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Messages - the Sage (214)

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the Sage 2 - 0 SpikeSpiegel

the Sage - DeathDealer1
2-0 for the Sage

The Sage - Kairoi 2-0

PvP Tournaments / Re: TOURNAMENT RULES
« on: July 25, 2010, 03:49:31 pm »
Hi! So how does the 'special card' reward work? Are they more special than, say, a normal upgraded rare? Does the winner get to pick one, or is one randomly selected?

Card Ideas and Art / Upgrading your Mark
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:49 pm »

Yes, so would making the gods easier. Besides, you don't want to spend 30k on something that doesn't work multiplayer. What I WOULD like to see is a quantum mark, generating 3 randum quanta per turn.

Issue Archive / Multiplayer creature confusion bug
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:48 pm »

There are several instances which, to me, make for the worst, most game-destroying bugs. They only occur in multiplayer, and I believe there are two varieties; the creature identity bug and the different representations bug.

The creature identity bug results in multiple creature representations being shifted a column. For instance, an opponent's dragons will move 1 spot to the right, into a devourer spot, while that location retains its status (burrowed). This is often associated with the 0/0/inedible status.

The other bug, which is worse because it occurs more often and its effects are more one-sided (and against my kind of deck), is the different representations bug. What I believe causes this bug is that the game states are separately stored (locally) for the two players, instead of a unified game state being stored on the server. As a result, sometimes changes made by one player do not affect the game state representation of the other player.
For instance, I play chaos seed on an enemy otyugh, resulting in it's health dropping from 6 to 1. I finally play my Elite otyugh, now that it's safe. However, my playing of the chaos seed never registers on my opponent's screen, where his Otyugh's health is still 6, and he thus proceeds to eat my Otyugh. On his turn, my game suddenly shows its health back on 6 (and then 7, as it eats mine). The same thing can occur with lightning not taking effect, or even with devour not taking effect. I have experienced several cases where I devoured a mind-flayer, only to have it re-appear and lobotomize the otyugh on the next turn.

At the risk of being redundant: this SUCKS! A fix would be MOST welcome.

Issue Archive / PvP, lobotomizer buggy
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:48 pm »

The different players' representations is the most major bug in the game.
Multiplayer needs a single unified game state stored on the server and broadcast to the players.

Issue Archive / Random Generator
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:48 pm »

I agree that the random number generator appears to be flawed. The number of games in which I start with 0 pillars or novas is just way too high Since they make up 1/3 of my deck, the chance of the first 8 cards not being pillar or nova shoud be (2/3)^8th (ignoring the fact that it should get more likely with each next card)= 4%. The chance of getting only one is about (2/3)^7=6%. The number of games where I start with 0 or 1 nova or pillar is more like 40% than 10%.
A fix would be most welcome, as the initial number of pillars becomes a far too major predictor of who will win (if the game manages to finish without other gamechanging bugs, that is).

Issue Archive / Momentum - visual bug
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:32 pm »

Hi dev(s)!
At first I thought this was really a mechanic bug, but it's only related to the display. When playing momentum, and using an ability with the target creature immediately afterward (as one is wont to do with otyughs), the momentum icon does not appear on the creature. However, the creature does have the momentum property. It's not much of a problem, but still worth fixing.


This warning (thread title) appears when you exit the game, because you lose automatically if you do. Good warning.
However, it DOES NOT appear when you exit a game before it starts. I only just realized that you also rack up losses, lose coins and lose points when doing so, because the game interface does not inform you. Bad lack of warning.
Obviouusly adding the warning won't help me, since I know now, but it would have helped me a lot before now.

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