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Messages - shwiggles (28)

Pages: [1] 2 3
Pretty self explanatory.  Take any airborne creature, cast web on it, it loses airborne.  TU or PU the grounded creature, and the copy will have airborne! (sorry if this is a repost, I don't venture onto the forums very often)

The Arena / Re: Decks used to farm Platinum?
« on: January 06, 2012, 04:04:34 am »
mark of gravity, 7 time pends, 9 time towers, 6 pharaoh, 6 sor, 2 chimera.  I found this is better than no chimeras, or putting in overdrives, catapults, or time nymphs.  I can't take credit for the original idea though, i saw it somewhere else on the forum.

The Arena / Re: Decks used to farm Platinum?
« on: January 05, 2012, 09:54:10 pm »
I've been using a standard Pharaoh rush with pretty good results (6 pharaoh, 6 sor, 2 chimera).  The AI is awful at beating this deck, and often focuses on killing individual scarabs.  I don't have enough SOSa or SOSe to definitively say that this deck wins more upgraded spins than other farmers, but it is certainly a consistent winner in the meantime.

1st round

Shwiggles 2- The_Mormegil 0

Archived Decks / Re: I've GotP Time (1.27 Time-Aether FG Grinder)
« on: April 08, 2011, 10:57:09 pm »
It also depends on what you are farming.  Eternal chaos has a better shot against the "very hard" gods.  a turn 2 neurotoxin gives you a chance to beat anyone.  That being said, after playing about 100 games with each, I think eternal chaos is slightly more fun to play, but this deck wins much more consistently.

edit: i don't keep stats, but if I had to estimate I would say this deck wins over 60%.  Possibly the highest % deck I've ever tested, and I solely farm FG's

Archived Decks / Re: I've GotP Time (1.27 Time-Aether FG Grinder)
« on: April 04, 2011, 10:06:21 pm »
<---- Moron alert!!!

I could not replicate this in the trainer.  Black nymph gives the skill "vampire"  Acceleration worked as prescribed, even when the elite oty was previously vampired.  Also tried it with overdrive, still worked fine. 

General Discussion / Re: Overdrive/Acceleration + Adrenaline Table
« on: April 04, 2011, 09:48:55 pm »
obviously this is how it stands as of now... Do we know if this is the intended final table?  Does Zanz plan on getting rid of the negative attacks?

Archived Decks / Re: I've GotP Time (1.27 Time-Aether FG Grinder)
« on: April 04, 2011, 09:30:45 pm »
On the other hand, Time Nymph does have precog, which is worth more than simply drawing a card.... Just another thing to consider.  9 defense also makes her able to survive a bunch of cc...

Lowest ttw had to be someone with no PC, CC or healing, My guess is paradox (who didnt draw a miracle) or Gemini.
Highest ttw had to be a big healer.  My first guess would be fire queen, where you sorta managed to control the fireflies but not completely.  Second and third guesses are ferox and elidnis

Archived Decks / Re: I've GotP Time (1.27 Time-Aether FG Grinder)
« on: April 02, 2011, 03:22:27 am »
I've also beaten Jez twice by TU'ing a time nymph... Man does this deck run with a nymph out, its unbelievable.  Do you think there is a place in this deck for a time nymph?  how about a turquoise?  thoughts?

General Discussion / Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
« on: March 22, 2011, 07:44:06 am »
If my opponent plays purify and goes to a +1 or +2 counter, and I then attack with a dune scorpion, my opponents poison counter goes down 1, or back to neutral.  If I hit him with the dune scorpion again, why does the enemy poison counter jump up as if he had bee infected with neurotoxin the whole time?

Archived Decks / Re: New RoL Hope "The silenced one"
« on: March 07, 2011, 08:28:59 pm »
I would say that sanctuary is not worth it unless the card is fixed.  If it stands as is, it is not worth it.  Check the bugs section.  As it stands, sanctuary will only partially block black hole.  Quanta is still drained, and the opponent still gains life.

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