« on: July 04, 2011, 04:16:28 am »
Not exactly a fair comparison there. For a game like this, especially the way that quanta is stored, those two cards are a fairly obvious design. More importantly, neither of those actually uses pseudoquanta. (Mostly due to M:tG experience, I don't consider Other as a PQ...colorless mana is pretty simple to understand and translates universally.)
To compare apples to apples, let's look at Mirror vs Priori. For Mirror, there's a lot of 12-card sets out there in the CI&A that the only difference is the element. Making those be a single card costing Mirror would simplify things, make it much cheaper in Electrum to obtain, and they'd be extremely versatile, usable almost in any deck. It also allows a design for other cards that don't really fit a single element thematically, either in casting or activation cost, that you wouldn't want to just throw into 'Other.' It's very static and easy to plan for when creating decks.
For Priori, it tosses in a variable that I personally wouldn't want to have to juggle in deck design. In many cases, the exact card order played makes all the difference in an awesome combo and an 'aw hell, what did I just do' moment. Having the added difficulty of making sure I get the cards in the correct order, not just for the mechanics themselves, but also to make sure I can actually afford to cast a certain card, just isn't that appealing, and I am not seeing anything (example card included) that would be ideal enough to have to work through that difficulty. I would need to see other cards designed, and am open to being convinced otherwise, but the instantly recognizable 'yeah, that's a good idea' just isn't there for me.