Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Game now too difficult for new players?
« on: July 11, 2011, 03:05:14 am »
I think rares are actually easier to come by now... a simple grabbix can grab you up to 95% win rate in bronze
you can farm rares like no other like that...
back in the T50 days, we had to post in the T50 thread, beg (not really, but you get the point ) players to put up farms for desired rare, and then go crack for hours to get 12 copies of the rare we want (it takes a long time, because you have to fight that specific guy...)
you can farm rares like no other like that...
back in the T50 days, we had to post in the T50 thread, beg (not really, but you get the point ) players to put up farms for desired rare, and then go crack for hours to get 12 copies of the rare we want (it takes a long time, because you have to fight that specific guy...)