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Messages - nubjub (4)

Pages: [1]
False Gods / Re: small post sundial nerf god decks
« on: December 26, 2009, 12:06:21 am »
 :D I thought the shard of gratitude was green pre-upgrade, i just realized I won 2 yesterday without knowing it. Nice, now to start testing some new decks against the gods.

False Gods / Re: small post sundial nerf god decks
« on: December 25, 2009, 07:42:32 pm »
With our without the cards to post an example i wanted a well defined thread for finding such decks later, so I made it now rather then later.
We can make sticky deck compilation threads after we have some decks to actually put into that thread. Meanwhile people can just start new threads. That makes more sense and it's easier to discuss about the decks that way.

It's like in music business. First you make tons of albums, then you make a "Best of" compilation, not the other way around.
I disagree

False Gods / Re: small post sundial nerf god decks
« on: December 25, 2009, 07:00:28 pm »
I have several ideas, but they generally require at least a second shard of gratitude to try and so far I haven't been able to get it from top 50 matches.

With our without the cards to post an example i wanted a well defined thread for finding such decks later, so I made it now rather then later.

False Gods / small post sundial nerf god decks
« on: December 24, 2009, 03:08:45 am »
The purpose of this thread is to post small (less than 50 card) decks without sundials that can achieve better then 65% win rates against false gods.

Sundials are now the polite little card it probably should have always been, rather then the center piece of any deck capable of high winning percentage. I know there are a few decks in the forum from when the sundial was bugged with no sundials, but I think they're all large. As far as this thread is concerned smaller decks are better. The sundial probably still has it's place in many god decks, but I want to find some that don't need them.

If you have one that's working well post it with a screen shot, if you have a theory please post it as a typed list for easy scanning at a later date.

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