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Messages - tttt (460)

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Rainbow Decks / Re: Cloaked dragon rush (against FGs)
« on: March 07, 2011, 10:45:33 am »
I think when cloak gets balanced the deck will still be a favorite. It's not so much that the AI neglects cloak, but the feeling of having dragons with 20+ damage delivering a finishing blow in 10 turns.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Cloaked dragon rush (against FGs)
« on: March 06, 2011, 10:03:40 pm »
Right now I'm testing a 35-card variant in trainer. I love this deck, it's so much fun to play, and very effective.
I've copied your deck and made some slight changes for my preference, and it's working great. Cloak+shield and a couple of dragons to keep the damage going, and in the end Blitz for a finisher. As with all SN timebows I was worried about  :entropy , so I removed all non-essentials and added a couple of extra towers just in case.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Steam and Skulls (1.27 - FG Grinder)
« on: March 06, 2011, 09:14:35 pm »
If your going to add a puvly or two, you might also want to add a few PAs, since the AI now puts weapons and shields above Hourglasses in priority. But I like the idea of using cloak to hide behind.
Since when is this? Today I have played a few games and the AI is still targeting glasses first.

I'll test the deck, if cloak is overlooked by the AI it may serve some purpose. Overall I find it not very useful with it's short duration.

Rainbow Decks / Re: (1.24) CC? Why bother?
« on: March 04, 2011, 11:52:54 pm »
Aether mark? Why?
Due to sleepiness  ;) Now fixed

Auction Archive / tttt
« on: March 04, 2011, 04:33:11 pm »
Buy A Slave

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Electrumkeeping it at ~20k ish
Timezone ( (GMT)GMT +2
Usually Online (GMT)From GMT 1600 to GMT 2400
Favorite elements
1st  :life
2nd :time
3rd :P (fun)
Preferred roles
3rdnot the sidekick
Non-Upgraded cards
:aether Aether       
:air Air                     
:darkness Darkness
:death Death           
:earth Earth             
:entropy Entropy     
:fire Fire                   
:gravity Gravity         
:life Life                     
:light Light               
:time Time                 
:water Water           
Upgraded cards       
:aether Aether        ~25
:air Air                     ~20
:darkness Darkness~70
:death Death           ~65
:earth Earth             ~60
:entropy Entropy      ~25
:fire Fire                    ~50
:gravity Gravity         ~25
:life Life                     ~25
:light Light                 ~25
:time Time                 ~40
:water Water            ~35
     Other                   ~35
Non-Upgraded Rares
:entropy Discord      5
:death Arsenic          6
:gravity Titan            6
:earth Pulverizer       4
:life Druidic Staff        4
:fire Fahrenheit           4
:water Trident             10
:water Arctic Squid      2
:light Morning Star       5
:light Miracle                 2
:air Owl's Eye               3
:time Eternity                3
:time Pharaoh               0
:darkness Vampire Stiletto2
:aether Lobotomizer     10
Non-Upgraded Nymphs
:aether Aether        ***
:air Air                     ***
:darkness Darkness1
:death Death           ***
:earth Earth             ***
:entropy Entropy      ***
:fire Fire                    ***
:gravity Gravity         ***
:life Life                     1
:light Light                 ***
:time Time                 ***
:water Water            ***
Why I would make a good War team member   
I'd make a good war team member because I am fully devoted to this game. Elements is the center of my daily meditation. Seriously. I demand to participate in this event and you will comply by picking me.

Rainbow Decks / Re: (1.24) CC? Why bother?
« on: March 04, 2011, 03:20:19 pm »
Sanctuary is definitely nice in here but the one bad thing about them is that they make it much harder to play Miracle when you need to.
That's why you drop Miracle:) An early sanct is better and cheaper.

Rainbow Decks / Re: (1.24) CC? Why bother?
« on: March 04, 2011, 02:54:52 pm »
Miracle and a shard seem the most reasonable to exchange for other cards. At 36 cards the draws are reasonable, at 40 cards it's also playable (e.g. throw in another quint and destroyer). My favorite mods so far are:

- with 2 dials instead of the miracle and a shard - they give a lot of safety vs creature heavy opponents, and can provide EMs.

- with 2 sanctuaries (image below) - I was thinking how to make the deck more durable vs the hardest enemies - those with perma control and the Black Hole. Sanctuaries give an edge over Decay and Black hole, and also give some fodder vs perma destoyers. I usually waste a few towers, shards and sancts and then safely play pulvy and shield. Sancts also seem to be a safer healer before you can play your Permafrost, because with shards you risk a -1 to water.

Code: [Select]
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u7 6u7 77f 77f 7dq 7dq 7gp 7gp 7k6 7k6 7n3 7q5 7q5 7q5 80h 80h 80i(Entropy mark, ?=sanctuaries)

Jezebel / Re: Oracle : Jezebel
« on: March 04, 2011, 09:22:48 am »
The deck works very well for her even with a bad draw. Have yet to encouter a grav nymph from her after Oracle.

Half Bloods / Re: Half-bloods Are they worth it now?
« on: March 03, 2011, 09:11:21 pm »
For coins I only know how to kill FGs and sell their cards, playing for EM with weaker foes is just not mentally rewarding. What I find interesting is the chance to win the new rares from weaker opponents. I still can't make a fast killer deck for AI5 though, most of the time it feels like fighting a retarded FG, long and boring.

This looks interesting. I'm gonna try it, getting bored of FGs, might see what AI5 has to offer :D

False Gods / Re: New Decks for New Gods?
« on: March 02, 2011, 08:34:37 pm »
With CCYB I've had moderate success against those 5 FGs.
Akebono - wait for the chimera and use Antimatter. I use 2 dials, so when I get the feeling he's about the pull it, I lay the dials to protect myself from the possible single hit kill. Fast and furious, this guy.
Jezebel - Antimatter an Aether nymph. Due to steals, a deck would benefit from PAs or unstealable permanents. If you don't use those, temp her with towers/shards, then hourglasses, and when you are sure there are no steals you can lay down the pulvy and shield.
Hecate - you only have to worry for a few steals. Same tactic to avoid steals as against Jezebel, then use deck as intended.
Serket - if you have your Permafrost you have nothing to worry about. Also, fractal Deathstalkers for insane poison counter.
Eternal crusader - I'd say this is the easiest of the new 5 FGs for CCYB. Let him keep his eternity so he uses the crusader's skill on it instead of your pulvy.

Rainbow Decks / Re: (1.24) CC? Why bother?
« on: March 02, 2011, 08:21:32 pm »
I've been using the deck in the OP with minor changes and it's giving me solid victories vs most of the FGs. I think Dark Matter is the only one I have yet to beat even 1 time, but it's a matter of luck (got 1 turn to victory once). Props to the author of the deck.

I'm playing it with 2 dials instead of a shard and the miracle. I've tried combos with PAs, purify, aflatoxin and a few other cards (no nymphs), but I like the dials. My previous deck had 6 dials, can't drop them like that :)

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