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Messages - wizelsnarf (1482)

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Crucible Archive / Barbed Ray | Whip Ray
« on: June 06, 2010, 04:40:30 pm »
Barbed Ray

6 :water
Whip: When Barbed Ray is targeted or damaged by a creature, that creatures gains -0/-2
Whip Ray
6 :water
Whip: When Barbed Ray is targeted or damaged by a creature, that creatures gains -0/-3
Wizelsnarf (edited public domain picture)
Pretty simple cheap creature that will make people think twice about hurting it.
[NEW] When Barbed Ray or Whip Ray are stuck in a time bubble, congealed or otherwise rendered "immobile" this passive skill does not work.

Also, this skill is not removable by lobotomize

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Double-Edged Sword | Double-Edged Sword
« on: June 03, 2010, 11:55:40 pm »
I think you should lower the cost and or increase the damage. titan only cost 5  :gravity and does 8 damage upgraded.

The longsword does 6 damage for 1 quanta and the gavel does 6 for 2 quanta, 7 if you are gravity or earth mark.

That just makes this card not worth it. I think you should lower the price to 2. Maybe instead of doing damage at the end it should spread it all along? that would give you a chance to heal. For example instead of 20 damage to you at the end it would do 3 damage per turn for 7 turns.

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: Elements 1.23
« on: June 02, 2010, 12:33:36 am »
Just a random note, disregard if already pointed out.

When you click "Quests" and the "Upgrade" and "Level 6" buttons pop up, the new "Redeem Code" button reverts back to the "Metamorphosis".

Not a big deal at all, but maybe we should fix it?

Crucible Archive / Re: Oak Guardian | Oak Warrior [with Poll]
« on: May 30, 2010, 11:09:40 pm »
Instead of having the ability it has, which actually needs a dryad, you could change it to something like :

"Increases any monsters def by X (X = a set number of your choice.)"
The option "Change the ability." is currently in lead and nobody besides you posted a other form of the ability. Maybe they like your idea. ??? ;)
Ok, I think the value of x should be 2 because a HP-bonus of 3 would make every monster immun to a single RoF and a bonus of 1 doesn't have much of an effect. But +2 would make Giant Frogs immun to unbuffed Elite Otys and Paradox and it would bring the most of the monster out of the rang of RoF (except very vunerable monsters like Fire Golems).
And the Bonus won't work on the Oaks as long as only one is under your controll, but a second Oak gives the bonus.

I think you should go with this, specifically +1 hp for life creatures for each oak guardian... It fits the name and you would have to have 2 out to be immune to elite otyugh...

Forge Archive / Re: Gravel | Bedrock
« on: May 29, 2010, 11:25:06 pm »
i like the art, though the lines are a little too modular still.

The grey rocks on the upped version look really good.

I think the concept does need some reworking though as pointed out by Essence.

How about if an enemy creature hits a gravel that has gravity pull on it, the enemy creature is damaged by the amount of its attack?

Dunno that seems kind of better thematically.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Sandstorm | Sandstorm (Upgraded)
« on: May 29, 2010, 03:32:31 pm »
Definitely needs art and get rid of the insert attack here etc...

I think it's too cheap. If you have a diamond shield up and this up for only 3 :earth you are practically untouchable.  :earth Has protect artifact too so a lot of people using this would essentially have two really good shields... It needs to cost more either upfront or in maintenance....

What happens if you don't have  :earth or  :air does it self destruct? or is the effect only lost for that turn?

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Flame|Bonfire
« on: May 28, 2010, 03:40:19 am »
Like the concept but I feel like Fire is already OP at the moment...

Also, the one thing fire creatures all have in common is extremely low hp. I think making a fire creature that gets high hp isn't the best idea.

How about the ability is passive and the creature gets +0/-1 if you don't have :air quanta to feed it?

War Archive / Re: War Recruitment - Choose your side!
« on: May 27, 2010, 12:13:10 pm »
I would still like to join the War.

Currently have 5355 electrum, over 100 upped cards I can sell for more electrum.

I am working on getting more rares...

Current Rares:

14 SoG
3 SoD
1 Discord
6 Arsenic
7 Pulverizer
4 Druidic Staff
1 Farenheit
1 Trident
6 Arctic Squid
3 Morning Star
5 Miracle
3 Owl's Eye
6 Eternity
3 Pharoah
2 Vampire Stiletto
1 Lobotomizer

Crucible Archive / Re: Fading Cultist | Fading Priest
« on: May 27, 2010, 01:51:41 am »
I don't see how this would help you with your own creatures. You would already have to have the quanta to play them before you could target. If you played it on enemy creatures it would be an improvement...

Fade away sounds like they should be in a shadow with 50% chance of not being targetable or something.

How about if it could reduce attack by 50% on each use (down to 1)? Growth creatures would get nullfied by that... or take the new gargoyle, 7/23 makes it hard to kill. Antimatter might work but other than that not much you could do. If you faded its attack by 50% it would be down to 1 in 3 turns (assuming rounding up, 7>4>2>1)

Crucible Archive / Re: Stalactite | Stalactite
« on: May 26, 2010, 03:27:31 am »
Love the card, but I don't love the name. Drip doesn't sound like something that could kill a creature.

What would you propose?

War Archive / Re: War Recruitment - Choose your side!
« on: May 22, 2010, 01:16:11 am »
:gravity :gravity :gravity

I see Gravity isn't very popular but in my opinion Gravity is one of the more interesting elements that can work well with a number of other elements.

Under my leadership and guidance I will lead my team to victory even if the odds are against us. (See Trials :D)


I would like a strong flexible team so my decision on who will be on the team will be based on the amount of unupgraded cards (including rares) you have or can easy get/buy. Obviously I need someone with under 50 posts as well.
I am interested in joining gravity. I don't know if I can compete with jmdt though for the <50 spot as I do not have every rare. I can buy 6 of each gravity card unupped, and anything else unupped.

I like gravity, I guess because when I first started playing I chose it and became fond of it.

If you want me or need a back up, I am in.

Crucible Archive / Re: Stalactite | Stalactite
« on: May 21, 2010, 12:06:56 pm »
- Put the costs in the Table as they appear on the Card. eg 7 :earth

- Is the Stalagmonster Standalone or a Token for this card only?

Stand alone I guess but pretty much pointless without Stalactite. Do you want a separate topic for it?

Edit: Okay I was thinking about it and Stalagmonster should not be stand alone. I think you should have to sacrifice something to get one. Therefore the cost are only relevent to other spells or in the case of reverse time.

I don't know how others feel about that but the card still felt a little OP and I think this would fix that. At best you play a photon for free and then spend  :water :water :water to turn it into a stalagmonster. If you played the Stalagmonster from your deck and spent  :water :water :water it would be at 2|6 already which is pretty formiddable...

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