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Messages - mrblonde (1979)

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ahhh isn't this how it always works? The game that you didn't pack dragons and anubi for, you get confringo'd.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52o 52o 542 542 58o 58o 58o 595 595 596 596 596 596 6rm 6rm 6rt 6rt 6rt 6rt 718 718 718 718 71a 71a 8pm

Thanks for the games Vin! He cast confundus on me to my dismay so i chose :light mark for game 1.

Game 1 - Won the toss and ended up only pulling 2 pillars the whole game. Fortunately for me one of them was one of my stone pillars. This allowed me to get out a warden which allowed me to stall for a little while. I also got out an early arsenic right after vin pulled an early dagger. I got nightmared predictably and i created this deck in the hopes i would not see any rewinds so that my wardens would be useful rather then a detriment. Vin pulled a dusk to stave off some poison dmg and it looked bad for me except that i had my 4 SoSa's which i chained all of them and having all those nightmared ghosts in my hand allowed me to discard them and just stay over the 40 hp limit and have him die slowly of poison. Because of the low quanta in the game for me i was never able to use my SoD's.

Game 2 - This game i was able to use my earth mark and this game played out much easier. Vin had a pretty slow start and as soon as he dropped a ghost i BB'd it. After  was able to get out 2 wardens and was able to lock down his dragon and ghost for most of the match. Vin nightmared me again early but with my SoD's and my 2 SoSa's i was able to get enough poison on him and he was forced to rewind his creatures with his eternity once my SoSa's came out.

Thanks for the matches again vin and gooo Ravenclaw!

Trial Archive / Re: 4th Trials - Suggestions and Feedback
« on: December 28, 2011, 12:31:58 pm »
i third that. And can we just have the masters automatically get points for proving of worthiness.  ;)

War Archive / Re: War #4 - Final Stand
« on: December 27, 2011, 08:37:27 pm »
Quote from: Chapuz link=topic= date=1325003556
Elements forum now need a new draw of Reigned by Death xD
They have one. Just hasn't been updated yet =)

War Archive / Re: War #4 - Voices of the Fallen
« on: December 22, 2011, 11:55:53 pm »
I think you've done all good, we expected wings in round 8 (or 9 I forgot), you came with wings and we still lost to you which made us discard our last grabbow..
In retrospect this likely helped us since it put us at one deck for the finals and was able to pick from the options of a mono, wings, or dim/fractal deck.

Round 10 / Re: [Final] (Death) Gen. MrBlonde 3 - (Light) Gen. majofa 1
« on: December 22, 2011, 09:54:18 am »
Congratulations Blonde, you have long deserved this. I can't wait to see Reigned by Death on the top; seeing my favorite element up there will make me smile everytime I enter the forums.
Honestly wish you could have been part of this Shantu.

Round 10 / Re: [Final] (Death) Gen. MrBlonde 3 - (Light) Gen. majofa 1
« on: December 22, 2011, 05:09:49 am »
So many nice words and compliments from you guys and gals. It truly does warm my black heart and just wanted you all to have a great and safe Holidays (if you celebrate it).

« on: December 22, 2011, 02:02:07 am »
Woot! Look at those shiny new war icons.  ;D

Round 10 / Re: [Final] (Death) Gen. MrBlonde 3 - (Light) Gen. majofa 1
« on: December 22, 2011, 01:43:55 am »
The poison was a big factor in the battle right?
I'd like to think it was a factor. Early arsenics and poison forces Majofa to use his shields earlier and it allows me a lower OTK total.

Round 10 / Re: [Final] (Death) Gen. MrBlonde 3 - (Light) Gen. majofa 1
« on: December 22, 2011, 12:47:39 am »
And then there was one.

Congratulations Team :death! Definitely a hard-fought win, glad to see you guys win one.

(Totally off-topic side note: Is chat down or something similar? URL change? Keep getting 500 Internal Server Error)
Yeah it is down, there is a link somewhere for that.. let me find it..
Channel: #elementsthegame

Round 10 / Re: [Final] (Death) Gen. MrBlonde 3 - (Light) Gen. majofa 1
« on: December 21, 2011, 11:58:34 pm »
I've started an underground movement.  We must stay alive at all costs.
Count me in, I value life, especially mine :)
Ha, can't stop the impending zombie invasion. Eat the brains my minions!

Round 10 / Re: [Final] (Death) Gen. MrBlonde 3 - (Light) Gen. majofa 1
« on: December 21, 2011, 11:30:51 pm »
MrBlonde, you were so close each and every time in wars. I'm glad you finally won. And thank you for giving me my first Discord, ages ago.
=) Thanks for the kind words Zeru. We were fortunate to win and the element of :death for some reason has always been good to me even though i am not nearly the deckbuilder or PvPer as many others.

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blarg: MrBlonde