone Wall keep me protected long enough to get my Quintessence creatures out there - and consequently take the initiative, removing the need for more defense.
-I wanted to make use of earth quanta (not used in this deck, other than 1 for Protect Artifact), but can't see a single card worth including in this setup.
I'll keep you posted with winning percentages, but after several hours i'm already leaps and bounds better than I was with post #1 above.
Please feel free to use this deck and report back, and/or please offer suggestions to make it better!
After 4-6 hours of combined testing, i'm looking at a ballpark 40% win rate vs. all the gods (no insta-quitting).
It all comes down to the draw frankly, I lose sometimes to 'easy' gods due to a lame-ass draw sequence, and win easily versus 'hard' gods if my draws are good.
-I'm tempted to drop one of the Otyughs, since the goal in this deck is typically to Quintessence a key creature right after it's cast - will try it.
-Annubis was attractive at first, but 3 turns, 8 time quanta/2 aether quanta, and the chance to get him firebolted/gravity pulled/lobotomized/congealed/etc. is too great a cost to immortalize my first non-Annubis creature. Quinessence does the same thing for 3 aether quanta and happens instantly, with no chance for counter.
-Also thinking of trying a Poseidon, water/earth quanta are available for early/mid game and tower denial might be a good addition - will try and test this as well.