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Messages - qarano (1)

Pages: [1]
Deck Help / deck idea: army of the undead
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:00 pm »

I'm kind of a newbie, but I have an idea for a deck.

6 vultures, 3 boneyards, 6 sparks, 6 viruses, 6 bone shields, 6 sundials, 2 or 3 snipers and flying weapon cards for them, and then a few bone pillars/towers, steal, as well as assorted spell cards like thunderstorm (but these aren't really necessary, just to kill the enemy creaturs since this deck relies on death)

The strategy would basically be to get vultures out there, get boneyards out there, get the bone shield out there, and then send out sparks to die, and viruses to die some more, creating some very strong vultures and an army of skeletons. use the snipers to kill enemy creatures, all the while buildn up a large number of bone walls.

This deck would mainly be a counter to fast decks like fire, but it could be used against virtually anything.

what do you think? also, where can I find the trainer to test this deck in?

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