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Messages - smuglapse (1473)

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Issue Archive / Re: Discord + Momentum + Adrenaline = lolwtf
« on: July 02, 2010, 05:24:47 pm »
These are all one game. That was the first turn.
Third turn, actually.  Look at the deck count.

This bug is in the Known Bugs section:
Flying Discord+Adrenaline

A flying Discord with adrenaline doesn't use its extra attacks all at once. Instead, it cycles through them once every turn. It seems as though Scramble interferes with Adrenaline, halting further attacks during the creature action.

Quote from: mafidufa, April 08, 2010, 01:19:10 AM
    I tried a few other flying weapons but none of them seemed to have any problem. It seems to be just Discord. jmizzle is right that it cycles through the attacks. First it hits for 4, then 3, then 2. It has something to do with Discord's ability because a lobotomized Discord attacks normally - 4,3,2 all in one turn. Curiously, it remembers which attack it was on after being lobotomized. If, say, last turn it attacked for 4 and this turn you lobotomize it, it will attack for only 3,2 not the full 4,3,2 this turn. After that it will be back to normal, i.e. expected non-buggy behavior with adrenaline.

General Discussion / Re: Elements FAQ
« on: July 02, 2010, 05:09:03 pm »
i wanna know if these statistics seem off to anyone else but me, i just faced this person in the T50.  they arent very hard to beat and only a few upraded cards, and i know that the stats are slightly modified, but doesn't this seem just a lot inaccurate

Player Name - 95010708158
Score - 8,388,607 Rank - 1
Win - 49 Lose - 43

im not complaining, merely curious if this is logic or not
That is a score hacker.  It will be removed eventually.  Someone else posted about him:

well looks like yet another t50 hacker, i would have at least used a funny name....


Issue Archive / Re: Dissipation Shield Bug
« on: July 02, 2010, 01:20:10 am »
This should be added to the known bugs.

Previous thread:,6722.msg78654#msg78654

General Discussion / Re: I lost to 45 false gods in a row.
« on: June 25, 2010, 01:38:35 am »
What would Jessica do?

Issue Archive / Strange dot in the Import screen
« on: June 24, 2010, 11:20:06 pm »

Anybody else have this little dot when they import a deck?  I noticed it since playing on the .net server.  It worried me at first because I thought it was a dead pixel on my laptop screen.

When .com came back online I noticed it does not have the dot.  It is only a "feature" of the .net server.  Weird.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Dragon Balance
« on: June 24, 2010, 11:08:29 pm »
Elements are and should be balanced as a whole.  Dragons are adjusted accordingly.

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: Genders in Elements
« on: June 24, 2010, 05:58:33 pm »
Quote from: wikipedia
Gemini were twin brothers in Greek mythology
Neptune (Latin: Neptūnus) is the god of water and the sea[1]  in Roman mythology, a brother of Jupiter and Pluto.

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: Genders in Elements
« on: June 24, 2010, 05:43:33 pm »
Anyone who has ever had a girlfriend will agree that fire, death and darkness are female elements.

Bitter much?

Chaos LordDestiny
Dark MatterDream Catcher
DecayDivine Glory
FeroxEternal Phoenix
GravitonFire Queen
Paradox - androgynous

General Discussion / Re: firefox persona?
« on: June 24, 2010, 05:30:51 pm »
--->Personas (<---

Cool idea.  But, I'm not sure if I would use it, because I really like that one I have now: Beach Hawaii Style (

Strategy / Re: RoL+Fractal+Hope Strategy guide!
« on: June 24, 2010, 05:24:16 pm »
I didn't see any threads with a strategy for each god, just myriads of tips in comments.
If you play against these, you are lucky.

Divine Glory
His strongest creature attacks for 8 damage only, so even one fractal can often be enough to stop him. Due to his miracles, you need to play a large number of dragons in one turn though, otherwise you risk decking out.

Same, but he can play a bit larger creatures, so more rays are necessary. An early dragon rush might cause a loss.

By far the easiest. No big creatures, and no shields or healing. Fractaling rays endlessly until you have 23 of them is enough to win. Lobotomizing eggs and druids is useful if you can.

These are also easy if you know what you are doing.

Play all your rays ASAP, he has no creature control. too many early shriekers can kill you fast, but if you manage to get at least 10+ rays out, you are safe and victory is guaranteed. Best to play exactly 13 rays because his larges creature is the time dragon with 13 atk. These games are unfortunately somewhat slow, but you can't lose them if you survive the early game.

He can and will kill a lot of rays, so this is where you have to fractal them at least 3, sometimes even 4 times. He also has miracles, so a well timed fractaled dragon is also necessary. These games are long, and mistakes usually cost you the game, but once you learn how to do it, winning is almost guaranteed.
The only thing that can be trouble is if he plays an early growing creature you can't lobo.

Electrocutor is your friend here, as his viruses are trouble. Still winnable without one, because his creatures don't attack for more than 6, so holding back your rays in case of a virus is often enough to handle the situation. Rays are enough for damage without dragons as he only has bone walls.

Another one where Electrocutor is important, but not absolutely necessary.
While Electrocutor is not such high priority that at others, without one, blessed creatures can get excessively large, and then be cloned. Lobotomizing his rays denies his light quanta because he has no light towers at all, so doing so can prevent blessings, miracles, and sometimes even mirror shield. The blessings are the important here, if he can play those uncontrolled, you can easily find yourself facing 4-5 25/25 ray of lights or deja vus.
Overall, with Elec, your win is 100%, without one, you'll probably lose a game or two out of every 5-6 you play.

Electrocutor necessary
You will likely encounter trouble if you don't have an Electrocutor in time against these gods.

Fire Queen
As long as you can lobo her Queens and prevent token generation, she has no fire quanta, and her Ferals don't heal for much. Winning is very easy.
Without lobo, it is quite risky however, with a full 23 creatures, she can heal for way too much, and can kill you with fire lances too. If she has a queen out before you draw your first Elec, quit.

Growing creatures, and lobotomizing creatures here, so you need to get rid of those abilities in time. If you do, it isn't too difficult to win. Having both dragons in the last 5-10 cards can be trouble though, as he has some feral bonds.

You need your Electrocutor asap here. If he already has over one creature with an ability by the time you play your elec, you might as well give up because those pharaohs will generate more scarabs, and then he plays more pharaohs too. Basically, you need to play one at at turn 2-3 at latest.

Play these if your starting hand is better than usual, has many towers, at least a ray, and fractal or hope.

Chaos Lord
Early discord, or powerful mutated creatures can kill you.
If neither of those happen, you'll most likely win, but the dissipation shield makes that a pretty slow victory.
I usually play this match, because losing happens quick, but winning is slow, and there are a lot of risks, so skipping is probably better.
By all means, give up if discord comes out before your shield+fractal, unless he has no creatures whatsoever.
If both dragons are down in the last 5-10 cards, you are in big trouble.
Mutated creatures can also be a problem if your don't have an elec, and if it gets stolen, that is also a big trouble in itself because it will be used against you.

Even if you are fast enough to bypass his quanta denial lock, and make him play fractals on your rays instead of his pests, syphon life will kill some of your not-that many dragons, dusk will slow them down even more, and he'll gain life from those syphons too. Even worse, he might direct them at you and just kill your outright. Chance to win seems too low for the amount of time invested, but the good chance of winning cards, that are also all useful (pest,syphon life, steal, fractal, electrocutor, all good cards) might make this worth a try if you have a very good start. Don't hesitate to quit if you are low on life, or he has a lot of quanta, and you are slow at doing damage, because he will finish you off with syphon life.

While winning is possible, the chance is not good, sometimes very low, or a lot of time can get wasted. Skip these, unless you really want a challenge.

Too many creatures with momentum here, and his pulverizer can destroy your only way of removing that momentum ability. Not worth the time, the chance of victory is very minimal. Only possible if he has no pulverizer, you have elec, and a great starting hand.

He can chain a large number of phase shields, so not only will you waste your time, you might deck out and not win anything at the end.
Add the fact that he can momentum his creatures, and even clone them, and that he can lobotomize your rays, so by the time his shields run out, you are also dead (or have no space left for dragons to do damage), this is probably the most time-wasting god to play.
Your victory mainly depends on the number of phase shields he draws.

While holding back your rays can bypass his plagues, with only one shard, his poison, and excess damage from ivory dragons (you can't play all the rays due to plagues) can easily kill you. Deck variants with more shards can get much better win rates here, but it is better to skip with this one I think.

Dark Matter
Without an early electrocutor, you have no chance here, but even if you do have one, he can play too many 7 atk creatures before you get your shield out. He also has a lot of momentum, and blessings, so some damage can go through your shield, and kill you before you win.
Winning against him is possible, but way too rare to count on it.

Eternal Phoenix
You are guaranteed to die after a firestorm because of his ruby dragons, and ha also has tons of explosions to destroy your pillars, slowing you down.
While not impossible, you'll only win if he has a slow start and never draws a firestorm after the midgame.

Dream Cathcher
He is like Chaos Lord, but worse. A lot more quanta denial here, if he plays Discord, you are guaranteed to lose, same for Quicksand, and even without those, pests, and black holes slow you down. Butterfly effect can also destroy your pillars. I've won like 2 games out of 10-15 so far...

With only 7 slots, that are needed for your rays, and dragons dieing after attacking once, adding the fact that most of those 7 rays will be frozen, you just can't put out enough damage in time, especially through a permafrost shield. Decking out is far too likely to bother playing here.

Impossible (or nearly so)
Skip all of these by all means.

Half of his deck are unstable gases. Those kill all your rays while also bypass your shield and do damage to you. This one is impossible.

Firestorms can kill your rays, he has direct damage to kill you even if you have your shield up, and his growing creatures will eventually hit through anyway. Don't even bother.He can even blow up your pillars, too.

Momentum, Otyughs eating your rays, growing creatures, and to top it off, firestorm and explosions that destroy your electrocutor. Oh, and even more momentum, including Titans, which you can't lobotomize.

There is too much poison here for only one shard. 4+ shard variants can have a reasonable win rate here, this one however can't even hope to win.

All of his decks are creatures, and feral bonds. Even if you get the optimal draw, he is likely to outheal your damage. Early rush can also kill you if you aren't fast enough, but healing the major problem. If you fractal too many rays, you won't have enough slots left for dragons, and if you don't, it takes too long to play those dragons.

"Playable" gods : 10
Better to skip, or impossible : 14

I'm not that happy with this being the fastest way of farming...when I have to skip over half of the opponents...

False Gods / Re: Most humiliating FG defeats
« on: June 24, 2010, 12:38:58 pm »
I thought all gods were male except fire queen (unless he's some random guy calling himself a queen)
I guess they can be whatever you want them to be.  I base it off of if there is a real life counterpart.  Destiny and Glory are female names where I come from.

I'm not doing the defeating, though. I wonder why..
Ah, the ol' Fractal/RoL deck... I never had as much success with that as I did the Fractal/RoL/Hope deck.   :P

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Reconstruct | Reforge
« on: June 24, 2010, 12:34:32 pm »
On a serious note... this suffers from the same coding issue as Rebirth/Revive, specifically:

In the Interview, Zanz says no to Graveyards (the Conceptial Zone for destroyed cards in the game).

How about a permanent that when a creature dies, the rebirth is destroyed instead?
I'm not suggesting you abandon the idea, but you may want to create a mechanic where it works based on the "no graveyard" condition.

Also, if a shield or weapon is replaced by another, does that count as "destroying" it?

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