Graviton / Re: Oracle : Graviton
« on: May 17, 2011, 07:50:52 am »Game 5 - Traded all Lightning for Demons, removed one dragon and both Lycanthropes. Going to drop BE too - while it can be used in combo with Antimatter, Titan isn't a very big concern against the usual amount of healing. VERY close to establishing a stable amount of healing. Don't do what I did and Antimatter an Armagio just before a Charger comes out!Just used the above deck against Graviton.
Game 6 - ZERO quints in the first ten or so turns. Definitely bumping it up to 6, could not handle the tidal wave of Firemasters.
Game 7 - easy victory, even with average draw. Only three things are necessary to gain tempo on him: early Demon+Quint, and early Antimatter.Code: [Select]4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vd 4vd 4vd 4vd 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vn 4vn 4vn 4vn 4vn 4vn 621 621 621 621 621 621
No EM really possible if he gets Titan out, but it does the job handily. I don't think my health ever dipped below 50. You could certainly win with a worse draw, he got stuff out pretty quickly in this game. I don't recommend losing any Dragons, or you may deckout too often. Antimatter is definitely more important than Demons, it's your only source of healing and with even one -7 Charger you can last a while.
Recommended order of upgrades: Antimatter, Quintessence, Pillars, then Demons (which are hardly worth it). DO NOT upgrade the Dragons or they will be stopped by his shield.
Parting thought before I go rock Graviton's world on my real account: Antimatter is one of the most useful cards ever for FGs. Considering adding a couple to my rainbow!
Didn't get a Quintessence until 10th turn or so. Next Quintessence came at 16th. Lost by inches.