Lol. Kevkev gave us his blessing to play at this time which i am thankful for. Regardless of the outcome this has been a great war and would not have been possible without the contributions of it's many members. I'd like to post my thanks here and give credit where credit is due since
's success had very little to do with me beyond Propaganda.
Jaymanfu - Did soooo much work and i am very thankful for. Great guy and stayed up late many a night to get our decks correct and optimized. Easily one of the best bargains i've ever had along with Shantu.
Root - Thanks for being a great lieut and all the input you have given throughout.
Jippy - Great vault keeper who kept my vault clean, spotless and error free. First time ever i barely had to touch the vault.
Ralouf - Lots of great input, great support and a great player who was always here and dependable to pick up slack when needed.
PlayerOa - Our undefeated player. Sorry i couldn't get you more matches Oa. Your input was also very helpful and much thanks for being around.
AgentFlare - Thanks for the great Propaganda poster. Definitely helped out with us winning those extra cards which was important.
xnoize - Thanks for not dying on us and getting better. You'll always hold a special place with me in the Elements community.
Special thanks to:
Kevkev for being a great 1st time warmaster and hope he continues to do so. Also huge thanks to Ddevans who does a lot more of the behind the scenes stuff and seems to not get as noticed. It is greatly appreciated by many and just wanted to let you know.
The players who created our new vault spreadsheet and all the spreadsheets in general. Hopefully we can continue to make War a better and smoother event.
Scaredgirl for all the work she puts into Elements amongst our whining.
Okay Majofa good luck, have fun and may the better made deck win.