Duo-Decks / Re: poisonous water! lvl3 grinder by a new player
« on: October 31, 2011, 01:55:27 am »
YEs an arsenic would be good.
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So it's a good idea to make decks which can be made without playing a single game. I mean:Thats what I said.
_ Create a new account (or reset one).
_ Choose a starting deck.
_ Sell some cards, buy some other cards.
_ Post good decks made that way: before playing a single game.
This way, people can start with a funny unupped AI3 grinder and start making the theck they want.
AgreedSssssh! Not so loud! He'll hear you and nerf it! I don't want one of the greatest FG killers to be nerfed before I get a chance trying it out!Well, the EM variant (-1 hg, +1 ls) got nerfed, now vampires heal after the damage is done, so you won't em with a big bad vampiric chimera.
Damn :/ I guess it is a good thing i dont use that variant. But i guess the best news out of this is the fact that SoR wasnt nerfed
Using only the cards given in the starter decks to make a good deck? Way too hard of a challenge.Supports my point.
Maybe because Im using USEM semi upped? And yes the deck does look good. I meant that I am using semi upped USEM and I dont have 95 % win. A complaint basically.USEM is completely upgraded and this is completely unupgraded. I don't really see how your comment about USEM is relevant to this discussion. It's great that you're using a deck with a higher winrate, but this still remains an excellent choice for newer players to use assuming the winrate is as stated.No, It says 95% wins and im just saying that there are better decks. Sorry if that is somehow against the rules.Um, I think both of you should just not say off-topic stuff. If you have a comment about someones post, just PM them, not post it.Well. Im using USEM so this doesnt work better than it.You trolling bro?
@ninetyfools you probably posted in the wrong topic. Post at Peppoker's topic (the deck)
Any ways, I agree with furballdn about splitting the pillars with pendulums.
Sorry! Didnt see the tiny grav pendulmn there.Too many pillars for just a few reverse times. Otherwise, its fine.When you do Reverse Time on Mummy, Pharaoh will appear. The Pharaoh needs Time quanta to produce Scarabs, witch are the strategically most powerful weapon in this deck... that's why there are too many time pillars/pendulums...Dune Scorpion needs Time quanta to be summoned too... In addition, sometimes opponent uses Reverse Time on Pharaoh, and returns it to me in your hand. As you than need to summon him again, you'll need 9 Time quanta, and you'll need to make them fast...