Temple Series V.1 (26 Cards)
1. Water & Fire
2. Life & Death
3. Aether & Time
4. Air & Earth
5. Entropy & Gravity
6. Light & Dark
1. Water & Fire

Deep Temple | Forgotten Temple (
| |
NAME: | Deep Temple
| ELEMENT: | Water
| COST: | 5 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | Heals every water creature in your possession up to 1 HP at the end of every turn
| NAME: | Forgotten Temple
| ELEMENT: | Water
| COST: | 8 
| TYPE: | Permanent (upgraded)
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | Heals every water creature in your possession up to 2 HP at the end of every turn, Deals 1 damage to every fire creature.

The Fire Temple | Volcano Temple (
| |
NAME: | The Fire Temple
| ELEMENT: | Fire
| COST: | 5 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | Deals 1 damage to every fire creature at the end of every turn, Your fire creature turns into Ash when killed
| NAME: | Volcano Temple
| ELEMENT: | Fire
| COST: | 8 
| TYPE: | Permanent (upgraded)
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | Deals 1 damage to every fire and water creature and your opponent at the end of every turn, Your fire creature turns into Ash when killed
1. Damage to every fire creature except for phoenixes.
2. Damage to opponent is blocking/reflecting by shield.
3. Ash will not turn into Ash, it dies.
2. Life & Death

Jasper Temple | Malachite Temple
| |
NAME: | Jasper Temple
| ELEMENT: | Life
| COST: | 5 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | Every time a creature dies, you gain 1 life 2 : Reset status of every life creature in your possession and yourself
| NAME: | Malachite Temple
| ELEMENT: | Life
| COST: | 8 
| TYPE: | Permanent (upgraded)
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | Every time a creature dies, you gain 2 life 2 : Reset status of every creature in your possession and yourself, also heal yourself for up to 10 HP’s

Pluto Temple | Plutonium Temple
| |
NAME: | Pluto Temple
| ELEMENT: | Death
| COST: | 5 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | Every time a creature dies, your creature gains +1/+0
| NAME: | Plutonium Temple
| ELEMENT: | Death
| COST: | 12 
| TYPE: | Permanent (upgraded)
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | Every time a creature dies, your creature gains +1/+0 Your opponent's attacking creatures have a 50% chance to be poison, and if the target creatures dies, it turns into a malignant cell.
3. Aether & Time

Phase Temple | Sinusoid Temple
| |
NAME: | Phase Temple
| ELEMENT: | Aether
| COST: | 5 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | All the aether creatures gain +0/+1 Can not be destroyed or stolen.
| NAME: | Sinusoid Temple
| ELEMENT: | Aether
| COST: | 8 
| TYPE: | Permanent (upgraded)
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | All the aether creatures gain +1/+1 Every aether creatures in your possession grant immortality, can not be targeted. Can not be destroyed or stolen.

Pyramid | Louvre Pyramid
| |
NAME: | Pyramid
| ELEMENT: | Time
| COST: | 5 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | Each turn 1 random quanta are generated to you and your opponent 3 : Put a target permanent back in its owner’s deck.
| NAME: | Louvre Pyramid
| ELEMENT: | Time
| COST: | 8 
| TYPE: | Permeanent (upgraded)
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | Each turn 1 random quanta are generated 3 Aether: The target permanent becomes the last card of its owner’s deck.
4. Air & Earth

The Air Temple | The Flying Temple (
| |
NAME: | The Air Temple
| ELEMENT: | Air
| COST: | 5 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: | 6|5 when flying
| ABILITY: | No creature can be burrowed 1 : Turn The Air Temple into a creature
| NAME: | The Flying Temple
| ELEMENT: | Air
| COST: | 8 
| TYPE: | Permanent (upgraded)
| ATK|HP: | 9|7 when flying
| ABILITY: | No creature can be burrowed 1 : Turn Flying Temple into a creature

The Hedgehog Temple | Le Hérisson Temple
| |
NAME: | The Hedgehog Temple
| ELEMENT: | Earth
| COST: | 5 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | Deals 2 damage to every flying creature every turn, Absorb 1 Earth at the end of every turn.
| NAME: | Le Hérisson Temple
| ELEMENT: | Earth
| COST: | 8 
| TYPE: | Permanent (upgraded)
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | Deals 2 damage to every unburrow creature every turn, Absorb 1 Earth and absorb 1 quantum from your opponent at the end of every turn.
5. Entropy & Gravity

Entropy Temple | Athena Temple
| |
NAME: | Entropy Temple
| ELEMENT: | Entropy
| COST: | 5 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | No entropy creature in your possession can be devour and freeze Each turn heal yourself for up to 2 HP’s and generate 1 to you and your opponent
| NAME: | Athena Temple
| ELEMENT: | Entropy
| COST: | 8 
| TYPE: | Premanent (upgraded)
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | No entropy creature in your possession can be devour, infect and freeze Each turn heal yourself for up to 2 HP’s and generate 2 to you and your opponent

Gravity Temple | Parthenon Temple
| |
NAME: | Gravity Temple
| ELEMENT: | Gravity
| COST: | 5 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | No gravity cards can return to its owner’s deck No creature can be mutated into a mutant Each turn 1 are generated to you and your opponent
| NAME: | Parthenon Temple
| ELEMENT: | Gravity
| COST: | 8 
| TYPE: | Permanent (upgraded)
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | No return, no mutate, no flying Each turn 1 are generated to you and your opponent
1. No return, no mutate, no flying:
No cards can return to its owner’s deck,
No creature can be mutated into a mutant, (but still can be power up)
No permanent can be turn into a creature.
6. Light & Dark

The Light Temple | Light Spiritual Temple
| |
NAME: | The Light Temple
| ELEMENT: | Light
| COST: | 8 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | All the death or darkness creatures gain -1/-1 Cost Down: Discard 1 card from your hand, The target card in your hand cost is now zero. Can not be destroyed or stolen.
| NAME: | Light Spiritual Temple
| ELEMENT: | Light
| COST: | 5 
| TYPE: | Permanent (upgraded)
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | All the death or darkness creatures gain -1/-1 Cost Down: Discard 1 card from your hand, The target card in your hand cost is now zero.

Avatar Temple | Wicked Avatar Temple
| |
NAME: | Avatar Temple
| ELEMENT: | Darkness
| COST: | 5 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | All the life or light creatures gain -1/-1 Cost Up every skills and cards by 1
| NAME: | Wicked Avatar Temple
| ELEMENT: | Darkness
| COST: | 1 
| TYPE: | Permanent (upgraded)
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | All the creatures gain -1/-1 Cost Up every skills and cards by 3 Can not be destroyed
7. Other
Lilikoi | Lilikoi Temple
| |
NAME: | Lilikoi
| ELEMENT: | Other
| COST: | 1
| TYPE: | Spell
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | It seems to be valued and useless, but it might be upgradable.
| NAME: | Lilikoi Temple
| ELEMENT: | Other
| COST: | 10
| TYPE: | Permanent (upgraded)
| ATK|HP: | -
| ABILITY: | All temple cards now are useless All creature and mark now can only generate 1
Electricity wires are down, rainbow colours fade into brown
I dreamt your smile was shifting for good
Courageous boy, now you are gone
And run faster, yet have no place to go
Your spirit still burns, and so life goes on
You are.......
All ability of temple are not double if you play 2 of it.
New Ability:
Pyramid: Put a target permanent back in its owner’s deck.
Louvre: The target permanent becomes the last card of its owner’s deck.
Cost Down: Discard 1 card from your hand, The target card in your hand cost is now zero.
Reset: Reset status of every creature in your possession and yourself. (except for malignant cell)