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Messages - taikanatur (12)

Pages: [1]
Card Ideas and Art / Re: card name to be determined idk yet
« on: April 18, 2010, 02:20:25 am »
Is it just me or is there any other Magic player out there who is having a Deja Vu right now? XDD

Yeap, the card is WAY overpowered, but I like the idea of multicolored cards, although I`m not sure how that would be implemented.
I guess they would need to change into a magic like cost symbol system. e.g. 4 :earth would have to become:  :earth :earth :earth :earth, which I really dont think they are going to do...

I guess it would be much easier to do just a single color card that, as others have suggested, draws only the amount of cards that you put back into your deck.

Issue Archive / Re: Animate Weapon, etc
« on: April 17, 2010, 06:40:34 pm »
I agree with pretty much everything, except two things:

* The Parallel Universe issue: instead of changing its text, it should simply copy the card exactly as it is (instead of randomizing the skill, for example);
* I dont see why after animating a weapon it should still count as a weapon. The card does state it TURNS your weapon into a creature and it DOES leaves the weapon slot. So it seems quite clear that its not a weapon anymore.

Religion / Re: Does God Exist?
« on: April 16, 2010, 06:02:08 pm »
Well, one thing I know for sure: fake gods DO exist  ;)

My bad, couldnt resist the temptation...

Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Rage Quit Deck"
« on: April 16, 2010, 04:35:24 am »
Little confused about what you're asking, but lemme try:

    I was saying that if both of you have Eternity, then neither one of you will ever win.
Oh, I see. I thought you meant that if someone used an eternity (protected ofc) against the deck you proposed here, neither would win, but since there is no eternity in this deck, I was wondering why...

I really enjoyed it btw ^^
A pity I`m way far from doing anything like that XD

I actually recommend level 3 all the way.
Really? o.0
But you mean after we already have all the rares and we are just grinding money to upgrades, right?

I`m not that experienced, but after a few runs on top50 I got MANY rares. Like shards, some neat weapons and so on, while at lvl3 it took me quite a while to get 1 single rare, but if you are talking about money, I can see why. Since lvl3 its a lot faster and almost 100% sure you`ll win.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: More Quests
« on: April 16, 2010, 04:17:31 am »
Why mono-life? Beating level 4 with a mono-deck (of any element) might be a good quest, but I don't see any reason why a quest should penalize players for not choosing to start with a life deck.
Uh...dude, that was just an example. The purpose of these quests would be to motivate people to actually build other decks, not only one single grinding & boring deck forever till you can beat everything.
So, in this case, if you didnt start with life, great! You would have the chance to try other strategies. Other quest could require mono earth, time and so on... Its supposed to be fairly advanced quests, so you would likely have enough money to spend on some cards to make these decks.

Earth / Re: Skillgannon's Speed Blitzing: Mono-Earth
« on: April 15, 2010, 08:39:02 pm »
I tried with and without the earthquakes (non upgraded version of the deck) and I actually prefer with them. Yes, they do slow you down, but they slow down the opponent a lot more, which greatly increases you winning chances (at least they did for me).

Earth / Re: Rush Series: Earth
« on: April 15, 2010, 08:31:33 pm »
I`m using a quite similar deck, but with earthquakes instead of the golems. I know it doesn`t quite fit in the "rush" strategy but they do wonders against many rainbow decks when you start the game with 1 or 2 of them ^^ (currently farming top 50 XD)

Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Rage Quit Deck"
« on: April 15, 2010, 08:25:17 pm »
Unfortunately, an Eternity + Photon in the deck won't win the game for you.  It'll just make it so both of you never win.
I didnt read the whole thread, but I was just wondering... how would you stop yourself from drawing the last card?

Game Suggestions and Feedback / More Quests
« on: April 15, 2010, 08:03:46 pm »
I just feel there is a big pit between the current last quest (500 points) and starting to do upgrades/beating gods. And sometimes it feels like the game kinda loses its purpose after one finishes the quest.

It would be nice to see more quests, they don`t have to be anything special or give a huge reward, its just to be something to aim for, before you can start beating fake gods.

For example: beating AI 3/4/5 or random player, reaching 1k,2k,5k points, achieving 100,250,500 wins and so on and so forth.

Instead of giving a rare card like current last mission, which would make it too easy to get rares, it could simply give some free spins (which might include rare cards), an extra oracle visit or simply coins, to mention a few possible rewards.

Another idea would be to make some new quests more restricted. For example, it would require you to beat lvl 4 AI with a mono life deck, to beat lvl 3 with no  cards on the deck costing more then 3 or even beating lvl 3 with no creatures on the deck.

This would require you to invest money, time and some thought into it, therefore it would be a nice change of pace of the just grinding, grinding, grinding to get rares and money for upgrades.

It is noted. Big, bright yellow letters. I have already addressed the request for deck recommendations in this discussion. I don't want to raise one deck above another for the sole reason that the purpose of this guide is to show new players that there is no wrong element, and that a good deck can be made from any of the twelve starter decks.
I see, my bad. I just rushed through it...

But about the deck recommendations... that was my point actually. They are not ALL good. I did try a few and didnt find anything even close to the earth one. It not only beats level 3 extremely fast and pretty much 100% of the times, but you can actually beat quite a few top50 with it, which I couldnt even with a quite expensive time deck, for example. Somewhat overpowered IMO...

Btw, I was wondering why you recommend to go from lvl 3 to 5. I find lvl 4 to be much easier to beat then 5, plus eventually some good souls make it easy for you with the 18 pillars/2 rares deck, which I found to be an awesome way to earn early rares.

Awesome guide. The deck list to import them would be pretty neat ^^.

Also, it would be nice to know which one is more recomended. I tried a variation of the Graboid/Shrieker and its REALLY kick ass. Its important to notice that we should change our mark to time ASAP, for a much better perfomance ^^.

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