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Messages - viridian (2)

Pages: [1]
Game Suggestions and Feedback / Formations
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:17 pm »

I don't like large changes.

Also, invertebrate Fireflies fuel Bonewalls and Boneyards.
I like this kid

But no, I think you're changing too much...I think maybe just have the first row take and deal damage to creatures instead of the player would be nice (with some changes), but this would be pretty confusing.

Deck Help / Some help with Entropy-Life-Air deck?
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

Hey! So I have about 3k rating, and really hate using either shrieker spam or rainbow godkiller...I'm trying to make my own deck, and while I realize it isn't as fast as those two, my goal is for it to be more fun to use...and the most enjoyable part of this game for me is mutations.

Symbol is LIFE
4 Amethyst Pillar
2 Fallen Elf
6 Emerald Pillar
1 Rustler
3 Heal
2 Emerald Shield
3 Empathetic Bond
6 Wind Pillar
1 Flying Weapon
4 Firefly Queen
2 Owl's Eye
3 Quantum Tower
1 Fallen Druid

Lacks: <More, but my main issues with it so far>

Upgraded cards (In Process; using 3 Quantum towers until I have at least a few of each upgraded tower)
Creature Control (Owl's Eye is only card atm)
Mana in the beginning of the game

Thanks for your help =D

Pages: [1]