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Messages - pillslanger (11)

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General Discussion / Re: A few questions from a newbie
« on: March 09, 2010, 01:48:23 am »
Very nice, looks like a good read, thanks for the info!

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Pricing elements on Ipod
« on: March 09, 2010, 12:58:44 am »
I don't think so, people would just be paying for the convenience of a portable version.  Keep the online one free, but when I'm in class or don't have access to a computer I can still play.  Plus, I just find grinding to be much less annoying if I can do it on my ipod.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Pricing elements on Ipod
« on: March 05, 2010, 10:24:45 pm »
I know this has been kicked around, but I was just wondering what people would be willing to pay for such an App.  Please answer honestly, I would like for Zanzarino to know how much he could potentially make off such an endeavor.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Change to Empathic Bond mechanics
« on: March 05, 2010, 10:14:40 pm »
Sounds good, if it is meant to work this way then I cannot argue lol

General Discussion / Re: A few questions from a newbie
« on: March 05, 2010, 10:12:06 pm »
Didn't take your comment to be mean at all phuzzy.

About 50 of those first games were on my first account which I do not use anymore.

Another 50 or so on my next 2 accounts.

Remaining 400-ish on my last account. 70% may have been a bit much for win percentage, maybe more like 50% win percentage and half of those wins are EM.  So an EM every fourth match on average means around 80 electrum plus another 40 from a plain win.  That's 120 in and 80 spent to get into four games.  The deck I use also tends to run long so I tend to take maybe 5 minutes for one game.  That's only 12 games in an hour, so 420 electrum earned in an hour, but 240 spent getting into those games.  At earning roughly 180 electrum per hour, it would take me around 8 hours for one upgraded card.

This of course doesn't count lucky spins, but I have only had a couple of really lucky spins where I got a weapon, and I'm not sure I want to sell them and Oracle spins of which I've only ever gotten 1 good card which was a grey nymph.  Supposing I get a lucky spin per hour I guess I make 200 electrum in an hour so actually 7 hours for an upgrade.

Now that I've spelled it out in hours though, I see you were talking about games played lol.  I spent roughly 30 games desperately trying to beat FG's of which I only ever won 2.  Otherwise I spent way too long on AI3, and only just started grinding AI5 in my last 100 or so matches.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Change to Empathic Bond mechanics
« on: March 04, 2010, 10:42:49 pm »
Looked around and didn't see this thread before, so please link if it already exists.

I am not sure if this is meant to be implemented this way or not, but I have noticed that the game counts healing and damage at the same time when you finish your turn.  This is fine in general especially since it saves several seconds at the end of turns by counting both at the same time.  However, I have missed out on elemental mastery several times simply because my empathic bond heals have not finished counting before my creatures finish off my opponent.

 To be clear, I am not talking about different turns but on the same turn, i.e. My creatures have attack power such that I deal 20 damage across 20 creatures and my HP is at 80 and my opponent is at 1 with empathic bond in play, the creatures attack get their one point of damage in and the match ends before healing is finished calculating.

I am not sure what to propose with regards to fixing this, since I know nothing about coding and whether this might be a big or a small fix, but I do not like missing elemental mastery because my healing was counted too slowly.

General Discussion / Re: A few questions from a newbie
« on: March 04, 2010, 10:22:59 pm »
Thanks for the quick replies.  I'm almost 100% sure I didn't deck out, I have done it too many times when I was going to win and hit an hourglass when I wasn't supposed to or simply didn't recycle a skeleton.  It must just be a random glitch, which isn't terrible I've only seen it twice that I know of in roughly 500 games played.

As far as my last question goes, I actually use an unupgraded Rainbow deck and grind on AI5, using Scaredgirl's deck with an Anubis, 3 more pillars and another quintessence I find I've been winning maybe 70% of the time and getting elemental masteries about half of the time when I do win, I even tend to play my sundials against myself in order to get more healing from my Bond to try and get elemental mastery.  I might switch back to my speed deck for a change of pace, I just detest grinding when its so mind-numbing and yet I played WoW for a year and FFXI for 4 years lol.

Deck Help / Opinions on my changes to a popular deck
« on: March 04, 2010, 10:00:40 pm »
Just fishing for criticism on a couple of changes I made to Scaredgirl's Nonupgraded Rainbow deck:,1615.0.html (,1615.0.html)

Before someone else says it: I have yet to actually use this deck against false gods exclusively, so I imagine the addition of cards will slow it down until I can upgrade my hourglasses which is my plan in the end anyways.

I decided to add 3 more pillars, 1 quintessence, and an Anubis.  I have had better success with these tweaks against Halfbloods, and it makes playing the AI more interesting.  My concern is even once I have the cards to upgrade if it would still be viable against FG's.  I like the Anubis for keeping me from worrying about what sort of control is in the AI's hand when I'm playing FG's because they always seem to have exactly what I don't want them to.  He does cost a lot of time quantum in a deck that is already stretched thin for time.  However, I find that I really like playing in Anubis and quintessing him before the AI can do anything to him.  Once I have him on the field, I can bring in any creature I want one per turn without fear of repercussions.

So, thoughts?  Good? Bad? Indifferent?

Deck Help / Re: keep random upgraded cards?
« on: March 04, 2010, 09:44:55 pm »
I have yet to win any upgraded cards from anyone (a couple of nymphs though ^.^), but I would say sell them.  If they are not going to be a part of your deck at any point, you will get more use out of the electrum in the meantime.  I would take the money and use it on more integral parts of your deck rather than imagine what could be.  In the end, if it helps you win quicker or more often then even if you spend the money again in the future, it was worth it for the boost in the present.

General Discussion / A few questions from a newbie
« on: March 04, 2010, 09:39:58 pm »
A couple of things I have noticed and/or have questions regarding:

1) Do any glitches exist currently that cause an automatic loss?  I played two games today where I had a 30+ bone wall up and 100 HP with Eternity keeping me from decking out, and I got a loss screen.

2) This is related to the first one, is there any way to see what caused you to lose?  I wouldn't mind my losses if there were a console I could pull up and see the match logs, or even if there were a button to push to see the last round again.

3) Again, related to the last one, if there is no console available to everyone, can we have one implemented?

4) Is there any "good" way to upgrade my pillars?  I cringe at the thought of spending 1.5k electrum on each of 15 pillars, just for one deck.  I've been playing about 5-10 hours a week (not a lot I know) for the past month, and I am only just now fixing to upgrade my second card.

Thanks for reading

General Discussion / Re: Alfatoxin, a bonewall and a thunderstorm :)
« on: March 04, 2010, 09:30:22 pm »
Always fun to have it happen for you, but its not exactly amazing.  Just finished grinding some halfbloods where I got hit with aflatoxin while he had a vulture out.  A full board of malignant cells and one plague later, that vulture was at 40/41.  Thankfully I had a phase shield ready and just mutated him with an elf and ate it with my oty.

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