Game Suggestions and Feedback / more gold. more... something
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:32 pm »so... i started playing this game a few days ago. i find it really fun.. but im quickly losing interest. because
A. i have to grind and grind and grind and grind for money to buy 3 cards that will help me win, so i can grind and grind and grind more to buy 2 more cards.
B. such a limited amount of cards. im use to card games where i have a big selection, a big enough one where i can make a deck that very few have, and do good, or fail miserably and go back to the drawing board.
i would say, be cool if you could trade cards, or give cards... but seeing as it seams, when you start a profile, you get every card in your element other then the 1 rare card (according to the list i found). i see a problem in that.
if you could trade cards, i would just make new accounts, trading the most expencive cards, and selling them to get the ones i really want.
if you could give cards, i would make new accounts and just give cards to my main account. so i had every card, and could build decks to destroy what ever i wanted.
and thats why there needs to be more cards. so you can have those features, and people could get on, and quickly get almost every card there is. with the addition of a crap ton of new cards, you could have that, someone ends up giving their main account all the starter deck cards... well that will help them out, but it wont make them good enough to actually PVP the high ranking people.
because of the lack of cards, i thought i was going to get my ars handed to me when i tried the top 50 duels. first match, was up against rank 36, and whipped the crap out of it. im a noob that just started not more then 5 hours before i tried that match.
with the lack of cards, there is to much "my deck is as good as yours" in the game. the decks seem to be fairly even. even with the high ranked decks. i know each deck is different, but each deck is capable of beating any other deck. in other card games i have played, sure there were some types of decks that could beat others of similar types, but then there were decks that could only be beaten by certain types, and those certain types were only beatable by other certain types.
this is a great game, its just lacking in diversity.