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Messages - pulli23 (3)

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Why play Platinum?
« on: April 05, 2012, 09:34:50 am »
To extend jenkar's answer: you also have to realize that gold has many more people creating decks for.
So all "bad"  (compared to other gold) decks are immediatelly moved out of the rankings, leaving you only decks which are build around a very solid base (and which the AI can use).

Platinum on the other hand doesn't have this quick moving: many people activelly make novelty decks which are only that strong simply because they have many, many stat points. This leads to platinum having a complete different general setup for decks than gold. And I'd dare say that an average gold deck is stronger than the platinum deck (especially when both decks use the same number of stat points).

General Discussion / Re: Elements Nymph Count
« on: January 29, 2012, 01:06:40 am »
Do I get something special if I get a full year of daily spins without a single nymph?

At 200+ days without a nymph now.

Not trying to dispute you or anything: but how did you get a 0% rate vs jezebel with mitosis? - And how did you get 4 EMs vs dark matter? - Quick starts?

Seems my personal experience with instosis is exactly the opposite (I have 10+ losses vs seism, no wons, 75% wins vs jezebel). - Well I still need to earn 3 upgrades for instosis (3 sundials), but I think I ought to do some tests after that?

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