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Messages - twinsbuster (867)

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 73
Can someone please post a link to the original thread so I can merge the two.,18263.0.html (,18263.0.html)
and here

just post the stat here and I will try to update the first post

General Discussion / Re: Which is the strongest fake god?
« on: December 30, 2010, 08:41:35 am »
my 3 votes

I can't even build a specific anti-decay deck and win when I see it in the oracle.

Jade shield against Decay = Win

Seriously, he has nothing left to beat you with.
I know and lose by deck out every time

General Discussion / Re: Which is the strongest fake god?
« on: December 30, 2010, 07:27:51 am »
my 3 votes

I can't even build a specific anti-decay deck and win when I see it in the oracle.

dream catcher...
quinted creature with destroy = quit

no need to explain

Rainbow Decks / Re: Fire Lance sudden killer 1.25 (work with no ungrade)
« on: December 30, 2010, 05:37:48 am »
Anyway Elidnis is being slightly underestimated. He can reflect spells with his shield. And not knowing this I wasted time on him just to epically own myself with fire bolt.
 :(  :time  :underworld  :time  :(

update: ferox has it too!!!!!!!!!!
not demanding you to go through the whole thread, but please read the first page at least.

Archived Decks / Re: Twins Butterfly (50% win rate FG farmer with stat)
« on: December 26, 2010, 06:30:30 am »
In 1.26 it becomes nearly immpossible to beat Osiris as he will sacrifice all antimattered creatures with the catapult

awww no D:
not 8 in the morning pls :(
I find this amusing because the normal Eastern time is at 6am for me. x)
haha marisa
im assuming you dont wake up at 1:00 AM in the morning during the winter break? :D
I'm in the same region with you and I'm sure I won't get up at 7:45 to play a game.

to the organizers:
see? a lot of people won't like this change

Osiris / Re: Oracle : Osiris
« on: December 25, 2010, 06:16:02 pm »
I think giving him the catapult is too too OP
I found no way to win this guy who is one of the most easiest one before the 1.26 update

Trio & Quartet / Re: Fire bolt sudden killer 2.0
« on: December 25, 2010, 04:57:15 pm »
after the update, I can't beat Osiris with every anti-FG decks
he can even throw a 9hp pharaoh every turn until my death

but with the upped sundial buff and the new card slience, there are more room for improvement

Humor / Re: [cruelty] throwing Women with Catapult
« on: December 23, 2010, 02:50:39 pm »
Well, it is Paradox.  Permafrost alone is enough to slow him down to the point that a mediocre rush can finish the job.
that's why it isn't in the anti-FG section

Humor / Re: [cruelty] throwing Women with Catapult
« on: December 22, 2010, 01:10:57 pm »

Oh My God!
The women bullets kill the FG

Archived Decks / Re: Twins Butterfly 1.25 - Nymphomania
« on: December 22, 2010, 10:47:17 am »
unupped form
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Rainbow Decks / Re: Fire Lance sudden killer 1.25 (work with no ungrade)
« on: December 22, 2010, 01:25:14 am »
It is painful. Now you need an early Lobo to shut it down. Osiris drop out from the easy list.

Edit: It is now impossible. 12 pharaoh x 9HP = 108 direct damage, not yet mentioned the momentum. 2 SoGs can't save you from that much direct damage.

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