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Messages - yahoo123 (89)

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well.... this is war isn't it? So u need to abide to RuLeS in a war?  ???

General Discussion / Re: How does Shrieker Rush win?
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:47:30 am »
A false God would probably have enough resources and cards to make that a huge problem. I use some reverse times too. If you have a couple, the opponent basically cannot play. The problem is the reverse times are competing with the graboids for quants, so there is only so much you can do. Try facing an eternity you cannot destroy. Much worse, because it keeps happening over and over.

A full shrieker rush is all about fast damage. If the opponent has a few spells or a good shield, you may have nothing to go around it. While the graboids are good, elite shriekers are 8 quantas for 10 damage. 2 steel golems are 8 quantas and 12 damage, and they are HP tanks. Elite antlions are 2 q. for 4 damage, which is double. I would not quickly rely on a full army with antlions, because no matter what you are still in 6 cards for 24 damage. It takes room in your deck. You can afford stronger cards, even if they're less cost efficient.

Against ai3 it probably does not matter. If it gets harder, then... do you want to use 8 quantas on a shrieker that gets wiped out? If possible I always try to ''fool'' the AI, even if it is just with 3 golems in the deck. A golem can soak up 1 or 2 infections and still make it for several turns.
unupgraded, RT is not advised. And quicksands are always higher priority than RTs. DO NOT run RTs without EQs

General Discussion / Re: How does Shrieker Rush win?
« on: September 20, 2010, 09:08:07 am »
Had u ever fought the FG Seism yet? The Pvp kind of shrieker decks sports Reverse Times and Quicksands (Seism style)while pounding the opponent silly with graboids+ shriekers

Rainbow Decks / Re: Destroy EM' All!
« on: September 18, 2010, 08:54:23 am »
this deck pure ROXX :fire :fire

Duo-Decks / Re: Frogsplosion; You're Gonna Croak!
« on: September 12, 2010, 03:13:23 am »
playing this in t50
got ripped up by a shrieker/ steel golem rush  :(
works better than normal life rush against rainbows tho :)

Duo-Decks / Re: Frogsplosion; You're Gonna Croak!
« on: September 12, 2010, 03:00:38 am »
Woot! I can try this out now cuz Ive got most of the cards upped

Life / Re: Frogs, and Epi's, and Swords, Oh My!!!
« on: August 27, 2010, 01:01:43 pm »
Y is upped frogs better than upped? unupped frogs deal 1 more dmg with adrenaline ???

Fire / Re: Mindless Ruby Dragons - fastest way to grind AI3
« on: August 22, 2010, 05:56:07 am »
Its good to see chival's deck again but:
What's "chivals deck"? Do you have a link?
I saw this earlier and did some searching and found the contents of chivals old deck in Kiszol's FASTEST Deck ever thread (,1060.0.html).

to quote from Kiszol:
Before this deck, there were 3 very very fast decks:
- Chivas's Mono Fire (16 Burning Tower, 6 Ruby Dragon, 6 Brimstone Eater, 2 Long Sword - Mark of FIRE)
- Skillgannon's Speed Earth (14 Stone Tower, 6 Elite Graboid, 6 Elite Antlion, 4 Elite Shrieker - Mark of TIME)
- Turin's Lidicrous Speed Earth (16 Stone Tower, 6 Elite Graboid, 6 Elite Shrieker, 2 Long Sword - Mark of TIME)
so Chival's deck is similar, but uses 2 long swords instead of a farenheight.  From Kiszol's testing that deck had a ttw of between 6.3 and 6.4 so I assume this deck is about the same.
Actually no, chivals deck used 1 farenhite
+ 1 fire shield

Fire / Re: Mindless Ruby Dragons - fastest way to grind AI3
« on: August 21, 2010, 08:28:03 am »
Its good to see chival's deck again but:
using crimson drags is a better idea and dropping in a few un upped phoenixes makes the win rate a lot better

 Trust me on this

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Solving Fire Stall
« on: August 12, 2010, 02:58:19 pm »
First puppychow, u fail to see that huge FG rainbows that sports SoDs+ bonewalls/jade shield+Pa'd puly can get pretty tough for fire stall. (Yes there are variations of FG rainbows using Jade shield). Secondly, ur idea of making fire lance unable to target players is really lame. lets just take ice bolt and siphon as an example: they all cost the same, both deals 1 less dmg per hit while both hv more abilities (heal,freeze). So if they were balanced with fire lance b4 fire stall came, they should remain at the same footing and they should get nerfed too. And as u said , they hv different uses, fire lance is mainly for attacking the other player DIRECTLY. Removing the abillity to target players will make all 3 cards(siphon and ice lances are counted too, since they also provide surprise dmg) lose a lot of versatility, thus a huge nerf. Not to mention that ur idea of +2/-3 is a bad ripoff from the rage potion idea.

For those who wants to nerf the SoG further, I must say u are getting a bit selfish. thats because new players to the game rly needs SoGs to farm false gods, and a nerf will just make it a lot harder for them(Just look at the sundial nerf dude).

If u guys rly want to know y fire stall is overpowered,Id say it is  a problem with farenhite. It grants waaaaaaay too much late power.Do not think that farenhite is OP however, since farenhite is absolutly inferior in early stages of the game.So for those who suggest the reflected farenhite dmg, u are being utterly unfair to the element fire since its the only element weapon that will get nerfed by that.

IMO if u want to nerf the deck, ask zanz to change farenhite entirely

P.S. for the dude that suggested the decreasing efficiency with the increasing of SoGs, I would remind u that fire stall players would just use 3 SoGs with 3 sundials.

Gravity / Re: Chimera
« on: August 10, 2010, 01:23:08 pm »
 >:D >:D >:D

oh and wouldnt if be cool if a chimera got petrified?

In-game Troubleshooting / Re: Top 50 'All' category massively flawed.
« on: August 05, 2010, 03:14:05 pm »
This really needs to be fixed.
Imagine if first place just decided to make 50 duplicates. . . :o
I wont mind as long as its a farm :fire :fire :fire :fire :fire

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