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Messages - theidioticidiot (3315)

Pages: 1 ... 18 19 [20] 21 22 ... 277
I think rares are actually easier to come by now... a simple grabbix can grab you up to 95% win rate in bronze
you can farm rares like no other like that...

back in the T50 days, we had to post in the T50 thread, beg (not really, but you get the point :P) players to put up farms for desired rare, and then go crack for hours to get 12 copies of the rare we want (it takes a long time, because you have to fight that specific guy...)

after playing with this in gold for like ever, noticed several things:

1) adrenaline is a great damage booster, and it can take care of opponent creatures (if you have fire buckler), however, I find that it's often useless, and I think either another heal, a jade staff (decent heal), or a cockatrice might be better

2) two hourglasses are way too excessive, I know that they are there to help draw out PC, but I still feel just one is enough, replacing an hourglass with another QT seems to help more

3) fire buckler + maxwell's demon = evil, fire buckler ---> bone wall + maxwell's demon = evil x 9001, however, the combo is rarely pulled off, and often times, the fact that fire buckler doesn't block damage, and kills creatures slower than one would want, I think wings would be better, this does, however, upset the quanta balance quite a bit, but I think it's quite worth it

just something I gathered

Forum Bugs, Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Ban anime avatars.
« on: July 11, 2011, 02:51:52 am »

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: Elements meets EU
« on: July 11, 2011, 02:50:12 am »
the thing about a RL meeting is that, the girls (currently nap, higs, and BC, sry if I missed any other that I shouldn't have missed) will be jumped on by the guys...

gaming girls=best thing for most guys in the world...

Rainbow Decks / Re: PSP (Phase Shield Psnbow)
« on: July 11, 2011, 02:48:00 am »
I still feel 5 shields are kinda excessive, and black hole helps more than the fifth shield imo

I think we should trade the discord and a shield for two CPs

False Gods / Re: False God Tournament?
« on: July 11, 2011, 02:45:45 am »
cmon guys, this is simple, eternal phoenix will win

no god has anything to stop the fractal phoenix spam, and eternal phoenix has enough control to keep herself alive, that is something we can all agree on, yes?

now, the only god I see that can stand a chance is decay, but I think eternal phoenix is faster, as long as EP get's one good fractal on a minor phoenix off, EP should win the game faster

Rainbow Decks / Re: PSP (Phase Shield Psnbow)
« on: July 11, 2011, 02:42:04 am »
better, though, still kind of fragile, but it's better

(better update the OP too ;))

Rainbow Decks / Re: PSP (Phase Shield Psnbow)
« on: July 11, 2011, 12:04:55 am »
I would just like to see more creatures...
the phase shields are cool and all, the explosions are fun to use and all, but:

when your deck has only 6 creatures, with 5 of them having less or equal to 4 hp, one with 6 hp, no buffs, and only one creature capable of burrow, and only one weapon, that deck is considered seriously fragile, and your damage potential can be eliminated completely without too much effort

-2 shields, +2 quints (yay, quints)
-2 explosions, +1 minor phoenix (yeah, yeah, yeah, call me biased, w/e), +1 unstoppable (we don't want that fire shield to stop us now do we ;))

False Gods / Re: False God Tournament?
« on: July 10, 2011, 11:34:23 pm »
Surely, CC would be important in this FG vs FG scenario. At the other hand, PC wouldnt be so bad considering they all have double draw. We all know how normal decks usually try to equilibrate this with hourglass, and how destroying it is usually bad in early game.
um... they still have double draw... and triple mark..
if I understand it right, the OP meant two actual FGs with the exact deck, triple mark, and double draw right?

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: Elements meets EU
« on: July 10, 2011, 10:24:20 pm »
is this for real, or just...
I honestly can't tell....

Deck Help / Re: Trial #3 Phase #1 Deck Collection
« on: July 10, 2011, 07:25:24 pm »
necro'ing this thread, because I think the decks listed here, although they were made for halfbloods, might have decent stats against arena (platinum is probably out of reach, but silver and gold should be with in reach)

sadly, I don't have that many upgraded cards (I never grinded all that much, except to get rares), so I do want to ask the community for help on testing the decks against arena, I can test a few, but not all


Also coming up: the epic battle for the title of Grandmaster.
How? When? Let's get it started ;)
what? eager to lose the grand master title so early?

Hadn't you abandoned the forums?
Like my signature and dd mentioned, Arena feature attracted my attention, and decided to assist the community in anyway I can to make good arena decks

(by arena decks, I mean decks that can win against decks submitted for arena, I will provide next to no assistance in helping ppl making good submitted decks, my secret with success in arena stays with me, I am selfish like that :P)

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