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Messages - o0IRONMAN0o (1)

Pages: [1]
Darkness / canterbury capper
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:28 pm »

i've had some problems with A.I.2, i can win in this category but then i hit a wall with A.I.3. so i go back to A.I.2 and win lose. i really lose more then win. so i figured my deck might need a tune up. so i waddled myself over to here and decided to ask for your help.
my deck consist of
3 Quantum Pillars
11 Obsidian Pillars
2 Black Dragons
3 Devourers
2 Dusk Mantle
3 Steals
1 Nightfall
4 Drain Lifes
1 Minor Vampire
any help to start farming A.I.3 would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

Pages: [1]