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Messages - rockenroll4life (3)

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Posting again to ask why the AI takes over for players in PvP1 instead of you just winning and being able to continue on the a new game. PvP1 suggest you're playing against players not AI cause the player just leaves cause they didn't get a good starting hand.

Supposedly if you're playing PvP, you're playing for fun. Insta-winning isn't fun.
Apparently someone lied to you. What's not fun is being forced to play against an opponent that just leaves the game, allowing them to continue onto another game while I'm forced to have to play against a computer....not a player.....last I checked PVP1 means I play against players, not computers.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Why does AI take over for players in PvP?
« on: January 04, 2012, 11:30:13 pm »
When it comes to most online games that are similar in nature a leave or disconnect generally consist of you losing something, whether it be progress, items or a match there is usually something lost. Things like matches usually have two different out comes, one being that the game has a reconnect option so that if you've been kicked from the game for whatever reason you have the ability to reconnect within a certain time frame before you are awarded a lose, the second being you receive a lose and the opposing player wins.

When it comes to Elements there is no ability to reconnect to a game that was in progress, you immediately lose score and coins, so why must the opposing player be forced into having to continue the game they were in and lose time and potentially coins when they should just be awarded a win, coins, and the three spins?

The suggestion/Feedback I have is that the game in PvP should either give the leaving player a time window in which they can rejoin, and if they don't rejoin within that window they receive a lose and the opposing player receives a win. While the disconnect time is active the player that has left should not be taken over by the computer. The alternative to this that the game just ends when a player leaves and the opposing player receives a win and whatever prizes he would normal get.


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