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Messages - theidioticidiot (3315)

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17] 18 19 ... 277
How would you stop being critical despite your ignorance?

dd brings a good point in all of this

why is it that I am ignorant, maybe because I don't know?

fact remains, I want to know why is this in discussion, when it shouldn't be

I don't demand it being put into effect right away, I want it to take a spot in SG's to-do list, since it's in discussion, obviously, there are people opposing it, but I don't know that now do I?

in other words, I want to know why are people opposing this

if you want me to stop being critical, it might help to answer me besides "already being discussed"

you question the unknown, we all do, I am just the only one to voice it

Rainbow Decks / Re: "The (Anti-Platinum) Deck" (work in progress)
« on: July 17, 2011, 12:28:49 am »
Yeah it definitely can die, though it is one of the hardest to kill; I think only immortal creatures are tougher, or maybe some of the really big gravity ones, but those cost a lot more to play.  Most of the cards that DO kill the phoenix though, it is usually pretty obvious right away if they are being used, and you can hold the phoenix in hand if you are expecting trouble.

Lobotomizer is probably the most commonly used one.  Mindflayer/Ulitharid do the same thing, though as permanents/creatures, I get a turn to possibly deal with them.  Liquid Shadow/Dark Nymph can do it.  I had one guy kill it with Overdrive; it took me a moment to figure out what happened :p  I suppose something like Mitosis could remove the rebirth skill, but I have never seen the AI do that.  Then, of course, you can just kill the Ash, but that requires killing the 4/1, then the 0/7, and all before I get to rebirth it.

The best choice for a non-zero cost creature would be something small in one of the elements that I don't use at all; I think the only 1-cost creature in death/life/water is Rustler/Leaf Dragon, so that would be the best as a random 1-cost.
um... red my original post, I did mention something called virus... it's :death :p

Rainbow Decks / Re: "The (Anti-Platinum) Deck" (work in progress)
« on: July 16, 2011, 11:07:32 pm »
I love phoenixes, however, I don't think it's as good as some other rewind fodders out there

I read the reasons why you chose it, but here are some counter points

she is a tough creature, but not an impossible creature, which means she can be killed. which means that you still have to hold it in your hand still just to prevent sh*t from happening

if you don't want mulligan, virus, shroedinger's cat, or some random 1-cost creature would be better

it's a minor thing, but I like perfection, which is why I pointed this out ;)

I honestly don't see why it's "being discussed"
this should be an obvious action to take...

it's gonna be very helpful, and it won't do any harm...
I'm not surprised to see this kind of a response coming from you.  I shouldn't need to remind you that what you perceive as obvious and true is many times incorrect or to a lesser degree a hasty assumption therefore you aren't in the position to state as a fact that such a decision is obvious and shouldn't require any thought.

We're working on making the change.
I'm not asking you to do anything except be patient, and seeing as how this action isn't going to drastically change the fate of the forums, I don't think that's asking too much from you.
last I checked, this shouldn't take as long as it's taking, why is it being discussed, when it takes at most half an hour to add the subsection(s)?

I am sure that there are priorities, I am questioning the choice of the council over that, however, what I do question is how inefficient it's being.

this is a simple thing, add it, done...

is there any reason you can't just take 30 minutes to do this? what are you so busy with you can't do this?

1) you a qazzie/wolfunit fan?
2) if you are, I am afraid I will have to kill you, because you didn't join the wolfunit fanclub (I am the president of btw)
3) number 2 was a lie
4) wrong section, there is a deck-specific section

I honestly don't see why it's "being discussed"
this should be an obvious action to take...

it's gonna be very helpful, and it won't do any harm...

ferox is an example of AI failing with adrenaline, I don't have screen shots, but look in the "Most Humiliating FG Defeats" thread, there is one there I think
I think it is serket too that fails and only uses the green nymph once then stops.
found the post by ravingrabbid

Also, what's Ferox keeping in hand.

Also, not em for a single point...

ferox is an example of AI failing with adrenaline, I don't have screen shots, but look in the "Most Humiliating FG Defeats" thread, there is one there I think

Instead of just listing random genres for elements, I think we should do something like what Higs has done, analyzing each element and then assigning it a genre based on its nature. For example, an easy one: Fire is fast, powerful, and dominating, so a fitting genre would be hard rock (energetic, fast, heavy). Of course we should go more in-depth then that example.

And also I would like to point out that we should choose 12 genres that people actually listen to in this forum. Some people have suggested stuff like jungle drums for life, but let's be honest, who would actually listen to that? Instead, genres like electronic or metal are much more popular in this forum, and therefore should be included.

More later, perhaps.

we are not being random :/

:fire :

:water :
:entropy :

:life :

:light :
:air :
:earth :
:darkness :
:aether :
:death :
:time :

I know right, I am a man with lots of interests. :P

Trio & Quartet / Re: Throwing Frozen Popsicles... no I mean Titans
« on: July 14, 2011, 09:53:05 pm »
Also, throwing frozen creatures can freeze the opponent weapon.
I...just learned something new.  I'm tempted to see how this deck performs now.
Imma stealin' ur trollface.

Deck Help / Re: What do you farm Silver league with
« on: July 14, 2011, 09:51:46 pm »
I generally just farm gold with JMZ
but I do sometimes crash the silver arena party with JMZ too

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