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Messages - theloconate (238)

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Religion / Re: What do you believe?
« on: November 09, 2010, 02:04:38 am »
the concept of colour wouldn't exist but colour still would

Religion / Re: What do you believe?
« on: November 08, 2010, 12:51:38 pm »
^ Good that you're willing to admit mistakes in your belief system, however whether you know it or not that thing still exists and your knowledge of its existence has no effect on whether or not it is in existence
Classic example: explain color to a blind man. He'll never understand you since colors don't exist for him. If he was raised by blind people, and died without knowing about colors, then colors didn't exist for him.

Everyone has this problem. They all seem to think that their own subjective points of view are objective. I suppose it can't be helped, since I suffer from it too.
Not to mention you could have him put something in a box that was a different colour and he would be allowed to mix the boxes up. and then you can consistently pick the one with the thing in it because of the colour

General Discussion / How to put a good use to your nymph
« on: November 08, 2010, 04:26:23 am »
Today I won my first nymph (a grey nymph) and i can't seem to find many good decks that put that nymph to use. Any suggestions of how to put your nymphs to good use?

note: this is just a compilation of ideas for putting your nymph to use. They are also not my ideas but rather the idea of those who commented on this post

 :aether: just generally use to quint important creatures
 :air: CCYB variants, anti FG, anti lvl5. Also useful in an Air deck with fire mark (PvP).
 :darkness: Reusable CC, combination with Purple Nymph. small golems and phoenixes hate it.
 :death: Fills opponentĀ“s field. Anti FG, lvl5. Use malignant cells with chimera. Mutating malignant cells.
 :earth:  ???
 :entropy: Healing, combination with Black Nymph.
 :fire: Archangel, Fire Golem, CC.
 :gravity: Gravity deck, anti FG.
 :life: lvl3, pvp deck (Life Rush)
 :light: RoL -Hope. Mono Light ( lvl3, lvl5, pvp ).
 :water: Nymph decks
 :time: Time deck. Nymph is mid-range attacker + Hourglass.

deck that uses death and air nymph:,5539.0.html

Religion / Re: What do you believe?
« on: November 08, 2010, 04:11:25 am »
^ Good that you're willing to admit mistakes in your belief system, however whether you know it or not that thing still exists and your knowledge of its existence has no effect on whether or not it is in existence

Card Idea Competition Submissions / Re: Santa!|Santa!
« on: November 08, 2010, 04:04:06 am »
i like the idea, although it'd be pretty hard to use in many decks

Humor / Troll physics
« on: November 08, 2010, 03:57:49 am »
An awesome link i'd like to share

Religion / Re: What do you believe?
« on: November 08, 2010, 03:53:40 am »
Clouds do not affect rats living in the sewer. Thus, clouds don't exist for those rats.
Yes but you cannot get from it doesn't affect us to therefore it doesn't exist

Religion / Re: What do you believe?
« on: November 08, 2010, 03:44:49 am »
Dude. There are plenty things that we know exist but have never seen (like air), we can observe their effects but we can't see it directly. It's pretty close minded to state that if we can't see it it doesn't exist (and completely bogus). After all its not like bacteria didn't exist until we built microscopes able to see them
What gave you the impression that the only way to observe something is to see it?

For air, we observed it because we felt the wind against our skin. For bacteria, we observed them when they entered our bodies and made us sick. Anything else?

Also, I happen to be an extremely narrow-minded person. I hardly ever forgive mistakes, for one thing, though most of the time I pretend to have forgiven them around others. I refuse to elaborate or answer your questions about this statement.
I asked you if that was your view as seen in the quote below
If I understand you correctly, if we can't see it, it doesn't exist. Is that an accurate representation of your views on the matter?
Pretty much.

No, please don't ask me why bacteria and atoms exist if I can't see it. The truth is, we have seen bacteria and atoms, using microscopes. Everything we know, we have proven through observation and experiments.
Evidently you mean through testable observation, but I remain by the premise that there are things that exist that we currently don't have the means to test.

Religion / Re: What do you believe?
« on: November 08, 2010, 03:13:57 am »
If I understand you correctly, if we can't see it, it doesn't exist. Is that an accurate representation of your views on the matter?
Pretty much.

No, please don't ask me why bacteria and atoms exist if I can't see it. The truth is, we have seen bacteria and atoms, using microscopes. Everything we know, we have proven through observation and experiments.
Dude. There are plenty things that we know exist but have never seen (like air), we can observe their effects but we can't see it directly. It's pretty close minded to state that if we can't see it it doesn't exist (and completely bogus). After all its not like bacteria didn't exist until we built microscopes able to see them

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: Temporary Absence
« on: November 08, 2010, 03:09:21 am »
I sincerely hope she recovers.

Religion / Re: What do you believe?
« on: November 08, 2010, 02:40:50 am »
I'm a Philosopher. I believe our main faculty is reason and through reason and only reason can we acquire Truth. Truth separates belief and opinion from "reality" (truth).
One argument i encourage anyone to read would be the Kalam Cosmological Argument. I think it's simple yet amazing and is irrefutable in my opinion.
According to quantum mechanics, nothing is real until observed (e.g. light is a particle or a wave depending on the way you observe it). Quantum mechanics has been scientifically proven to be true. Thus, objective truth does not exist; the only things that exist are our subjective perceptions.

On Kongregate I once tried to convince a guy that you can't prove clouds exist objectively. We know clouds exist because we've seen them every day of our lives. However, in the perspective of a rat that had lived its entire life in the sewers, it had never seen clouds. Thus, to the rat, clouds do not exist.

Of course, if this is true, then nothing is real. Everything we've known, learned, and discovered could all be a lie. Which is part of the reason why I don't think existence has a meaning or purpose.
If I understand you correctly, if we can't see it, it doesn't exist. Is that an accurate representation of your views on the matter?

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: What Are Your 3 Favorite Colors
« on: November 08, 2010, 02:38:51 am »
@theloconate What i sense from you isn't the normal interpretation for black, mostly because you deny the existence of spirits. Your black is a void in your life something you want but are unable to achieve. Your red is anger because of this void. Your brown is the only thing that sustains you and keeps you calm.
That sounds kinda nice but I'm almost certain I have no voids i need to fill

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