Yeah, I've tried Shrieker Rush before.
Still, I gave it another oportunity:
1st duel: Outrushed by entropy AI3
2nd duel: Won, left with 3 HP.
3rd duel: xD
Got my first creature at round 4, AI played Dusk Mantle, 3 shriekers missed every attack until I got defeated by turn 8.
4th duel: Won against poison AI3, left with 10 HP.
5th duel: Won against poison AI3, left with 44 HP. Won a chrysaora!
6th duel: Won against fire AI3, left with 64 HP.
7th duel: Won against rainbow AI3, left with 24 HP.
8th duel: Won against time AI3, left with 6 HP.
9th duel: Won against water AI3, left with 35 HP.
10th duel: Won against life AI3, left with 52 HP.
Those 10 games took about 18 minutes.
Winning ratio 80%. One non rare card (Chrysaora).
8 x 15 = 120 - 2 x 10 = 100 coins.
18 minutes, 100 coins (117 without selling "rares" xD).
No Land Stompy kills faster (Got used to deal 10 dmg at first round), has virtually no bad draws, it's creatures are cheaper to play if they get reversed and modified with a Life staff and one rustler instead of one of the forest spirits gives a good chance of EM. (There, I told you my secret XD)
Shrieker rush has the same disadvantages of my deck, creature control and a good shield are evil.
On the other side, my deck has no pillars nor permanents (Besides the life staff) and, adding some quantum pillars (No more than 3), it could stand a chance in PvP.
Thanks for your idea PC, maybe I just had bad luck :S
On the other hand, if I start building another deck instead of upgrading the AI3 rusher, it'll take at least another three weeks.
If I upgrade the AI3 rusher, by the end of the week it could be used to rush the Top50, upgrading my income rate.
PS: Ouch, I lost 700 coins switching decks. I forgot to use the trainer ._.