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Messages - silly01 (3)

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Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Suggestion: Multiple Deck saving.
« on: September 24, 2010, 11:20:07 am »
@Dragoon1140 -> True, and it is not a very big deal. But it was only one of the things that could be improved with multiple deck slots.

And i don't know much about flash and server space, but doing it as i mentioned to Willng3 i guess it would not take that much server space because you don't save the decks from all the players perminently, but just in the playing sessions of each player.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Suggestion: Multiple Deck saving.
« on: September 23, 2010, 10:43:37 pm »
@Willng3 -> Yes, i made a list with the codes of my decks aswell. But that doesn't change that there is a chance you sell the wrong card(s) in the Bazaar. And you can still forget to change your mark.

@Guolin -> Ok, Maybe it will help, i understand it will take alot of space if you save all the decks from all the different players. But what if you save the decks only in the playing sessions when online. For example: When you log in to Elements, you can take your code list from your notepad and copy the codes in your deck slots. It will take you like 10 minutes to add all the decks again. This way you only have to change the UI of the Manage Deck section.

I guess it will take some more space then it does now, but doing it this way saves much space because the server doesn't needs to save all the decks players saved in the deck slots.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Suggestion: Multiple Deck saving.
« on: September 23, 2010, 09:39:21 pm »

I don't know if someone else posted this suggestion before, but i think it would be nice if there will be an opportunity to save multiple decks + their desired mark. I think it would be easier to manage your decks like that instead of copy and pasting the codes. So you can change your deck and mark with one click of a mouse. With this addition to the game you won't sell cards that belong to a deck you forgot about and you won't forget to change your mark when you switch from deck <- this happens to me all the time* Still a newb i guess... 

For example:

When you click on: Manage Deck, normally you will see all the cards from your deck. But it would be nice if you see a menu with like cards that represent your saved deck with untherneath the name you chose for the deck and when you click on one of those cards you will see all the cards that belong to that deck.


Menu -> Manage Deck -> Silly's Aether Deck (Maybe let players pick their own card that represents their deck.) -> See and manage all the cards that belong to: Silly's Aether Deck.

I don't know if it is possible to make this addition to the game, but i think it would be very nice.

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