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Messages - wizelsnarf (1482)

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Round 3 / Re: (Light) Gen. coinich 2 - (Life) Isei 0
« on: April 26, 2011, 10:12:03 pm »
Sorry Isei - That deck had its weaknesses and coinich took advantage of them.

Life / Re: Round 3 - Decks
« on: April 26, 2011, 06:17:49 pm »
Fixed. The vault is in fact correct, that table was just to help me see what i was dealing with.

Life / Re: Gone
« on: April 26, 2011, 06:15:52 pm »
please pm me the list. I want to get someone ASAP. Kitty is not coming back it has been 3 weeks and she still isn't here. She forfeited her spot on the team. I am sure she understands that. If we are going to take another -6 penalty, lets make it for getting a new player who can actually salvage.

Life / Re: VAULT
« on: April 26, 2011, 07:57:35 am »
Updated by me at the last minute. See salvage round 2 thread for changes I made....

Life / Re: Round 3 - Decks
« on: April 26, 2011, 07:56:59 am »

I did my best to make all the math add up and ensure we were using cards we actually had. Again we were short on heals so I had to make some changes. I made changes.

>Falcon I needed to give someone a nova based deck so that our larger stall decks could have more pillars. Thus you get the poison rainbow.

MAKE SURE TO USE THESE DECKS AS THEY ARE POSTED HERE! Copy and paste them - I made changes so what is on this page is the final say.

I updated the salvage and edited the vault. If you have time you can double check my work. Let's hope my last minute messing around works out for us this round! Everyone go sacrifice something to the RNG.

Life / Re: Round 3 - Strategies
« on: April 26, 2011, 06:19:48 am »
vs  :fire
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
52l 52l 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52q 52q 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bt 5bt 5bt 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c8 5c8 5c8 5de 5de 5de 8pk

Thoughts? I am running out of time here...

Life / Re: Round 3 - Strategies
« on: April 26, 2011, 05:50:47 am »
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
593 593 593 593 593 593 594 594 594 594 5bt 5bt 5c0 5c0 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c4 5c4 5c5 5c6 5c6 5c9 5c9 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 8pm

for our match against light. This deck will beat stalls (by outstalling) but it takes time. It can't beat a rush - at all - which is a matter of concern considering the fact that light has plenty of rush decks. I guess they don't have a reason to rush us though as they are probably confident they can win with a stall.

Any thoughts?

Life / Re: Round 3 - Strategies
« on: April 26, 2011, 04:52:09 am »
PlayerOa used this last round, but his success was partly mostly due to 3D having a fail deck.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5bt 5bt 5bt 5bt 5bt 5c2 5c5 5c5 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 61q 61q 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 621 621 621 621 8pu

I'm guessing I'll need more lightnings for a heavier CC. Also, this deck, again, can fail to the EQ countermeasure pulled in last round. What do you say?
EDIT: Isei and I are on team chat ATM.
EDIT2: the traditional mono adrenafrogs beats fire's builds on a regular basis. Maybe it's time to surprise them by taking the most predictable deck possible?
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bu 5bu 5bu 5bu 5bu 5bu 5c0 5c0 5c0 5c0 5c0 5c0 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 8pn

I'll try to get up early tomorrow and see what you guys say.
Yet another edit: can work with pendulums, of course, freeing space for you to use pillars.

With the quint deck free, kitty45/replacement can use it to beat team :air.

Interesting idea. However, fireshield is instant win for fire with your mono life. If they bring a control stall with healing and fireshield, this deck would e destroyed... But it is fast and maybe you could win hoping that they don't pull their shield. Im testing it a bit right now.

Man this deck really suffers from some shields. You can of course use it if you would like - but if they bring a titanium shield, fire shield, wings, or RoF + bonewall, this deck is over once the shield goes up.

Mono life is too vulnerable imo. What about a poison deck? Arsenic + poison + skul buckler but instead of scorpions just try dragons or adren cocks ?

Life / Re: Gone
« on: April 26, 2011, 04:39:18 am »
hes on team earth...

Hmmm still no response from tttt I will have to look deeper.

Life / Re: Round 3 - Strategies
« on: April 25, 2011, 11:43:51 pm »
Well wize

I made this
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bt 5bt 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c5 5c7 5c8 5c8 5c8 5c8 5c8 5de 5de 5de 5de 5f6 5f6 5og 61q 8pn

But also took your fire deck
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5bs 5bs 5bs 5bt 5bt 5bt 5bt 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c4 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f5 5fb 8po

It´s up to you
Actually on second thought, can we get a fahrenheit in that fire deck?

Life / Re: Gone
« on: April 25, 2011, 11:38:27 pm »
I asked tttt to join our team but he hasn't responded. I can't figure out if he is in underworld or not...

any thoughts on others if he doesn't respond? Only those who were in the auction, regardless of whether or not they were bid on, are allowed to be recruited as replacements.

Life / Re: Round 3 - Strategies
« on: April 25, 2011, 11:35:10 pm »
For promwarm vs  :aether:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5c2 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c3 5c3 5c3 5c5 5c5 5c6 5c6 5c9 5c9 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5li 5li 5ll 5ll 5ll 5ll 5lm 5lm 5lm 5lm 8pq

Thoughts? - it is primarily meant for deckout - but mitosis gives it a secondary win condition.

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 124
blarg: wizelsnarf