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Messages - o_BLaDE_o (8)

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / just a popularity question
« on: February 20, 2010, 12:25:59 pm »

just interest me to know, how much popular the game became
i know its up for like half year and its very addicting  :-\

how much elements players are there? in a big guess i say like 10k players

also, is the game distribute also in other languages?

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Auto-statics
« on: February 16, 2010, 07:48:34 pm »
why this sweet polished game dont have a "auto-statics button" ?

when pressed, its record your stats(ofcouse specially vs fg's) like win/loose/cards/em/deckout and then u can do some cool graphs to show it?

im sure its not a big issue , kinda pain to write it out in external editor when it can be easily auto done here ;)
(with some extra advanced statics like rarity of use, quantum use % and etc..)

Duo-Decks / Re: Gravity/Earth Denial
« on: February 15, 2010, 11:06:49 pm »

just play with it, 20 wins against the top50 in a raw(not even1 loose..)
seems like we got overpowered deck after all ^^ (for pvp)

Issue Archive / dissipation shield is buging adrenalined creatures
« on: February 13, 2010, 09:35:42 pm »
happened to me only in pvp,
if some1 adrenalin his creature and i pull out the dissipation shield, his adrenalin creature will attack only once
(and will absorb only 1 amount of quantum)

hh... ok, there is something in what u saying
but still some more defensive possibilities

in cases where its unclear, maybe the order of the inserting will make the diffrent , or u'll be able to set which is the first to respond and etc..

flying shield

i think it will be intresting , this way you can have some multiple shields on field and some very intresting combination, but on the other hand the flying shield wont have attack at all and can be more vulnerable

what do u think

Deck Help / Re: HI! new here :) and need some advise
« on: January 15, 2010, 05:00:35 pm »
thanks for help, i'd like to hear some more opinions

btw, i got 4 sundials there because i read its a very good card but cant get to really understand its 'goodness'..
maybe its because the static creatures stop is only for 1 turn now and not for 2 ?

Deck Help / HI! new here :) and need some advise
« on: January 15, 2010, 11:34:10 am »
got to the game by mestake and got love in it [:

as a newbie, i need some help with the deck, kinda hard to beat the false GODS,

in the last 10 games against gods i lost 8 to : chaosLord,elidnis,hermes,destiny,divine glory,miracle(twise) and scorpio
and won 2 times against: miracle and fire queen

this is my deck!

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