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Messages - theidioticidiot (3315)

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 [19] 20 21 ... 277
another thing, new players should still be farming AI3 and FG before really farm too much arena for rares and fun...
just my thoughts...

since AI3 and FG didn't change much, I don't think the game stage for newer players would be harder

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Ethereal Shield | Aegis Shield
« on: July 11, 2011, 05:37:00 pm »
3 for unupped
5 for upped

much better quanta cost

and no, it won't be OP

False Gods / Re: False God Tournament?
« on: July 11, 2011, 05:33:56 pm »
against akebono, EP would probably be faster... CC wouldn't have any effect, but meh, it's speed vs speed

EP also has lightning bolts (keep that in mind)

False Gods / Re: False God Tournament?
« on: July 11, 2011, 02:19:36 pm »
hermes's creatures are not as stable as EP, even with heavy armor, and after a long CC battle, since EP's are much harder to kill, EP comes out on top

as for seism, good point, but typically seism plays 3-4 QS, which shouldn't be too much of a setback, protected diamond shield is relatively rare, and EP does have ruby dragons even if it happens, SS from seism will be annoying, but I still think EP has the speed to defeat him

as for decay vs EP, EP can likely pull off a fractal before decay can, depends on how many phoenixes you have in the beginning of the match, you can get decay to use a lot of siphon uselessly on them, wasting quanta he could have used to play more pests. you can get a fractal on turn 4, if decay plays only one pest, you can also simply destroy every pest he plays in the early game (he will play all his pests in his hand, if you destroy them all, he won't be able to fractal pests for quite a while)

Forum Bugs, Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Ban anime avatars.
« on: July 11, 2011, 05:48:26 am »
this avatar is for you baby!!!

(phoenix ikki, google it)

my games last up to 15-20 turns, maybe my bad luck, but I am almost always matched against stalls, and adrenaline is useless
Not if you use it on the charger then...or steal/destroy their shield and SoGs
I am not a noob, I know what I should target with steals, as for my adrenaline target, I choose whatever is most beneficial, and if I can, I do choose charger

compared to a speedbow maybe, compared to false god decks, no.  You have one shield which can absorb maybe 7-10 attacks(couple rounds at best if they have time to set up and get their deck working in many cases), one which slowly kills their creatures but doesn't protect you at all, one creature(2 if you TU it) that can kill SOME of the stronger creatures they might play, 1 per turn, and a couple heals...not much if they have time to set up any real offense...again, you really need to win quickly.  Many of my games are over in 5-7 turns, even on gold/platinum with their higher hp.  Adrenaline can add as much as 18 damage per turn which is hardly insignificant.
my games last up to 15-20 turns, maybe my bad luck, but I am almost always matched against stalls, and adrenaline is useless
the few games that lasted less than 10 turns resulted in me losing

usually, when I use it, I would win without it, and it has never saved me in any tough spots, while the heal for example has saved my sry butt countless of times, that's why I consider it inferior to another heal
Considering this deck has very limited defensive capability and relies more on killing the opponent quickly, I find it hard to imagine that a card which can easily add 50 or more damage in a game would not make a difference for you.  I've certainly had plenty of games where I'm one turn away from dying and the extra damage from adrenaline is enough to win(not to mention the additional damage it did on previous turns as well).   If anything, I'd say heal is less likely to save you as towards the later part of the game, many decks will easily be doing more than 20 damage per turn.
as I understand, this deck is much more focused on defense than just about most speed bows out there...

The Arena / Re: Easiest Win Ever
« on: July 11, 2011, 04:01:07 am »
Each day, HP loss doubles. After 1 day it's only 2 HP, but after 8 days (if you are somehow still in the top 500) it is a 256 HP loss, which would mean your HP falls to 1 since it can't go negative.
wait... the deck's hp drops?

1) adrenaline is a great damage booster, and it can take care of opponent creatures (if you have fire buckler), however, I find that it's often useless, and I think either another heal, a jade staff (decent heal), or a cockatrice might be better

Not sure how you can possibly say it's can be used on nearly any creature to add a lot of extra damage(especially if you TU that creatures as well) and often that extra damage can be the difference between winning or not with this deck.
usually, when I use it, I would win without it, and it has never saved me in any tough spots, while the heal for example has saved my sry butt countless of times, that's why I consider it inferior to another heal

well, either way, it makes me feel good, that I spent the time to get 12 of every rare months back

The Arena / Re: Easiest Win Ever
« on: July 11, 2011, 03:08:05 am »
how can you even drop your hp so low!!!

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