False Gods / Re: If you were a false god...
« on: April 21, 2010, 10:03:19 pm »
Nymph Attack
mark x 3
all card x 2
This false god will turn everything into nymph and quint every nymph, while protecting its permanent and destroying opponents' pillars.
Code: [Select]
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 77i 77i 77i 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gp 7gs 7gs 7h0 7h0 7h0 7h0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 808 808 808 808 80d 80d 80h 80h
mark x 3
all card x 2
This false god will turn everything into nymph and quint every nymph, while protecting its permanent and destroying opponents' pillars.