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Messages - reconism (7)

Pages: [1]
Forum Archive / Re: Requesting Titan/Pharaoh Farm
« on: July 28, 2010, 04:11:16 am »
Still in search of titan farm >.>

Forum Archive / Re: Requesting Titan/Pharaoh Farm
« on: July 27, 2010, 09:57:38 pm »
hours of farming +6k elec and many rares yet no one has titans or puts them up. Yeah. Awesome.

Forum Archive / Requesting Titan/Pharaoh Farm
« on: July 27, 2010, 02:32:47 pm »
Thanks :)

Also, would someone mind giving me the full list of non-weapon rares?

Deck Help / Rainbow decks card compilation
« on: July 23, 2010, 08:39:52 am »

Need some insight. So far these are the cards that appeal to me as the most useful with the largest possibilities in a rainbow deck. I do not feel like ripping off another person's deck; it's boring. I also know that rainbow decks may start slow, but CAN and OFTEN do lead to nice play outs.

My goal here is to narrow down EVERY card and make a solid layout of cards that may be incorporated into a rainbow deck. In other words, elimination of the useless and acknowledgment of the useful. We on the same track here?

A rainbow deck does three things, while mono-decks only do two. These are the following: Control, defense, offense. With a mono-deck, you're generally stuck with pure offense, defense offense, or control offense. This is my deduction based on ai5 matches.

If you feel my statement of what rainbow decks do is wrong, you can give me your opinion as to why; after all, it may lead to a better play out idea.

Don't think I'm trying to start a battle with anyone here though. I'm not a vet at this game nor do I have much experience, however, I can see what I do like about it and know what kind of deck I want to play. Now, as you all probably know, the most straight-forward explanation of this thread would be rainbow deck perfection; something in which everyone wins and no one loses.

This exact wording will be posted in two forums for maximum attention. This is because one defines "deck help(in which case, I am getting help for my rainbow deck)" and the other defines "rainbow decks" so there shouldn't be a problem.

Deck Help / Rainbow decks card compilation
« on: July 23, 2010, 08:39:17 am »

Need some insight. So far these are the cards that appeal to me as the most useful with the largest possibilities in a rainbow deck. I do not feel like ripping off another person's deck; it's boring. I also know that rainbow decks may start slow, but CAN and OFTEN do lead to nice play outs.

My goal here is to narrow down EVERY card and make a solid layout of cards that may be incorporated into a rainbow deck. In other words, elimination of the useless and acknowledgment of the useful. We on the same track here?

A rainbow deck does three things, while mono-decks only do two. These are the following: Control, defense, offense. With a mono-deck, you're generally stuck with pure offense, defense offense, or control offense. This is my deduction based on ai5 matches.

If you feel my statement of what rainbow decks do is wrong, you can give me your opinion as to why; after all, it may lead to a better play out idea.

Don't think I'm trying to start a battle with anyone here though. I'm not a vet at this game nor do I have much experience, however, I can see what I do like about it and know what kind of deck I want to play. Now, as you all probably know, the most straight-forward explanation of this thread would be rainbow deck perfection; something in which everyone wins and no one loses.

This exact wording will be posted in two forums for maximum attention. This is because one defines "deck help(in which case, I am getting help for my rainbow deck)" and the other defines "rainbow decks" so there shouldn't be a problem.

Duo-Decks / Re: Fire Beatdown (pvp/t50 speed kill)
« on: July 22, 2010, 03:06:02 am »
Oh, earth mark btw

Duo-Decks / Fire Beatdown (pvp/t50 speed kill)
« on: July 22, 2010, 03:05:30 am »
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f2 5f2 5f6 5f6 5f6 5f6 5f7 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5fa 5fa 5fa 5fa 5fa 5fa 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 8pm

I'm sure some of you have seen this deck and I'll tell you as well, it's very nice.

I'm thinking of upgrading half of it for even quicker rushing, what do you guys think?

Pages: [1]
blarg: reconism