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Messages - smurrf (275)

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12] 13 14 ... 23
Now that this round is over, Rutarete, Stopwatch is actually a really good idea as a mono-card.  Where it fell apart, I think, was that there's no reason to throw  :aether onto the card...what do they gain out of it? Theme fits  :time only, where Manipul8r's Chronophage tied it into being a  :darkness creature. 

I'd say remodel it as a  :time only card and send it on to Crucible.

Forge Archive / Re: Impulse | Impulse
« on: June 24, 2011, 02:45:12 pm »
Minor niggle on the wording of the 'play or discard all cards drawn during next turn'...make it "any card drawn next turn must be..." instead. Less confusion for new players.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Amnesia | Brain trauma
« on: June 22, 2011, 03:35:45 pm »
Or simply discard one at random.  That'd make a nice tie in to the GotP/Nightmare deal, without making it OP.

Crucible Archive / Re: Burrowing Scorpion | Tunneling Scorpion
« on: June 22, 2011, 11:25:44 am »
If it comes into play burrowed, wouldn't it have an ATK of 0 due to rounding? If that's the case, why bother having it burrowed at all, other than giving the opponent a turn to go 'oh crap, better put out a shield'?

Forge Archive / Re: Taniwha | Elder Taniwha
« on: June 21, 2011, 11:09:15 pm »
With the ability, seems like the upped has too much HP. Suggest 20, perhaps? That'll let it survive a few hits by smaller creatures, or a couple by larger, and still be able to be won through. 

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Cannibalism | Curse of Ouroboros
« on: June 21, 2011, 08:25:58 pm »
Zerg's idea of making it a spell I think is sufficient.  Have it read "Your creatures attack you and your opponent's creatures suffer from Antimatter until the beginning of your next turn.", or something similar.  Having it be a permanent really is a bit of overkill.

On that note, the spell really doesn't fit in the Death school.  Have it be Entropy, where it makes more sense.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Cannibalism | Curse of Ouroboros
« on: June 21, 2011, 07:33:32 pm »
Cannibalism + Quint and now, unless your opponent can AM his own creatures, a huge number of decks have no way to win the game.  I think the whole concept is a bit OP.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Magpie | Magpie
« on: June 21, 2011, 07:15:36 pm »
Yeah, this one should be going into the Crucible soon, amirite?
Possibly, though I want to let the challenge it was designed for finish before it gets put up.  I'm actually pondering a change to this to make it be half random, half your mark (odd quanta goes to random) for both versions.

Its supossed a player can use the ability once or more than once per turn? I guess its once, but it could be more considering the price of this quanta acceleration (yes you got 24 extra quanta but now you got a single card in hand, i.e.). Not sure about this.
Once per turn only.  Want more, you'll have to have more birds in your deck or otherwise clone it.  That said, there shouldn't be *much* reason (though I'm sure peopl can find some) to have more than one or two of these out.

Thanks for the love for the card from both of you!

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Zombify | Zombify
« on: June 21, 2011, 03:30:53 pm »
Maybe just 1 poison, but yeah, zombies do breed by infection, so some amount of poison damage is called for.  Maybe just call it Infection and throw up a red symbol on it, kind of like Neurotoxin stacks with Poison and turns that icon yellow.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Rargar | Rargarpeg
« on: June 21, 2011, 10:40:08 am »
Unless you have to use the activatable ability at least once to get the quanta generation on death, that line should probably be first to clarify:

Generates  :entropy :darkness upon death.  :darkness :darkness: Double all damage given and received for this card until beginning of next turn.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Reaper | Reaper
« on: June 21, 2011, 10:36:01 am »
Also why are the quanta signs smaller? You shouldn't have to copy/paste it.
From the notes: I apologize for the bad image of the quanta, I'm stuck using a crappy netbook at the moment that won't let me see the bottom of the Card Creator page to directly put in the marks and had to put it in via pixlr.  I'll fix it in a couple weeks when I'm back to my home computer. (I also didn't know if I'd have room while copy/pasting the icons to put 'Can't be animated' on the card.  I'd have waited to generate the whole thing, but there's this little contest with time limits...)

As far as it being OP, there's the cost, which is increased above most other weapons because of the static ability, there's also the fact that it does so little damage to the opponent directly (only 1, and only for the upped.)  This is a CC weapon, not meant to be like the rest. 

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Dark Trader | Dark Dealer
« on: June 21, 2011, 12:05:38 am »
True enough...did not think of that.

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