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Messages - redrox (30)

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Politics / Re: US Republican Party: Evil Incarnate.
« on: January 13, 2011, 11:08:47 pm »
  There is a key difference that I feel needs to be pointed out. Republicans are bougt off by big business, democrats are afraid of republican and big business bullying. Republicans are essentially maniacal bullies with a lot of cash and power to do so, democrats have some decent centrist ideas but have no will to put them into practice out of fear of bullying. At the core of the problem is lobbyists. If republicans didn't have incentive to back big business they probably wouldn't.
Do you believe the Left isn't bought off by Unions??  Both sides play the same game, their money just comes from different interests.  Solution here is to limit the power of both sides, reduced government.  Right now the Average Federal Worker is making 75K a year, Average private citizen is making 50k a year hmm seems to me that the private sector is working for the government not the other way around which it should be. 

I do however believe that just because you are a greedy little { add insult here } you are not evil, just a terrible person.
So if you were rich would that make you a greedy little expletive?  Understand you can't help anyone if you are broke, but you can help many if you're rich.  Which happens everyday, rich people help build hospitals is one major example.  Class envy is not a valid cause to trash on successful individuals.

Even though I consider my personal beliefs to be independent I vote democrat as an anti-republican vote. In reality I'm further left than democrat, closer to socialist.
You live in America wrong country to be a socialist in?  Also if socialism is so great then why has it failed and is failing across the globe?  You think Greece is doing well?  How's that socialism in France doing with riots in the street for raising there retirement age?  How's that Socialism in England doing with riots over the raised costs of Education?

Politics / Re: Gun control? Let's have a real talk on the subject!
« on: January 13, 2011, 10:10:52 pm »
It's the progressive slope right now you want to limit a 30 size clip.  Ok well guess what this does?  This stop honest people from getting a 30+ clip.  Criminals will still get 30+ size clip because the law does not pertain to them.  Do you believe that in our advanced society that we are not able to modify our arms on our own?? 

So you ban the 30+ clip whats next after?  Next week someone gets shot with a 16 clip do you want to make laws preventing that?  Now take this progressive slope 100 years you find yourself with a gun with only one bullet in it.

Look at the real problem here which is the guy was a wacko, and look at a solution to that.

Edit:  A reported wacko, that no one acted on at that.  He should not of slipped through the cracks.

Politics / Re: Gun control? Let's have a real talk on the subject!
« on: January 13, 2011, 09:37:52 pm »
*No hard proof to link any political idolology to him besides hm being a registered as a republican and thats not really saying much.

Not true, he was registered an Independent and did not vote in this last election.  He also didn't listen to talk radio.  He also has been quoted from his friends as being a leftist and obsessed with the end of the world, also now its coming to light that he was a major fan of the Zeitgeist internet viral video.  Which in no way shape or form shows his ideological beliefs to resemble any republican or conservative views.

I don't believe there needs to be more gun laws unless you like the idea of restricting your rights to defend yourself.  Look at Nazi Germany for an idea of what happens when you lose your right to bear arms.

I believe in light of Tucson they need to look into solutions to make sure people like Laughner don't slip through the cracks again.  The Pima County police department really dropped the ball in following up on a numerous amount of problems that Laughner showed he was in need real psychiatric help. 

Just my 2 cents though, throw away your rights if you want.  The police will always be able show up after an incident has happend to clean up the bodies.  When it really comes down to brass tax you can only depend on yourself for help.

Politics / Re: communism. is it really so evil?
« on: January 01, 2011, 01:50:13 pm »
First off our unemployed aren't really starving on the streets.  Very many of them are collecting unemployment have roofs over there heads, cellphones, and flat screen tv's.  Only in america lol, can the poor be soo well off.  Don't forget food stamps (not really a stamp anymore, they give you a credit card that the government refills every month.)

Second our rich are encouraged to give to charity's for tax breaks.  No matter where you go in the US you will see hospitals with peoples names on them, that's because some rich guy forked out the money out of the kindness of his heart to give back to the community, even if he got a tax break for it.  You see you can't help anyone if your broke but if your rich you can help a lot of people.  Just one example of many of how our super wealthy actually do good.

The problem america is having right now is the slide into socialism, the government is getting in the way and not letting the market fix itself.  Instead its propping up wall street with tax payers money to save certain companies it deems worthy.  Its forcing home loans to people who shouldn't be able to afford them, hence a year or less down the road these loans are going into default.  Also now it's beginning to force people to pay for health insurance which essentially isn't letting the market work, making a select few insurance companies rich again and hurting the masses
by making them spend their money on a insurance if they want it or not.  There's pro's and cons to everything and these are just a few examples.

Politics / Re: communism. is it really so evil?
« on: December 30, 2010, 07:43:14 am »
Yes Communism is evil, you give government to much power and it will do evil things.  Power corrupts, smaller government is better you just have to accept the fact that you need to take care of yourself.  Not expect your government to coddle you from cradle to grave.  Communism destroys any incentive  for people to work.  If people understand it doesn't matter how they perform then they will perform at the bare minimum.

Politics / Re: Animal rights
« on: December 30, 2010, 07:30:43 am »
I own 4 beautiful cats/kittens and I don't think this card is animal cruelty.  Drobbit you are getting waaaay to carried away with this overwhelming PC BS.  You don't like the card don't play the game, plain and simple.  No matter what you do in this world someone will be offended, it's time to just deal and move on.  You can't make everyone happy.   This post imo is complete lunacy.

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