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Messages - ratchetspyro94 (474)

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War Archive / Re: War - Round 3
« on: November 10, 2010, 02:15:34 am »
This one has the DrunkDestroyer seal of approval. (It doesn't sound very good, but I'm giving it anyway.
This is just a few key duels that most people predicted wrong IMO, and the general look of it, so don't take it as seriously as if I betted on it  :P.
The clincher was saying chum3 would beat Girlsgeneration, the only person so far who chose that. Not underestimating Entropys pvp skill and deckbuilding against Earth also really helped. Whether these are true or not (I put the chances of victory at 60:40 for the Earth Entropy and 65:35 for Air Gravity, as GG may give herself the better deck- or else 70:30), it shows deeper thought than Experienced player > Rookie, and consideration of teams, vaults ect.
Congrats. + Invisible Respect.

 :time edunavas
:life hrmmm 

 :death Mastermind79 
:fire Stinnger

 :entropy Zeru 
:fire Hyroen

:fire majofa 
:gravity Napalm Grenade

:earth coinich 
:life Gl1tch

:earth Korugar
:light suxerz 

:air Dogg 
:time Belthazar666

 :life Wizelsnarf
:death Malduk 

 :fire catalyzeme
:darkness plastiqe 

:aether mrpaper 
:death home_wreckaz

 :gravity Jumbalumba 
:time Valuka

:darkness Guy_Fawkes
:fire jmdt 

:darkness Lokiburn4 
:aether artagas

 :time Smokefree
:earth Demagog 

 :life Daxx
:death Shantu 

:water wavedash 
:gravity Indrejue

:entropy xKelevra 
:death Xuru

:entropy Amilir
:earth Terroking 
:aether Dragoon1140 
:air glowing ice

:air pervepic
:darkness Kuroaitou 

:gravity 918273645
:time Xinef 

:water RavingRabbid
:death smuglapse 

:aether gocubbies1212
:life killsdazombies 

 :light Ryan666 
:darkness 3D House of Beef

:light Rastafla 
:life YeliyaYue

 :air truddy02
:death Nume 

:death MrBlonde 
:darkness 9270984

:entropy vagman13 
:life Nadrin

 :light Asymmetry 
:fire kevkev60614

 :light Wizardcat 
:earth Skydaemon

:water vinvick3714
:darkness kobisjeruk 

 :fire Acsabi44 
:gravity cebra

 :earth Dreggs
:air Klaymore 

 :earth Legit
:darkness Theonlyrealbeef 

 :darkness Kael Hate 
:water Essence

:entropy Nyma
:earth $$$man 

:water Miniwally 
:aether Toimu13

 :gravity Memorystick
:light Salamence_747 

 :light implosion 
:entropy Sir Valimont

 :life ratchetspyro94
:light xdude 

 :air QuantumT
:entropy Kurohami 

 :fire Lava Golem
:water nilsieboy 

:aether Tinkady
:fire brettbstock 

 :time Immolation
:entropy 10 men 

 :gravity girlsgeneration 
:air chum3

 :gravity Phantomfox
:earth TimerClock14 

 :aether Boingo
:death Corrum 

:entropy SnoWeb 
:gravity smiley56

:aether icecoldbro 
:time Brion

 :time Dragoon 
:water Bluesky

 :air Istari.
:light Fenix2011 

:aether thraexis11
:life willng3 

:water The Dictator
:air Gyrodiot 

:water unit748596 
:time senabmi

Never Underestimate the power of  :life

This message was brought to you by a member of Team  :life :))

Forum Game Archive / Re: Vending Machine 2.0
« on: November 10, 2010, 01:50:02 am »
You get a possitive

I insert a water bottle

Forum Game Archive / Re: Vending Machine 2.0
« on: November 10, 2010, 01:17:44 am »
you get a loss from Team  :life

I insert random name

Forum Game Archive / Re: Vending Machine 2.0
« on: November 10, 2010, 01:10:03 am »
You get release forms

I insert  :(

Forum Game Archive / Re: Vending Machine 2.0
« on: November 10, 2010, 01:07:41 am »
you get a punch in the face  :))

I insert fist

Life / Re: Strategy List: Death
« on: November 10, 2010, 12:52:13 am »
 ;D I got some of the same cards when i spectated.  >:D heheehhe but I has image.

game 1

Malduk - Arsenic, Death Pendulums, Bone Dragon.

Smuglapse - Devourer x3 or more, Black Dragon x2 or more, Azure Dragon, Fog Shield, Owls Eye, Nightfall, Air Pendulums and Steal x2 or more

Smuglapse Won

Game 2

Malduk - Arsenic, Thorn Caparace, Emerald Dragon.

Smuglapse - Black Dragon, Devourer, Fog Shield, Owls Eye.

Malduk Won *below is image of end game*

Crucible Archive / Re: Frog General | Elite Frog General
« on: November 09, 2010, 12:28:31 pm »
This and adrenaline with Fractal Frogs would be amazing O_O
Me like Froggys


And yes this would go great with Fractal frog. Go Team  :life

Forum Game Archive / Re: Vending Machine 2.0
« on: November 09, 2010, 12:11:27 pm »
You get a higher phone bill.

I insert #'s

Forum Game Archive / Re: Vending Machine 2.0
« on: November 08, 2010, 12:42:16 pm »
You get Fur

I insert dead body

Life / Re: Round 3 - Decks
« on: November 08, 2010, 12:37:56 pm »
Miracle stall.....hmmmm......ya Discord must be included. Its going to be disapointing if he use a Fire stall against me.  ::) yet he probably will. Or not....

 :aether they will probably use Dimentional shields. But if they do that they will expect us to bring Deflagrations. Well since we have no card that do poison and are not creatures i say we go with the  :fire stall.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Cobra | Cobra
« on: November 07, 2010, 09:15:41 pm »
um the card cost says 2 :life and the table says 1 :life  :))

Life / Re: The Rookie Thread
« on: November 07, 2010, 05:55:07 pm »
I made it a DRudic Staff/Pharaoh farm but since you only have 1 Pulverizer i can switch the Pharaohs out.

Thanks your awesome also :) My current farm is below

Code: [Select]
58v 58v 58v 58v 5c5 5c5 5c5 5c5 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 77f 77f 7al 7al 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 40
blarg: edunavas,hrmmm,Mastermind79,Stinnger,Zeru,Hyroen,majofa,Napalm Grenade,coinich,Gl1tch,Korugar,suxerz,Dogg,Belthazar666,Wizelsnarf,Malduk,catalyzeme,plastiqe,mrpaper,home_wreckaz,Jumbalumba,Valuka,Guy_Fawkes,jmdt,Lokiburn4,artagas,Smokefree,Demagog,Daxx,Shantu,wavedash,Indrejue,xKelevra,Xuru,Amilir,Terroking,Dragoon1140,glowing ice,pervepic,Kuroaitou,918273645,Xinef,RavingRabbid,smuglapse,gocubbies1212,killsdazombies,Ryan666,3D House of Beef,Rastafla,YeliyaYue,truddy02,Nume,MrBlonde,9270984,vagman13,Nadrin,Asymmetry,kevkev60614,Wizardcat,Skydaemon,vinvick3714,kobisjeruk,Acsabi44,cebra,Dreggs,Klaymore,Legit,Theonlyrealbeef,Kael Hate,Essence,Nyma,Miniwally,Toimu13,Memorystick,Salamence_747,implosion,Sir Valimont,ratchetspyro94,xdude,QuantumT,Kurohami,Lava Golem,nilsieboy,Tinkady,brettbstock,Immolation,10 men,girlsgeneration,chum3,Phantomfox,TimerClock14,Boingo,Corrum,SnoWeb,smiley56,icecoldbro,Brion,Dragoon,Bluesky,Istari.,Fenix2011,thraexis11,willng3,The Dictator,Gyrodiot,unit748596,senabmi